掲載する国 France - 金融ビジネス - 15 Mar 2018 00:47 - 8
Last few months we all witnessed several updates in the game. I am not going to analyze are their purpose to ruin or to improve the game, just looking for a proper, logical answer on the question: how to respond and get the best after this updates.
1. Let's start with the implementation of Equipment update and a new Field Hospital.
Players get an improvement as enlarged portion of energy ready to use. Negative consequence was crisis in House production, as well as in house raw production. Prices of houses and raw materials are falling every day, killing the profit in this industry.
How to respond?
Burn them all! Dissolve all house raw factories, and House factories. Build food factories, and food raw factories, sell food and buy HP for your use, there will be enough stubborn house producers ready to produce with minimal profit, waiting for the changes in the game!
2. Medals Update. Decreasing amount of gold as reward for TP medals, from 5 to 4 or 3 gold, force players to change strategy of fighting. If you have more than 500 TP medals (or even more than 1000) it's a good time to start thinking about changing your priorities if you want to have a successful economy on your account (I know, it's a hard task this days). Start fighting for TA medals, or even better, in naval battles, you are going to get more gold!
3. Storage Update. Having not anymore possibility to storage your products on the market in order to free the space in your storage... makes as questioning what is more important for stockpiling? The victim of the selection is raw material, products with cheapest price on the market. Improve your storage with expensive upgrades (35 gold for 9k space) or kill the raw Industry, the choice is yours.
4. And finally, THE TRAVELING UPDATE! Paying 0.5 gold for moving from one province to another, make production in factories on the accounts located in countries without full bonuses, even more expensive (higher taxes are not enough for punishment, because you chose not to be a part of strongest countries in the game).
What now? If you want to reduce the cost of your production (or trade), you can:
A. Move yourself to Brazil, Romania, Iran or Turkey and ask for their citizenship (if any of this countries has no full bonuses, it will be having soon)
B. Become a member of some strong movement, in order to make a strong country with full bonuses. (Potential of some great countries, by the number of regions, is not enough used in the game, like USA, France or China).
In the end, I am not suggesting how to play, like abandoning your nationalism in this (nationalistic) game, and leaving the country which is your country in RL also...
I am just giving an answer what are consequences of this updates, and what is the best pragmatic answer on them. Every of us have a choice to choose how to adapt on this stresses (or simply possibility to leave the game :-( ...)
1. Let's start with the implementation of Equipment update and a new Field Hospital.
Players get an improvement as enlarged portion of energy ready to use. Negative consequence was crisis in House production, as well as in house raw production. Prices of houses and raw materials are falling every day, killing the profit in this industry.
How to respond?
Burn them all! Dissolve all house raw factories, and House factories. Build food factories, and food raw factories, sell food and buy HP for your use, there will be enough stubborn house producers ready to produce with minimal profit, waiting for the changes in the game!
2. Medals Update. Decreasing amount of gold as reward for TP medals, from 5 to 4 or 3 gold, force players to change strategy of fighting. If you have more than 500 TP medals (or even more than 1000) it's a good time to start thinking about changing your priorities if you want to have a successful economy on your account (I know, it's a hard task this days). Start fighting for TA medals, or even better, in naval battles, you are going to get more gold!
3. Storage Update. Having not anymore possibility to storage your products on the market in order to free the space in your storage... makes as questioning what is more important for stockpiling? The victim of the selection is raw material, products with cheapest price on the market. Improve your storage with expensive upgrades (35 gold for 9k space) or kill the raw Industry, the choice is yours.
4. And finally, THE TRAVELING UPDATE! Paying 0.5 gold for moving from one province to another, make production in factories on the accounts located in countries without full bonuses, even more expensive (higher taxes are not enough for punishment, because you chose not to be a part of strongest countries in the game).
What now? If you want to reduce the cost of your production (or trade), you can:
A. Move yourself to Brazil, Romania, Iran or Turkey and ask for their citizenship (if any of this countries has no full bonuses, it will be having soon)
B. Become a member of some strong movement, in order to make a strong country with full bonuses. (Potential of some great countries, by the number of regions, is not enough used in the game, like USA, France or China).
In the end, I am not suggesting how to play, like abandoning your nationalism in this (nationalistic) game, and leaving the country which is your country in RL also...
I am just giving an answer what are consequences of this updates, and what is the best pragmatic answer on them. Every of us have a choice to choose how to adapt on this stresses (or simply possibility to leave the game :-( ...)
cOSHiPony of DarknessFK_Lokomotiva_BiHOldGunFighterJacaBrunoLeon98brmandzaRomyljiljan02Vincentコメント (8)

Foff dzellal

Each update somehow reflected to the mistake made in past of injecting gold into the game. The roll back was the best option at that point of time, however it will be a disaster if the pull some stunt like that. Moving on to the ground reality, major improvement will be roll back alliance restriction and bring back MPP module. Restricting countries with in alliance is only creating chaos and more time and energy consumption of players in order build a war strategy, which actually kills the idea of HAVING FUN. Administrations/Owner need to understand that users/consumer play these online game to burn there free time, not get frustrated. They current update wont only effect the production cost for users the idea of fighting in RW will be dead with this cost. I mean i can go on and on with all this here but what is the point if all updates are forced into the game? There are only two logical explanation for this, either administration is doing experiments and analyzing results OR some of them intentionally doing it which will lead the game into dead zone eventually. At this stage of this game one more good spam of another promising game and eRevollution is doomed.

Each day I have less and less and less gold.
Admins, this message is for you: I WON T buy any gold, I can guarantee you, so, you ll just lose a player.

Sometimes I think these types of games are psychological tests themed Let s see what people can put up with, pretend to listen to their suggestions and then do the opposite, and monitor their reactions 

The best way to play this is to do not care about the numbers, Just play it as a casual!

Its very sadly that we can t do anything, admins dont care about us, all will be as they want.

Imagine how hard, and costly, to play being a wiped country, you have to travel several times each day.

It s nice to see serious article about the game, without pictures or give aways, as top rated in the game. My gratitude to the readers 😊