掲載する国 Portugal - 政治討論と分析 - 14 Feb 2018 18:20 - 20
According to Ancestral, ``you can contact admin to change ingame name of CP to RL equivalent``. So if our president requested a different title with a correspondence with RL we could be ruled by something different than a simple Country President, as a King, a Sultan, or even as a Glorious and Eternal Dear Leader!
So I investigate all the countries to see which ones have a different title and the results showed that many of these hold titles different from the current ones, so you can be ruled by something from the past. What about a Cesar?
But enough talking, let`s see the result of my silly research:

Albania - Great Teacher
Currently, Albania is a parliamentary republic with a President as a Head of State. The ``Great Teacher`` was one of the many titles of former communist/Stalinist dictator Enver Hoxha, who was also ``Supreme Comrade`` and ``Sole Force``.

Trivia: the guy had a cult of personality centered among him, he even had a mountain with his name engraved on it!

And lots of cool bunkers (approximately 173,371 by 1983), which are useful in case of foreign invasion:

Ingame, the Great Teacher of Albania is the player AlbRevolution (

I will purposely leave the more... political part of Hoxha`s legacy, as the political and religious repression or the rebuilding of country infrastructure, to the ones who wants to read the info in the wiki. So let`s go to our next country:

Denmark - Konungr (Old Norse)
Konungr is a even more obscure title. It is a word from Old Norse who means, appropriately, King.
It is the title of Viking kings, according to this picture:

The Deutsch wikipedia has an entry with this name. Since I do not speak German, let`s see the English version of it, the theory of ``Germanic Kingship``:
Germanic kingship is a thesis regarding the role of kings among the pre-Christianized Germanic tribes of the Migration period (c. 300–700 AD) and Early Middle Ages (c. 700–1,000 AD). The thesis holds that the institution of feudal monarchy developed, through contact with the Roman Empire and the Christian Church, from an earlier custom of sacral and military kingship based on both birth status and lar consent.
The term barbarian kingdom is used in the context of those Germanic rulers who after 476 AD and during the 6th century ruled territories formerly part of the Western Roman Empire, especially the Barbarian kings of Italy. In the same context, Germanic law is also derisively termed leges barbarorum "barbarian law" etc.
The thesis of Germanic kingship appeared in the nineteenth century and was influential in the historiography of early medieval society, but today it stands largely discredited for drawing broad conclusions from sparse evidence.
The erevollution Konungr of Denmark is the player denizerus (

So, since this ``Germanic Kingship`` theory seems to be discredited, and the Konungr kings are so antique, now it is time to travel to another country, with another very ancient title:

Egypt - Caliph
When we think about a Caliphate, we usually thinks about ISIS, but in the past many Islamic nations were called Caliphates. In the case of Egypt, it was ruled by the Fatimid Caliphate during a while, a Caliphate who ruled the North of Africa:
According to the wiki:
A Caliphate (Arabic: خِلافة khilāfah) is a state under the leadership of an Islamic steward with the title of caliph (/ˈkælɪf, ˈkeɪ-/, Arabic: خَليفة khalīfah, About this sound pronunciation (help·info)), a person considered a religious successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a leader of the entire Muslim community.
The Caliph of Egypt in the game is... no one! It is a vacant position! An opportunity for those who want to be Caliph (instead of the Caliph)

So since there is no Caliph in the Egypt, it is time to go to the other side of the world, now to the first title who is currently hold by a modern Chief of State. So let`s go to...

Japan - Emperor
Japan is one of the few cases where the ingame title is equivalent to a RL title - the Emperor of Japan.
Again stealing from the wiki:
The Emperor of Japan is the head of the Imperial Family and the traditional head of state of Japan. According to the 1947 constitution, he is "the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people" and he has "no powers related to government". Historically, he was also the highest authority of the Shinto religion.
Current Emperor: Akihito.

Trivia (also stoled from the wiki)
- Currently, the Emperor of Japan is the only head of state in the world with the English title of "Emperor".
- The Imperial House of Japan is the oldest continuing monarchical house in the world.
- Emperor Akihito was a scientist, as his father, Hirohito (yes, the one from the WWII, who actually reigned until 1989) with some articles published about marine biology, particularly about the fishes from the Gobiidae family (cool fishes who can survive a bit outside water, at least some species):

In our new world, the Emperor of Japan is the player Qurcika (

Well, we have 8 more countries titles to explore (in February 15th, 2018 at least), and I am too lazy to write all of them today (also I want to be endorsed 3 times, gibe me your coins plx) so get tuned for the next articles! (And if I messed anything
See you later, folks!

AncestralAncestralGridPattonAncestralAncestralAncestralXooKaip3MandoMandoCyborrgggPeakyBunnyLiuTugaWolf IITugaWolf IIEldarion SionnodelbaubaubaubaubaubauchicagolupanpaTHE J0KERTHE J0KERVasco da GamaPauakumeThe Last Lynx PardinusMarcialSilenceNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSTugaコメント (20)

Interesting article. Thanks for making me famous!

You are welcome, thanks for the little tip xD

Nice article

Thanks! And sub 711 to your newspaper too (also sub 266 to Ancestral newspaper, I do not believe I did not subscribed it)


konungr is sound like turkish lol

@Patton, sub 215! glaauc, yes, but it is actually Old Norse, it is funny how different languages can sound similar (although I suppose a Turkish player could think it is very different than Turkish, maybe because there is no ``ç`` in the word)

Nice one! Serbian one should be: Краљ је Го.

Qurcika my love btw good article


Good article.

Thanks, folks! @Demiurge, we need a latin transliteration of that!

Netherlands - The King
You are welcome

His avatar is from Serbian player from e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.k

Supreme Leader would be great as well, too bad Iranians do not have the guts to have it implemented. 

As our Great Teacher sayed great article 

Muito bom, continua!!!