yomada says

Who Are You !

掲載する国 Turkey - 政治討論と分析 - 07 Jan 2019 05:35 - 11

These days everyone is signing the peace treaty. Maybe fear, maybe  other things, but peace (i think) of the poor is the job. Be strong or not it doesn't matter peace = finishing this game 

Policy makers always can change sides policy is not for us. We hate Policy and politicans

There are those that cheat in the game.  We hate cheat - cheaters  ( Just we like )

                                             FİGHT LIKE  COWARD - PLAY LIKE  COWARD 



I am bored maybe time to go 

Best Regard
Father of some yomadafakaa


FlexRoyaLFlexRoyaLZeljkoxdKame SenninsipinasipinasipinaBaba VossKhabib Nurmagomedov

コメント (11)

pirinc xd
My friend, your link is not working! Sad
Bravo. STOP the NAP and Start to Fight!!!!
Barış istiyosan savaşa hazır ol derler babo.Bence stok için göstermelik barış işleri bunlar Smile
Benim gibi ingilizce özürlüsü insanlar için türkçe de yazın gözünüzü seveyim. Çok cahilim
@Demircioglu özet karı gibi oynamayın
No Fight Go Sex
@RuPi 😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣 omg best comment of 2019 starting
nere gidion
It s a strategy brother. It s a big strategy. This is not only a game. This is war of brains!!!1!1!1!11!1!1!1