掲載する国 Brazil - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 02 Jun 2019 00:53 - 23
Dear players,
first of all, we would like to congratulate all winners of War of Nations event, we hope you had fun conquering new lands and liberating occupied regions.
New event: Missions
We are introducing a new type of event which was never active before on eRevollution. Of course, you are familiar with concept of missions, but this time it will be a little different.
Missions will last from June 3rd until July 14th.
There are four stages of missions you will need to complete:
I Beginner - set of easier missions to warm you up for some challenges;
II Colored missions - 3 sets of colored missions, 3 of each. Blue color stands for Businessman missions, green for Soldier missions, and red for Adventure missions. After you complete 3 of one section, next set of 3 missions from the same section will appear. After you p all missions of all colors, you advance to the next stage;
III Expert - set of missions on harder level;
IV Final missions - 1 final mission for you to finish.
After you finish missions successfully, you will receive a prize and a brand new medal on your profile. Of course, every mission comes with its smaller prize.
In the last week of missions, we will introduce the option to solve them with gold, until then you can go through missions solely by your effort.
Speed week
We would like to announce that Speed Week will be active from June 3rd until June 9th.
That is it for now, we hope you will enjoy this new type of event, and we are looking forward to your feedback and to see how many Quest heroes we will have.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
first of all, we would like to congratulate all winners of War of Nations event, we hope you had fun conquering new lands and liberating occupied regions.
New event: Missions
We are introducing a new type of event which was never active before on eRevollution. Of course, you are familiar with concept of missions, but this time it will be a little different.
Missions will last from June 3rd until July 14th.
There are four stages of missions you will need to complete:
I Beginner - set of easier missions to warm you up for some challenges;
II Colored missions - 3 sets of colored missions, 3 of each. Blue color stands for Businessman missions, green for Soldier missions, and red for Adventure missions. After you complete 3 of one section, next set of 3 missions from the same section will appear. After you p all missions of all colors, you advance to the next stage;
III Expert - set of missions on harder level;
IV Final missions - 1 final mission for you to finish.
After you finish missions successfully, you will receive a prize and a brand new medal on your profile. Of course, every mission comes with its smaller prize.

In the last week of missions, we will introduce the option to solve them with gold, until then you can go through missions solely by your effort.
Speed week
We would like to announce that Speed Week will be active from June 3rd until June 9th.

That is it for now, we hope you will enjoy this new type of event, and we are looking forward to your feedback and to see how many Quest heroes we will have.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

thekrekcThe Last Lynx PardinusLajbachDondarrionPratinoBOSMANDandelion MesterMiltiadosGomasuGomasuGomasusoneHuMaVieradevrezaabdiraczek3212345macwinCirrusDzambazGtmardelkaampgBAtanasovDzianDzianDzianDzianDzianSpocklorkaAntiterrorisImperatorIndonesia FutureggeorgexLe Govedo de AlsaceZonky82Lord Burek1uponAstarBeauregardMarko ZZShadow_man83TwitterDU8DEArTyOm_AsCaRoNSpinnakerDarth Vader 1spruljaraZeptaSouflorrockerzsolti82rockerzsolti82L E G I O NPANZER IIIIIFranjo KromanliodianyqZagor TeNayK o BK o BK o BK o BK o BKuroi KishiTheOldMan67dragica1MenjikcimkeyomadafakaaAnton VankokorchabonsythAtena StarkKravennqpartegoodbeerNSCynPinxxelPinxxelPinxxelPinxxelPinxxelAngel GospodinovMyCrowTugaWolf IIApokaamirkingingValiantinaViserionSoy BurroSoy BurroSoy BurroSoy BurroSoy BurrozebenkstisszqlnyszqlnyszqlnyszqlnyszqlnyCortianaWinPhoneSzuperPandamaciGoldenE89NevenincsissteppenwolfBarrocaBackOfMacedoniaGreeceTo4oo4ComandoSHannibal LecterprogabeszjukaBasevicDeathWishMagoichiboooPistiDibextomcrisMenjikWalenPeakyGARDOSHsandi111SRBIJANACGreen LanternFightMastersaeid67NEDJO KOSTICArthur ShelbyDe OblandoDjeneralDZrasvuuglegija69Zvonko11Farm BoyEklavyaaHoodLifeMeksikanac91FK_Lokomotiva_BiHGolikaLord BendtnerPamelasrb1n96srb1n96srb1n96srb1n96srb1n96Huang DiJadelyAngelito Di MariadestruktorsdestruktorsdestruktorsdestruktorsdestruktorsSt0L3nmacolmsFatihaFingolfinRed EaglerzhrtzB A R O NSzilveszterM SorinSIRVAMPIROSIRVAMPIROSIRVAMPIROSIRVAMPIROSIRVAMPIROVirvureferent mladjiZmaj od AvaleHaNFluXNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiUzury ZezreAndrewueRatnik994Maguillakaren yiady71DaudCRIS 99Alitaqpartextatrxljiljan02Ippolythコメント (23)


x2 yapma artık yapma

Bravo !!!!

great job, you could also add some new society builder mission with attractive rewards too to increase the number of players and boost economy too


when change the defense system to a wall?


make it weekly challenge x2 too


Battı balık yan gider hesabı. Kurtarmaya çalışıyorlar. Ben günde zor girer oldum


Great job so far admins. also @Beauregard no thanks boost the economy by selling cheap goods.

make it perma 2x regen. so you wouldnt need to write an article to announce it lol. I dont even want to mention missions and its rewards. Im pretty sure they will be shitty rewards like previous ones. is it that hard to hear peoples advices and make real good changes in this game?

Screw the speed week, all it does is increase the food price artificially

Admin, I have a small suggestion: when set the work for your companies, if there is not enough raw for a given worker allocation, paint the number with red to warn about this before we click Start Production. It sucks when we forget to see how much raw we have in the storage and then need to reassign the workers after a mistake

v c

Ekmek fabrikası olmayanlar insin arabadan😀

vjerovatno da ovo neću ni ganjati ako budu nagrade kao do sada

@Admin ; I vote for the idea of Pony of Darkness