掲載する国 Bulgaria - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 23 Aug 2019 01:00 - 47
EDIT: From now on, congressmen can start MPP laws. A country can have maximum of 6 MPPs. Alliances will remain active until Monday for battle purposes. Also, from now on Company market is global (you can buy a company regardless of owner's location).
welcome to the latest edition of Admin news. We hope you are enjoying the summer, and that you will like the things we prepared for you.
We hereby apologize for not publishing an article regarding Act of War rules, but we umed the event would seem pretty straightforward, and we weren't wrong, you got great hang of it, with some players reseting boards multiple times by now.
We would like to inform you that the Act of War event lasts until Sunday, August 25th.
Beyond the Limit
On the other hand, we have a completely new event prepared for you. It is called Beyond the Limit, lasting from August 26th until September 8th. We imagined it in a way it profiles those best of the best, nationwide and worldwide. You will collect points based on your activities ingame, be it work, train, fight, build companies etc. There will be two categories, individual and top nation, and only those most worthy will receive shiny new medals on their profiles.
Important notes: In missions such as "produce 1000 raw" or "spend work tokens", you must know that progress won't be saved for the next day; i.e. if you produce 1100 raw materials today, you will receive 1 point, however, if the next day you produce 900 raw materials you won't receive any points.
As of today, citizenships are locked.
Speed Week
Double Speed energy recovery will be active for both weeks of the tournament. (August 26th until September 8th)
Replacing alliances with MPPs
We have a suggestion we would like to run by you, and we would really appreciate it if you wrote your opinion in the comments below. The idea is to delete the alliances and bring back old MPP (Mutual Protection Pact) system. Doing so, we would limit MPPs to 6 per country.
We are also very eager to listen to your other suggestions and ideas regarding other aspects of the game.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and may the best player go beyond the limit.
Sincere regards,
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
welcome to the latest edition of Admin news. We hope you are enjoying the summer, and that you will like the things we prepared for you.
We hereby apologize for not publishing an article regarding Act of War rules, but we umed the event would seem pretty straightforward, and we weren't wrong, you got great hang of it, with some players reseting boards multiple times by now.
We would like to inform you that the Act of War event lasts until Sunday, August 25th.

On the other hand, we have a completely new event prepared for you. It is called Beyond the Limit, lasting from August 26th until September 8th. We imagined it in a way it profiles those best of the best, nationwide and worldwide. You will collect points based on your activities ingame, be it work, train, fight, build companies etc. There will be two categories, individual and top nation, and only those most worthy will receive shiny new medals on their profiles.

Important notes: In missions such as "produce 1000 raw" or "spend work tokens", you must know that progress won't be saved for the next day; i.e. if you produce 1100 raw materials today, you will receive 1 point, however, if the next day you produce 900 raw materials you won't receive any points.
As of today, citizenships are locked.

We have a suggestion we would like to run by you, and we would really appreciate it if you wrote your opinion in the comments below. The idea is to delete the alliances and bring back old MPP (Mutual Protection Pact) system. Doing so, we would limit MPPs to 6 per country.
We are also very eager to listen to your other suggestions and ideas regarding other aspects of the game.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and may the best player go beyond the limit.
Sincere regards,
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
Artathe_passengerXanderCitraMoNPeakyKame SenninBOSMANBunnyLiuPiXiESSGottfried Bouillonljiljan02MiltiadosPiXiESSArtoriasGottfried BouillonPratinoPinxxelPinxxelPinxxelPinxxelPinxxeldestruktorsdestruktorsdestruktorsdestruktorsdestruktorssheva0310コメント (47)

give discounts 

Bring back 5g to TP,TA and TR medal

3 countries alliance is the best solution,why 6 like erev2? cant you make something original 


Not bad o7

nice event!

Do I miss something or just fighting dont bring any point?

Where do I sign? I want to waste as much real money as I can.

no rewards?

5 MPP s in total would be nice , delete inactive coountrries or at least remove any bonus from them, maybe take down number of resources also, improve gold pack, rewards for 199 golds im gold pack are hilarious.

Rewards is medals on profile?!?

@BorKhan: http://prntscr.com/owhwtj

yeah remove inactive countries as peaky said


Štaaa kaažeee štaaa kaažeee😱

Why you want delete one good option in this game? Alliance are good, pay every mounth for mpp and limit it is bad!
Remove empty countries, add research centre, show voting in country laws, gain more gold from tp/ta, delete party an mu with inactive citizen as pp/commander make this game better not whorse

why only produce RAW get the point not product? so we should spend token all to produce RAW?

Good idea for MPPs o/

So event from 26-1 and double energy for both weeks of tournament (26-8)!?

I assume these activities are repeatable. so activating 50 Q1 houses give you 100 points ( worth maybe 50g?) but also upgrading 20x Q5 company give you 100 points (7400g). could you please enlighten me about this?

I am glad to note that you still care about us ... it would be nice to take into account our suggestions and not make erev1 look like erev2 ...

Admin you should give DISCOUNTS, at least for the NEW PLAYERS who registeted since you introduced starter packs, that would be really rewarding and motivating for them.

Replacing alliances with MPPs = BAD BAD BAD idea!
and discounts???? 

NO to replacing ally!
You can do any for employees??


Admin you should give DISCOUNTS, at least for the NEW PLAYERS who registeted since you introduced starter packs, that would be really rewarding and motivating for them. - This is good idea, but pls don t cry for discount for every people, you don t get it 

Limited MPPs doesnt make sense when alliances mpps are already an kind of power limitation. And 6 mpps only, really? No big country will want to mpp a small one, it will just kill any chance an small country have to defend itself

No rewards except *shiny* medals?! Dont get it...why spend extra to collect points if thats the only reward?
Also, what Walen said ^^
and you need better motivation for new players if you wanna increase number of active players

What is the reward of this event?

Delete some inactive countries , reduce regions , we have more regions than players right now !

Dear admin are crazy delete ally without some days of advice and without say before how many mpp we can made.
With 6 will be simple like ere2 big nation allied and other conquered!

This is the way to hevitate to citizen spend more euro in this game, like this is bad then server2!

V c

Alliance should serve a different purpose, however limited MPP to some number is not good it is always a dead point for small populated countries. They dont get MPP with any strong country as strong country also have limited slots so they go for equal countries.

@admin you was write: We have a suggestion we would like to run by you, and we would really appreciate it if you wrote your opinion in the comments below. The idea is to delete the alliances and bring back old MPP (Mutual Protection Pact) system. Doing so, we would limit MPPs to 6 per country.
And after one day you delete alliance? is crazy!

I am not a happy camper today 

Act of War may be self explanatory to some. But, i really don t see the point. The rewards are Iffy at best.

discounts for new players !

Create MU s ORGs. The only serious improvement.

I producrd a lot of raw and where are my points?

tak tung tung .. o/

If you wanted to make the game more interesting, you needed to make a War event where each player would receive a prize depending on the number of points. Now a couple of hundred strongest players are picking up all the prizes.
