HarleyQuinn - 掲載する国 Iran -

掲載する国 Iran - 社会・エンターテイメント - 13 Mar 2020 08:44 - 36

Exactly 30 days ago(13th feb), Admin banned Iranianmain accounts and I want to try once again to make Admin unban them...by your
supports so vote this article please...o7

http://uupload.ir/files/ytrk_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_181620_www.erevollution.com.png http://uupload.ir/files/l5pj_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_181656_www.erevollution.com.png http://uupload.ir/files/nuv8_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_181936_www.erevollution.com.pnghttp://uupload.ir/files/pkk1_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_182110_www.erevollution.com.pnghttp://uupload.ir/files/7hb_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_181823_www.erevollution.com.pnghttp://uupload.ir/files/y4zl_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_181914_www.erevollution.com.png
http://uupload.ir/files/1ib7_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_181727_www.erevollution.com.png http://uupload.ir/files/mrra_opera_snapshot_2020-03-15_125025_www.erevollution.com.png                                           http://uupload.ir/files/ou8h_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_181849_www.erevollution.com.png
And some more...
They all have one thing in common→ http://uupload.ir/files/jtqe_opera_snapshot_2020-03-13_190715_www.erevollution.com.png
Admin if you think that Iranian accs are breaking rules ok penalize them but why you ban them??why??
why moderators never see this unfair move??why??
you can remove golds and ban multi accs but why you ban MAIN accs?this is my right to know the answer as a player of this game right?
why you be online just when Croatia needs help?
I want same rules for everyone I want justice for everyone...
don t forget this is just a game not real war...
*** a fair player never can close his/her eyes for this never ***
I think this one-month punishment was really enough for them so please STOP this.
you have unbanned peaky, steppenwolf, and I remember this guy too and many more...
so why not Iranians?why?Because they fight against Croatia? Against your country?
Well, aren't you admin?Leave a shield around Croatia so no one can attack...
Or tell us if you attack Croatia I will ban your accounts...Believe me no one attacks in this way...
Without them, it would be no fun for the rest of the Iranians...I am sure Croatian players will not enjoy it either...They may show themselves happy from this, but believe me these are fake laughs.
Some of our friends protest this like yomadafakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but you block them and remove
them articles too STOP this and unban our accs please...

thanks for reading and supporting right side o7


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コメント (36)

@Modu He can t see this bro he is sleeping now...Aradiginiz kisiye ulasilamiyorSmile
If i resume the article Iranians players break the rules and have been ban WHAT THE FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, NO JUSTICE, NO FAIR, :crying:.
vote done your turn to subscribe https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/35100 o7
It would be useful for the admin to publish details of WHY individual players are banned - if only to dissuade others from making the same mistakes.... Just to summarily execute guys without any indication why is pointless....
admin.i want to left military unit. fix this bugggggggggggggggggggggg
Dreza steppenwolf TBPKO Tepic BornaX still using too many acc Tropico if you cant find their ip or donation i can help you. Pm me in discord or game 😊
@yomadafakaa Laugh
07 Admin read it
No matter if they are Iranian or croatian, Will be good for ALL if Admin tell us why he ban players.
Admin help serbia and crotia this is the truth
RuFiFeR: The biggest ruffian of the e-World is Greek! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/35071 THE RUFIANS DO THE JOB.
Admin If we don t get the answer right, my friends and I will leave the game forever
Multifarming is strictly forbidden in the world of Erevollution and both the multies and their masters are punishable by permanent ban. Unless you are Yugoslav (Serbian, Croatian or Slovenian), that is - or, for now, Gurgian. In their case only the - usually already useless - multies get banned and the masters get away with a temp ban at worst.
in iran we should come with vpn to this fucking game . you can ask it from every person which he / she live in iran, and vpns just give us 10-15 ip (no more) . | and you guys think we are making multi .... its ok , have a good game Smile and for my last word , even they make multi , admin only can ban them and cant say anything to them when they pm him many times ?
Can just hope it continues and admins bann all players breaking the rules.
Everyone who makes multies shall be banned. Nobody shall be unbanned, so modify your request Smile
@BastianJerk read the article then start trash talk... you know that they were breaking the rules or not?Don t talk just to talk...@MrBogdan if they make multies yeah you re rightSmileI want same rules for everyone too like steppenwolf and many others
¨I remember this guy too ... ¨ This Guy was not banned for multies, but for buying a cheap pink stone from a Portuguese player who left the game . Please don t associate me with multies, I always played fair . Problem was solved, admn shouldn t even have banned me without clarifying what happened first .
@the last lynx pardinus Ok ... but they have no multies too read king of the dark comment pleaseSmile
V/s o7
@HarleyQuinn no they onlly baying advantages over other players Smile
Thats what you get for breaking game rules
@kebabas69 I want it to many others too like steppenwolf bornaX and othersSmile
ban all boters, main and bot acc, no exception
Everyone should be ban and we should leave this crap game. maybe the admins dont like your writing style? you put the address references to your proof as pictures so noone can click on them to check your accuracy and you are after the admins to prove to you why they were banned what a hypocrite! you still have no proof. list the links accuratly so people can click on them and make sure they work on everyones computer.... not backlinks to the inside of your computer with references to programs that other people might not want or have. thank you
So, you are saying that if someone is breaking rules admins should ban multi accs and remove gold from them? Have you ever heard of something called rules? It s right down here: You are only allowed to have ONE (1) eRevollution account. Violating this law may result in a permanent ban of all your accounts.
Listen, i feel your pain. I / WE needed those accounts to help fight off the Evil Serbians. (just teasing). But if you READ the rules it clearly says 1 account per player. Now i know, you guys that were banned were not / are Not the only ones violating this rule. If we could have fair play by and for all (including ADMINS) this game could be/ would be more fun. its supposed to be about skill and determination in game play, NOT :He who cheats best WINS:
Listen, i feel your pain. I / WE needed those accounts to help fight off the Evil Serbians. (just teasing). But if you READ the rules it clearly says 1 account per player. Now i know, you guys that were banned were not / are Not the only ones violating this rule. If we could have fair play by and for all (including ADMINS) this game could be/ would be more fun. its supposed to be about skill and determination in game play, NOT :He who cheats best WINS:
@islandwoodsie @Ernan Kortes Why don t you understand me? My point is that I want the same law for everyone.admin has to bann a lot more.if you need SS pm yomada.
@islandwoodsie @Ernan Kortes This person has had a large number of multis as you can see in the picture https://prnt.sc/re5exi Why isn t his account blocked now? Don t think about anything else and just answer this one question