
AtilaBG - 掲載する国 Bulgaria -

掲載する国 Bulgaria - 戦争分析 - 24 Apr 2018 07:32 - 28

 Hello, As you may have noticed Bulgaria is currently fighting a war with Romania for over maybe a week now and many of you are wondering why did we come to this and what it will lead us to?

Lets start from the beggining, shall we. I AttilaBG and 10 other people from my MU left Bulgaria and went to Brazil. I had an argument with AtropatesS because of Turkey's unwillingness to help it's allies. An example - During the war with Serbia, the first loss from the beggining of the campaign was Hungary's, they lost a battle for some 400 millions, 5 minutes later Serbia started a RW and Turkey hitted 13 billions in it in 5 to 6 minutes period. I raised the issue before AtropatesS why is Turkey unwilling to help it's allies but rather keep their stock for their own battles only ( I did not receive a meaningful answer ) but Itso ( the Bulgarian CP back then) asked me why the have i been saying all those things about Turkey and so the fight with me started. A couple of days later Bulgaria was insulted by the turks in the chat by the very CP of Turkey and the Secretary General of the alliance ( Just to add that i did insult him personally beforehand but he escalated it by insulting the whole Bulgarian nation). It is one thing for a regulal citizen to say something like that it is completely different when those words come from the CP of Turkey and the Secretary General of the alliance himself. I think that if he had any personal issues with me he should have kept it personal and he should of contacted me to work this out between the two of us and keep the Bulgarian nation out of it. After all of that me and some other people decided to start fighting against Turkey –to show them that they are not invincible and that such negative remarks or swears adressed to the Bulgarian nation will not be left unasnwered). With serbian help we managed to win five or six RWs of course this was not approved by Itso and the Legion who were under turkish strap and they started trying anything to stop me from continueing. First with personal threats in real life that i will be beaten up) by Itso then i was reported in order to get me banned after that they threatened to terminate Bulgaria's membership in the allianceand finally we were threatened by war which as you can see at the moment it's a fact because of a personal problem with me.  

On top of that they lied to the bulgarian citizens by saying what needed to be said and that i was responsible for the war with Romania. Around 25-30 people went to Romania led by Itso, which weakened Bulgaria and then they attacked us (some of them have already returned tho).

I want to say and udnerline that the Bulgarian state has never attacked, fought or whatever against Turkey what's left about Romania.. This war started because of their (Itso and the turks) inabillity to influence Atilla and the Millitary Unit, they coudlnt fight, they couldnt take away anything from him and they decided to stick it up to Bulgaria instead.  But why did Romania attack us but not Turkey? It is simple ...  We simply couldnt fight against the whole alliance.

We have nothing to lose in such a war which was caused by a bulgarian player because of his in real life complexes who couldnt deal with his personal problems on his own so he turned up to the whole alliance for help. 

We are not crying nor complaining, we simply want to let the people to know the truth about what happened. We are not traitors, we havent left the alliance but we were kicked out thanks to Itso. According to the turkish CP - Itso was told many times to let this go and to leave Atilla and co to do whatever they want but he insisted on kicking out Bulgaria from the alliance and then he begged Romania to attack us for some time. A few days ago he said that he will open 5-6 fronts against Bulgaria.

I will quote Itso now - "Thanks to me you have all the regions you control at the moment, and thanks to me you will lose them now". An interesting statement tho because Romania is fighting us at the moment but he is missing from the battlefield, his damage is low and ceirtanly not that helpful for Romania and to forget that some of the people he left with to Romania came back eventually.

You can now answer yourselves who is responsible for what and so on ... 

And let's not forget the most important thing - at the moment Romania and it's alliance are fighting a personal war bewteen Itso and Bulgaria. Romanians, you currently have all the bonusesand you can take nothing of value from us, you can only lose something of value to you, keep draining your stocks so Itso can finally deal with his personal problems with Atilla.I cannot deny that a part of the Romanian society and more precisely their strong players are not really fighting us but we know how much they have and that if they decide to go all in they can delete us althought they are currently not doing it.If for some reason you start losing your bonuses in some sunny day in the future - you will know why it happened.
And as far as our ex allies - you can also continue waging someone else's war, especially Hungary,  which we have helped many times in different battles but it's not only them of course. As i already said we were kicked out of the alliance, we havent betrayed it, we havent left it (Im talking on behalf of the Bulgarian state and it's people).

On a personal note - left that alliance quite some time ago because i noticed that sone of the strongest countries are not helping those who needed it but instead they cared only about themselves, their country, their bonuses etc. Another very good example of that was when Turkey promised Canada to help against Japan but they dropped out on the second battle because of the simple reason that they had to use some of their stock in order to help and it was way easier for them to simply bury Canada as they have left alone Argentina, Denmark and Peru at this very moment.

So at the end of the day Bulgaria did nothing to you, i decided to fight turkey and so i did, you simply couldnt stop me and decided to blame it on Bulgaria instead, such a shame indeed. Such honorable people. I wish you luck in the future.


Brave Sir RobinPeakyG A M p3trOs2 V E RRed EagleLynchsportster883irondk3dknightKapitanutTanasokoVincent

コメント (28)

This is UNREADABLE !!!
Atila Why Cry ahahhahah : Sad :S:SS
Wall of text - unreadable.
BS. You hated Turkey ever since the begining. Stop using words of Afro as an excuse now.
Pop corn.
This war was sold to us as a way to remove some bor . A war with turkey should be way more entertaining though.
ohhhh troll again ..... as you see, I did not attack the core regions. I hate troll
shut up and fight
B o r e d o m. Nice way to moderate Smile
there are still people playing the game seriously ? Wow
You itso atropatess etc are the same category players... You all are self obsessed arrogant punks. So stop being like you are might get some reasonable respect and attention.
Ако се върнем по-назад и сърбите предпочетоха 2 месеца да помагат само в защита , но не и в атака. Нищо не печелихме и нямахме шанс за бонуси. Раздавал съм хиляди безплатни хелита за война с македония и дори тях не можяхме да победим , само защото винаги в последните минути сърбия и другите уж съюзници , решават да помогнат на други но не и на нас. Ще видим колко ще помогнат и сега. Всичко е до интереси , а техните са да изтрият турция и българия е лесна за маниполиране що се отнася за война с турция
Hey stop crying we are sleeping here don t awake us😲😲😲😲😲
Encore des Carabistouilles !
Atilla you se your aleance https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/26175/1 https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/26150/1 why no help you Serbia You see dmg seribia Rw dmg and battel no help Blullgrija ppls no cry my Frend Sad Sad
@Mercenary ne kukaj, uskoro vas brisemo hahaha
imeprator69 ju gjithmon keni qen popull tradhtar edhe keni lyp qi nanen hahha 😂😂😂
ного за четене бре
The cancer of this game have names. Qurcika and AtropatesS Laugh
Ей тия резаци не стига че си изядох всичките вафли за да вземем региона който впоследствие им го подарихме, ами сега и ни гонят.... Laugh
too long to read
cry like a girl Laugh
BatalHiro multi acc on itso ... жалък си ве , коментирай си от помашкия си профил .
lol again you cry AtilaBG pls no cry my frenb is game 😂😂😂
stop cry pls Laugh