掲載する国 Romania - 社会・エンターテイメント - 14 Mar 2020 02:20 - 4

Hospital Consumption info .. Q1 = 100, Q2 = 200, Q3 = 300, Q4 = 400 and Q5 = 500
House Recoverable Energy

Food Company

Weapon Company

Tank Company

Helicopter Company

Warship Company

House Company

Hospital Company

Defense System Company

Food Raw Matertials Production

Weapon Raw Matertials Production

House Raw Matertials Production

Ship Raw Matertials Production

Damage Multipliers

Missile Firepower

DondarrionDondarrionDondarrionHosein DevilgoneforeverTsiggerBaddal GaziparazituBastianJerkRomyBunnyLiuGreen EyesMandochiparosuLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethredfighterAlitaTheOldMan67TheOldMan67TheOldMan67TheOldMan67TheOldMan67LeD ZePPeLiNnimenimenimenimenimenimenimenimenimenimeLijaserchalacoshazzamPony of DarknessPratinoIgorAcabveliki ratnikKYLOFrancesco LentiniSajkePMihaiSt0L3nHiroOktienneVancho72ioc_2HonfoglaloHonfoglalomiteladmiteladmiteladmiteladmiteladIvesvog2000arca7arca7arca7arca7arca7arca7arca7arca7arca7arca7arca7fadasmaLijaserpantodKoreysKoreysKoreysKoreysKoreysVladyslausBeepBeepIamAJeepZrasvuugDareDevilDareDevilBerl1nAustinPKDibexliodianyqHuMaViBayintjj tuckerコメント (4)

Also: 5. BASIC: Which actor traveled with the circus at the age of 15 and was a tamer?
2. chuck norris
3. Robert de niro
4. Nicolas cage
Actual answer: Christopher Walken

Thank you 

Which country has more than 15 regions? Not India but IRAN!
Which actor traveled with the circus at the age of 15 and was a tamer? Not Christopher Walken but CHUCK NORRIS!

You help me a lot