Yavru Vatan

Mission Complete

掲載する国 Turkey - 社会・エンターテイメント - 18 Aug 2019 14:22 - 9

I think my mission is finished because finally Cyprus is land of Turkey and I must return the my home. Maybe I can back Cyprus later. I will miss you country of beauty. I will miss you country of my dreams. I will always love you.
I am going to join my new country and I am going to fight for my home.



コメント (9)

Hey mate welcome to your home. Nice to see you
Congratulations mate welcome to family Smile
Kıprıs ta yaşayan son canlıda ülkeyi bıraktı demek Smile hoşgeldin bro o7
Teşekkürler çocuklar o7
Kıbrıs seni özleyecek patron. o7
Beraber Kıbrıs için savaştık. Seni unutmayacağım kalbi büyük insan o7
Cyprus is Greece?
I dont know what your ally greece will say for this
İ think greece occuppy to southern cyprus xD