掲載する国 United States of America - 金融ビジネス - 16 Oct 2019 12:03 - 5
There is absolutely no need to make a science of trading on the monetary market.
Anyway, I would like to make an attempt to help ordinary players in the game.
If you want to buy some cc on the monetary market, please make a little effort to compare offers. Ofc, you are going to find many offers with exact value for your gold, like 1:0.005, or 1: 0.006, etc
What we can do now?
Simple, choose the one with the smallest amount of cc (country coins), with the most suitable exchange rate for yourself. After that, pick another one, if you want to buy more.
Simple, you have two main categories of monetary exchange offers.
The first one are...more or less... official country exchange offers made by the country officials, or the most influential players in this country. They are easy to recognise - huge amounts of cc with the most suitable exchange rate.
The second category is the group of the fair traders from the country or abroad. They are often offering smaller amounts of cc, but also at the most suitable exchange rate for you.
My humble advice is to pick the second group.
Some players are enjoying the trade in the game. They are bringing some products on the national, or any other market here, often with the lowest price. In order to continue to trade, they have to exchange cc for the gold ASAP.
Choosing this type of offers on the market, you are not just helping this players in their trade.
You are also ensuring the possibility to get some products on your local market with the more suitable prices for yourself, like raws, bread, weapons, etc.
To conclude, help accelerating trade on the market, and you are going to help yourself to get lower prices for the products when you need to buy them on the local market.
Vote for the article if you like it, post the comment if you disapprove, or have some idea to improve this topic, anyway... having players talking about the game is much more interesting than having players talking about RL issues and other b....ts
Anyway, I would like to make an attempt to help ordinary players in the game.
If you want to buy some cc on the monetary market, please make a little effort to compare offers. Ofc, you are going to find many offers with exact value for your gold, like 1:0.005, or 1: 0.006, etc
What we can do now?
Simple, choose the one with the smallest amount of cc (country coins), with the most suitable exchange rate for yourself. After that, pick another one, if you want to buy more.
Simple, you have two main categories of monetary exchange offers.
The first one are...more or less... official country exchange offers made by the country officials, or the most influential players in this country. They are easy to recognise - huge amounts of cc with the most suitable exchange rate.
The second category is the group of the fair traders from the country or abroad. They are often offering smaller amounts of cc, but also at the most suitable exchange rate for you.
My humble advice is to pick the second group.
Some players are enjoying the trade in the game. They are bringing some products on the national, or any other market here, often with the lowest price. In order to continue to trade, they have to exchange cc for the gold ASAP.
Choosing this type of offers on the market, you are not just helping this players in their trade.
You are also ensuring the possibility to get some products on your local market with the more suitable prices for yourself, like raws, bread, weapons, etc.
To conclude, help accelerating trade on the market, and you are going to help yourself to get lower prices for the products when you need to buy them on the local market.
Vote for the article if you like it, post the comment if you disapprove, or have some idea to improve this topic, anyway... having players talking about the game is much more interesting than having players talking about RL issues and other b....ts
PrlePrleloveprinceBattal GaziTaTa RaTaVincentコメント (5)


Traders can also buy from the local markets, even contributing more. Next time try to spend some part of the money as well.
I would even propose to have a unified market operating with gold. To protect local markets, this gold market can be enabled once per week for instance.

Maybe we could start exchange cc from one country for cc of other countries...