掲載する国 Croatia - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 27 Nov 2019 02:13 - 47
the time has come to publish yet another Admin News. We know what you want to know the most, so without further ado, let's start with the announcements:
Black Friday became famous for its discounts, and we will make no exception. From November 29th until December 1st, you will have a chance for:
- 25% discount for Training Center and Strategic buildings upgrades;
- 25% discount for Special items in Store;
- special Black Friday pack available in Store.
We would like to announce a new set of missions that will last from November 29th until January 12th. The rules are the same as always, but we will repeat them for those of you who don't know:
First up, you will receive a set of Basic missions for you to complete. After you successfully do it, you will unlock 3 different sets of missions: Business (blue), Soldier (green) and Adventure (red) missions, 3 of each. After you complete all 3 missions from one set, another 3 missions from the same set will appear, until you p all of them. Once all missions from all 3 sets are cleared, Expert missions will unlock, and after them, you will have one final mission.
Upon successful completion of Final mission, you will receive a nice reward for your efforts, along with a shiny medal on your profile.
Buying missions with gold will be available from January 1st.
We upgraded gift boxes for returnees (players who haven't logged on for longer than 20 days), and from now on, the packs will include:
300 Strength
300 Intelligence
50% Rank Booster
20 Workers
2000 Warehouse space
200 Q5 Food
1 Q3 House
50 energy
100 RPG
5 Q3 Booster
5 Q5 Life KIt
We also upgraded the list of things our eBabies receive upon registering to the game, so their inventories will include:
300 Q5Food
50 Energy
200 RPG
3 Q5 Life Kit
50% Rank Booster (15 days)
2000 Warehouse space
15 Workers
1 Gold
500 CC
Q3 Food company
Q1 Weapon company
Orchard company
Saltpeter Mine company
They will also have house Q5 activated for 14 days.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
We hope you will benefit from Black Friday, and that you will enjoy the missions. We would like to use the opportunity to wish our American players and their families a Happy Thanksgiving, may you spend it surrounded by those you love and are thankful for.
Best regards,
Admin team

the time has come to publish yet another Admin News. We know what you want to know the most, so without further ado, let's start with the announcements:

Black Friday became famous for its discounts, and we will make no exception. From November 29th until December 1st, you will have a chance for:
- 25% discount for Training Center and Strategic buildings upgrades;
- 25% discount for Special items in Store;
- special Black Friday pack available in Store.
We would like to announce a new set of missions that will last from November 29th until January 12th. The rules are the same as always, but we will repeat them for those of you who don't know:
First up, you will receive a set of Basic missions for you to complete. After you successfully do it, you will unlock 3 different sets of missions: Business (blue), Soldier (green) and Adventure (red) missions, 3 of each. After you complete all 3 missions from one set, another 3 missions from the same set will appear, until you p all of them. Once all missions from all 3 sets are cleared, Expert missions will unlock, and after them, you will have one final mission.
Upon successful completion of Final mission, you will receive a nice reward for your efforts, along with a shiny medal on your profile.

Buying missions with gold will be available from January 1st.
We upgraded gift boxes for returnees (players who haven't logged on for longer than 20 days), and from now on, the packs will include:
300 Strength
300 Intelligence
50% Rank Booster
20 Workers
2000 Warehouse space
200 Q5 Food
1 Q3 House
50 energy
100 RPG
5 Q3 Booster
5 Q5 Life KIt
300 Q5Food
50 Energy
200 RPG
3 Q5 Life Kit
50% Rank Booster (15 days)
2000 Warehouse space
15 Workers
1 Gold
500 CC
Q3 Food company
Q1 Weapon company
Orchard company
Saltpeter Mine company
They will also have house Q5 activated for 14 days.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
We hope you will benefit from Black Friday, and that you will enjoy the missions. We would like to use the opportunity to wish our American players and their families a Happy Thanksgiving, may you spend it surrounded by those you love and are thankful for.
Best regards,
Admin team

TopSecretGottfried BouillonGigaShogoskyfallDemetrius IIIFORTUNABumaHalfLutalicaCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoRosHamBoSKynet00AnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaAnchikaBabacu13urningMrm68Doktor MikiHrvatotari2001lequiddzinsinisMacedoniaGreeceDavis_MRasturatorvidojko1uponAstarplavi golubsoul_strippperDacianmatraguna8LajbachImperatorTonySimionBezdan24urban_boykatalinxkeyser_sloZeroBeepBeepIamAJeepFlorin Iady71Huang DiDe Oblandomartinaslanju1986MikeVanDikeEl Tito HelamanKobelarAZAZELpapa bearcobiCOMBEbibin maliSt0L3nMikucOverloadDibexF16 FighterddocddocThe ButcherPhantom986Cedasandi111KravennStanislasahwazzWhiskasKhalifaZvonko11MiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosPasRatunkowyzephyrusWayna QhapaqMaguillaBayintSoraNimdaCataratasarkantosGolikaRustyDkorchabonYura UAMyCrowMr HamsterTheDankSavageFakerJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfeNorfesheva0310コメント (47)

A? Popust na firme???


Ne treba davati popust na firme, dobra odluka

will there be a gift stone in missions again?

Join Japan, Join NOW !!!

We need QUIZ 2

the rank up mission will be again?

We need QUIZ 2___________________________________________O7

So, no gifts for old players who keep playing every day? Only comebacks and babies? nice shit.

No gifts for players who are more online than other
...also we need QUIZ 2...and give Iranians 1 week more time to QUIZ event cause last time we lost our internet connection for a week...

v c

No discount for buildings???? 

what??? No company upgrade discount?

No company upgrade discount, no vote!

Change the look of medal. It is so ugly.

Screw this

I agree, look of Quest Hero medal is very very ugly.

No Company upgrade, no vote


X2 energy

Dajte neki bag ZGoldima

@ADMIN you should give discounts for factories for NEW PLAYERS, like up to 1 year from registration or up to some level, like 50 or so.

4 hours ago
So, no gifts for old players who keep playing every day? Only comebacks and babies? nice shit.
he is right bullshit 

boş boş boş


nice, no discount on companies! Finally, smart move!

No Company upgrade, no vote💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


there is no differences for old players. nothing is changed. what is this?

@admin, just dont let any mission be *rank up to finish the mission*. At this stage its nonsense and most of us will just give up and wait for gold spending option = Boring....



No Company upgrade, no vote!!

Admin! 25% discount for Training Center and Strategic buildings upgrades are practically useless, as there are hardly any new players without these anymore.
You should give us something useful instead - maybe another pair of Strategic Supplies and Strategic Weapons? That would vastly increase consumption, too, doing good to r-economy.

Just give everybody 1000 gold, new guys/old guys equal billing, OR better yet give us guys who been here for years 2 free air companies WITH raws to back em up :-) and a Big Hug. Cheers

While you are here Admin... delete MPPs and bring back alliances as a useful function. MPPs killed the game for smaller countries like mine

Winston Hope Smith +1, I agree with that, with MPPs we have few ally battles. At least allow more MPPs (maybe 9, since it was the max number of countries in an alliance)

delete MPPs and bring back alliances

So, saving money for moths... and we dont have discounts.... great....

one more discount on companies will destroy game... use this discount for GP and TC

@ADMIN you should give discounts for factories for NEW PLAYERS, like up to 1 year from registration or up to some level, like 50 or so.

A gdje je pečat?

delete MPPs and bring back alliance

Give gold for normal price, 420 golds for 70€ is ridiculous

While you are here Admin... delete MPPs and bring back alliances as a useful function. MPPs killed the game for smaller countries like mine +1
