掲載する国 Greece - 戦争オーダー - 03 Jul 2019 05:39 - 25
GOD: Hello Kromion, your article was deleted because it contained screenshots of ingame messages without consent from the other participants. You will go with warning this time, and please refrain from such actions in the future. Thank you.
So my previous article has been DELETED! Sorry my readers afecionados (SUBSCRIBE!)
So I re-write it WHITHOUT screeshots or names...
I wanted to finish the mission, so I rise a RW in Austria, occupied by the pseudoGermans - GERMANOTSOLIADES (pseudoGreeks)
I received a PM from a HIGH RANGE GermanoTsolias:
GRM: I will not let you finish your mission in our RW
ME: If I will, I ll give you 50G
GRM: Well, greeks here will not let you finish it here, otherwise 50g would be appreciated
ME: Be prepared to spend more than 20bln...
Is better to take the 50G and then reconquer it.
GRM: Ahah
(He is LAUGHING!!!!
Poor boy!)

I receive the TEARS of another CRYING GermanoTsolias:
GRM: do you have some problem , why did you take our region?
ME: Because I can... Simply that.
GRM: I asked germans what to respond to you and they said leave it, he is idiot, sooooo, i will not say anything, have a nice day
ME: Idiots are YOU.
I told to your ** to give you 50G and let me finish the mission.
He told me that I m ridiculous, so I told him that I will take the region ANYWAY, and that`s what I did!
So the idiots are for sure YOU, and also you are CHICKENS!
GRM: I am so sorry, I made mistake, they didnt call you idiot, i just saw our chat now, they called you retard. Have a nice day
ME: Tell them that I call them GERMANOTSOLIADES, they know what it means...
Then he made a call to his... mistress... :)

GOD: Hello Kromion, your article was deleted because it contained screenshots of ingame messages without consent from the other participants. You will go with warning this time, and please refrain from such actions in the future. Thank you.
So my previous article has been DELETED! Sorry my readers afecionados (SUBSCRIBE!)
So I re-write it WHITHOUT screeshots or names...
I wanted to finish the mission, so I rise a RW in Austria, occupied by the pseudoGermans - GERMANOTSOLIADES (pseudoGreeks)
I received a PM from a HIGH RANGE GermanoTsolias:
GRM: I will not let you finish your mission in our RW

ME: If I will, I ll give you 50G

GRM: Well, greeks here will not let you finish it here, otherwise 50g would be appreciated

ME: Be prepared to spend more than 20bln...
Is better to take the 50G and then reconquer it.
GRM: Ahah

(He is LAUGHING!!!!
Poor boy!)

I receive the TEARS of another CRYING GermanoTsolias:
GRM: do you have some problem , why did you take our region?
ME: Because I can... Simply that.
GRM: I asked germans what to respond to you and they said leave it, he is idiot, sooooo, i will not say anything, have a nice day
ME: Idiots are YOU.
I told to your ** to give you 50G and let me finish the mission.
He told me that I m ridiculous, so I told him that I will take the region ANYWAY, and that`s what I did!
So the idiots are for sure YOU, and also you are CHICKENS!
GRM: I am so sorry, I made mistake, they didnt call you idiot, i just saw our chat now, they called you retard. Have a nice day
ME: Tell them that I call them GERMANOTSOLIADES, they know what it means...
Then he made a call to his... mistress... :)

XanderPeakyTHE ONEDLupeVettellfasimejosoyozzySymonLeo EilerRIP MarvoloDemetrius IIIANDREJ MViracochaTaTa RaTaArabStallionmatraguna8Joker Eviloldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaoldman ptolemaidaコメント (25)

GermanoTsoliades in action! And then tears... https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/34058

bre traba gamhsou paidaki pou tha asxolitheis kai mazi mas exe xarh pou den paizoume pleon energa

La Grece premier producteur européen de melons décidement

So ,at the end what Germans think about you, what are you ? That I word or R word. Eloaborate little more, we have right to know, I subscribed and i will follow your marvelous articles

I cant decide between R or I word

GermanoTsoliades, I can decide between the HARD C word or the BIG C word

σε βριζει ολοκληρος ο σερβερ και γουσταρεις....

Τιμή μου να με βρίζουν τα λαμόγια και ΔΕΚΑ ΦΟΡΕΣ ΤΙΜΗ ΜΟΥ τα SUPPORT που έχω μαζέψει.

Sub 80

sub 82

Sub 83


Sub 85

sub 86, v50

Sub 87

sub 88, great military action against Germany

89 sub


sub 92

Sub 93

6 left

98 👍🏻

