掲載する国 Portugal - 戦争オーダー - 15 Apr 2018 03:04 - 39
Hi there. New Alliance is rising. We are Avengers!
We are recruiting members. If your country is interested to join us send PM to someone of the next players.
Georgian Legend
The Last Lynx Pardinus
And before to say goodbye I want to share with you our slogan:
Thanks for read
nihaonihaonihaoSt0L3nLord_VictorImparaTThe Last Lynx PardinusAdmiral GeobodyK o BShooT1Pony of DarknessCoTopCoTopCoTopAce EconomistZX2016コメント (39)
Good luck for new alliance hope you guys have fun and new adventures o7
ahah. too sad that japan is making enemies instead of allies, mark my words qurcika
Japan Will Be wiped and any country where Qurcika and his trolls will be
Selling paper rolls for grizzly to wipe us 10k=1gold
@GIGI შენ მიაფსი კისერში ქურციკას https://prnt.sc/j5i6et
Clear message; Samurai will be deleted
Georgia and Portugal in the same alliance? lol
Werent Avengers a MU in Romania?
You should try to do something different too @kinyas ..
How about an alliance where Turkey and Iran are not together, for the first time since day 1 of the game?
Perhaps you will see the true power of your country
Hala lo yeah
Only different and new things can make survive this game @Kinyas
Ruuuuuun bitch ruuuuuuuun
Good luck
good one lol well done lads
18+ will rape you all
@Sybrant you are right, copyright property conflict ! ))
Good luck!
Voted o7
good luck
it s nice that players trying something different , good lock o/
congrat.....good luck
we ll see you in the next war with new alliance
why did Avengers fail vs Japan ? lol
He will win who knows when to fight and when to not fight.
Bueno Exitos o7
You should wipe the flags first. Posted dirty state flags.
(c) Avengers UM - https://www.erevollution.com/ro/military-unit/573
Are you apart from this military unit?
I see your alliance took the name of a MU from Romania.
MU Avengers is among the oldest MU in the game.
we didnt created a MU , there is not any alliance called avengers
and Avengers MU take name from Marvel http://www.kiddnplay.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/avangers.jpg