掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 18 Feb 2018 00:00 - 134

All Military Units will have option to participate in the tournament. The tournament begins on Monday,19th February and concludes on Sunday, 26th February. Rewards will be awarded to top 10 Military units and to top 10 Soldiers when the event concludes. Top 10 Military Units will also receive Gold Mine when event is finished.
Rank is achieved by doing damage in a battle for your Military Unit.

Next part of the update includes Storage changes. All items you have on market will now be summed into storage as well, so having products on market to free space in storage will not be possible anymore. The change comes into effect on Day 771.
Next off we have we have Workout Area change for beginners. Beginner Academy Intelligence cap increased from 5k to 10k. Players who have less than 8k Intelligence will receive 60 Int, players between 8k-10k will receive 50 Int when training.
Beginner Camp will give 60 Strength when training to players that have less than 13k Strength, and 50 Strength to players that have between 13k-15k Strength.
Last but not least, the weekly event Lucky game will be back on 19th February and will last till 5th March.

Rewards are:

We wish you best of luck in the tournament,
eRevollution Team

RaowynCaptain HarlockAlex IIGottfried BouillonMVJSHellBoyCyborrgggFudalamPlayer39144JeanLasoulITZMEAKDODOShogoViladialjiljan02コメント (134)

PRVI !!! Moja ideja 



Top players are within a Military Unit OR globally??

Shitty idea with the storage, you are cheap

Next part of the update includes Storage changes. All items you have on market will now be summed into storage as well, so having products on market to free space in storage will not be possible anymore. The change comes into effect on Day 771. are you for real? 1 day to get rid of ALL items!?

I have 1 milion items in my storage, but how?

STORAGE UDAPTE not good, put in Passeport revard +1000storage space 1 per week !!! 1 day for sell alls !!!!

WTF, where I have to store my millions of RAW? OMG

I cant live my MU now
whay u not put tis new yestrday 

Interesting update about storage. Changes concept of production and trade. Something new in the game.

storage update it is bad .......please dont do it

my mu dead
my need new mu help me mods

This storage change is ridiculous. Made worse by no notice what so ever.

Bye bye erevollution

Pack the raws in thousands. 1) Are useless as single units 2) Is stupid consider the same storage for FoodRaw and fow example a DS!

At-least they try this time LOL ... [Suggestion for Storage] issue the primary initiative is not bad however the timing sure do is bad, there are lots of users who have thousands of raw in market they simply cannot purchase that much storage in a day or two, you should have announce the updates like for 15 to 30 days notice period so everyone get a fair chance to not miss there daily production. [Suggestion of Tournament] All event should be announce at-least 3 to 7 days before, now there will be a chaos in market for weapons and food, you didnt gave anytime to low producer for preparation. NOT FAIR WITH THEM.

Storage change is nonsense - first you should change the raw material formula (divide it minimum by 10, or 100, and decreasing the needed raw materials for production!

Its not try, its copy-paste
From 1 game where we allmast all meet

LOL @zexsy .. still they do try 

Next part of the update includes Storage changes. All items you have on market will now be summed into storage as well, so having products on market to free space in storage will not be possible anymore. The change comes into effect on Day 771. Really....?

What about houses? You destroyed that items

Storage change its good but as St0L3n say we need it more time +1
Or at lest give some discount on storage then. Rest is very good
I like it

there are people who produce more than 150000 raw daily. now, these guys will waste more than 500 gold to expand their storage limits JUST TO STORAGE 1 DAY PRODUCTION and this is so stupid. raw prices was already getting low day by day. and people will be putting their raw mats even cheaper on the market since they need to sell them in 1 day and make free space for the next day s production. If you dont want people overproduce just put a limit to having raw companies but dont forget to give our gold back which is spent for raw comps. 


@Srdjan predji u moju Jedinicu
Great update.Nice work admins 

giving 1 day for accomodation to new reality is one more sign of not taking players seriously...

then who will buy hundreds of millions raw materials ???? Find a solution before game be lock
almost 80% players have much more raw matrials than their storage. in next day they even cant use heli(because they cant buy or produce)

There is only one solution. make storage cheaper. 10times... 9kstorage=3.5golds



And again the admin shows us he needs cash
)) how nice... he now want us to give gold to get space in storage for all the RAW we have there =))))

The storage update announced 1 day before is pure garbage and you know it. AT LEAST add +100k storage space for 50g or something. The tournament announced 1 day before is pure garbage and you know it. AT LEAST give a special medal to players that win to be displayed in their profile and to MUs too, to be displayed in MU page (oh wait, that would maybe require some coding, so we will not get such thing). Lucky game event is pure garbage and you know it. Here comes the visas getting +1k or +2k stg/int. You keep screwing up the game. At least take into consideration the +100k storage space for 50g sugestion I propose.

go stick that in your ... you know where

Day 771??? You give us one day? Oh! You are a piece od crap!

I think you re stupid . not wait, very stupid

Oh, nice update admins. Now I have to sell all my RAWs from 0.001 in order to produce life-kits.

1 day for changes !!?
And more advantages for VISA PLAYERS !!??
Who is the smart one who makes these decisions ?

Say NO to storage update!!

Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!
Say NO to storage update!!!

You are just as same as Plato, admin from a game that we run away here. Are you making us to leave this game too, and move to another? You allready have low players activity, keep going, and you will have 10 players.

update asta se traduce cam asa : iei o m====e si platesti pt asta !


Everyone goes to top 10 units when tournament ends.Because they have mine. Did you sleep well last night ?!!!!!!!

than make storage for country how to have country equip?

because of these stupied updates players leave the game !!! Think abouth that

great update about storage!

ooh, what a glorious update you have brought up upon us, our magnificent lords admins! you are truly the Teslas of the new age! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 

who is the mastermind behind storage change idea? *facepalm*

dont make us rush and go f.k yourselfs. and please ban me. I have a serius addiction i need to get banned to stop playing

What will happen with items already in market overdue to storage ???

have a good meal with dinner served for breakfast

v c

Srdjan M - STORAGE UDAPTE not good + 1

Give us few weeks to solve the problem about the products from the storage. Best regards

eRepublik used to make some stupid upgrade decisions, but you in eRev have certainly outdid / surpassed them by a country mile. Congratulations.

This is like the damage for medal update. The devs don t think to ask the players what they actually want in the update, they just decide to implement it, and the players mass protest it, and the devs still haven t learned from that. :/ This will just harm people who can t afford to buy tons of storage.

It s good to update
But the one day, only one day before is very very very very very nice.

aaaand again......

NO to storage update!!!

Admins...stop playing with it and do something FOR the players, not against them! You are trying to make it another bloodsucking game, even for those who gave/give/will give money for this game....


NO to storage update!!! x2

Please give us more time to solve the storage problems. We cannot solve it in one day!

NO to storage update!!

no to storage update

Please don t update storage.

Great update. Like storage rule.

Brainless admin remove storage update ...


If you have 3 much stuff in ur storage,you can write them and they will delite it afcorse if u will not miss that stuff too much

shut up peasants and enjoy the glorious updates our beloved admins is tossing to us. hali admin, do the update today not tomorrow o7

NO to storage update!!!

Between the bellybutton and the knee there is another «game» in which admins for sure are hi-scorers.

Day 770 https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/31182 Storage Wars

No to Storage update !!

🏡🏠Selling Q5 house factory 460g PM me🏠🏡

You should add a storage discount ... this would make the update fair for all

Storage on admin acount for rent, 1 Gold/day sendme PM

No to Storage update !!


@admin STORAGE UDAPTE is good if you give us 75-90% discount for storage :|

Storage discount??? Where to put shitloads of raw??? If you sum up all the raw there is in markets how can you even buy so much storage space?

The storage thing is nuts. Guys there are different ways to go from A to B without raming into all kinds of things. Maybe you have an idea but geez try to keep up with the reality of the game please

Storage update is good. Is not good announce it only one day before the update as sunday, too!!!

o7 respect admin

if you are trying to copy another game with the storage change there is only one way that actually works...
Srdjan M
9 hours ago
STORAGE UDAPTE not good, put in Passeport revard +1000storage space 1 per week !!! 1 day for sell alls !!!!
you have to receive 1000 storage a week for battle damage FREE!
it was also a bad idea to lock MUs you should really give us at least one day to prepare for events like this.

Shame Bad game Etiquette.

this is stupid... Why you dont gave a change to organize for the tournament?

Not for storage upgrade!

Not for storages uptade 1 week after

one day to update storage? are you mad admins?

I knew you are not brighest person around, but seriously this take cookie from any other devs .. So players and nearly everyone has at least some RAW on market, from tomorrow wont be able to play game.. As one great man said dumb on purpose

I will store my item at market in admin hole


NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!
NO to storage update!!

NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!!

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gj admin, lots of us cant play any more, we cant sell thing, or buy what we need, cant fight ether..
Dumb on pourpuse

how can i play this game
gj admin you are smartest guy ever 

NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!!!!!!!

iiiiiiii swen gnikcuf


NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!!

No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!No to Storage update !!

I am absorbed from the game with innovations

NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!!

Yeah this is another in a long line of shitty moves. 1 day notice of this? And i like how you sandwich a single sentence in the middle of a block of bullshit Reward the Visa s event.

Stupid update

admin you know you suck why dont you sell fucking game to someone who knows how to administrate a game ? 

With the strorage update the raws are considered like industrial garabage: You must pay to get rid off!

NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!!

v g

NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!! NO to storage update!!!!!!!


19th February?



And this year tournament, when will start? tomorrow(monday)?

статията е от предния турнир