掲載する国 Hungary - 政治討論と分析 - 01 Dec 2018 09:30 - 7
Green EyesGreen EyesVadgesztenyeZotya63Zotya63Zotya63HonfoglaloHonfoglaloHonfoglaloHonfoglaloGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonKunkkaRenegadeRenegadeコメント (7)


Not content with living as part of a core European nation, the Vlachi of Erdély decided to join the Balkans instead: https://youtu.be/PaEO5eMpwZs?t=2777

cry poor mongols, cry 

When the first hungarians came to Transilvania, they found the Daco-Romans working in the fields and asked them where Panonia was. So they were shown. And then some more came and they were shown too. Until the locals got sick and tired of being interupted from their work so they put a big sign that read Panonia and the direction towards it. So the hungarians who could read went on their way to Panonia. The others stayed in Transilvania

A dako roman kontinuitas egy vicc. Nevetseges.

Szegenyek azt allitjat, hogy a romai katonak megbasztak a dakok felesegeit es igy jottek letre a romanok.Nevetseges.

Fairy Tales everywhere. Romanian fairy tales everywhere!