掲載する国 Iran - 社会・エンターテイメント - 13 Apr 2020 02:36 - 20

Weapon → 100%
House → 60%
Ship → 60%

Weapon → 100%
House → 70%
Ship → 60%

Weapon → 80%
House → 40%
Ship → 80%

Weapon → 80%
House → 40%
Ship → 80%

Weapon → 80%
House → 60%
Ship → 80%

Weapon → 40%
House → 60%
ship → 60%

Weapon → 60%
House → 60%
Ship → 80%

Weapon → 80%
House → 40%
Ship → 50%

Weapon → 20%
House → 50%
Ship → 40%

Weapon → 40%
House → 40%
Ship → 60%

Weapon → 30%
House → 40%
Ship → 30%
Don't judge him, I'm sure it happened by accident ;)
Loving PabloGeneral PidbulaHuMaViArchimagusBunnyLiuArminatoringhawkoulisthe_passengerthe_passengerthe_passengerSoraDerbederpoletarecPasRatunkowyPasRatunkowyNicKs GEonNicKs GEonNicKs GEonNicKs GEonNicKs GEonePazZOMBILANDlesykLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethzephyruszephyruszephyrusNightwatcherHUNStanislasLijaserPako22AlitaAlitamaistorabgshafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385shafagi 385KingorionViGoMariscal CaceresGeneral RocaFirelizardOrban ViktorKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the DarkKing of the Dark2ping2pingSimkeBracala2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2pingUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredUnscarredBaba VossBaba VossHaveANiceDayBMorgado10barcelona oleeeTaTa RaTaovicaBuri_rammister18FallenAngelBelgorMr IndigoSymonNan1tomcrisPlayer39144PapaPapaPapaPapaPapaNoJobJuan05コメント (20)



Thanks for mention me. But as i said, if you have more region, you have statiscly more chance to have bonus.
And you cant count in your summary empty bonus region like China and India for Turquey.
Was easy to have plenty of no defend regions during these last years, not bad idea of admin to remove bonuses from some of them.
But I agree that can be not fair for Turquey :/

Admins are from?

HuMaVi, from Adminilandia.. 

In this shuffle there is additional factor that many dead countries have no resource in many regions, and as far as India China regions Turkey lost many resources due to that reason. I was not into this shuffle dam sh*t but facts are facts bad or good this is it

those countries with a lot of regions have dead country colonies so they dont have any bonuses from them thats all

v c e done
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@stolen many dead countries have no resource in many regions this is not true bro you can check İtaly ( there is a a lot of bonus ) also Austria ( only 1 player but 8x bonus ) also USa ( there is a 5-6 player but %80 ship+ %50 other ) Nort Korea + South +russia and africa vs vs. they deleted only China-İndia and S.arabia you can check map i forget Egypt
no player but there is bonus

I totally disagree with the idea of removing resources they should have reduce regions rather than removing resources so yes i feel you yomdafakka, but what i am searching that what lead to this i just search India CP election for last 6 month 2 candidate and not a single vote. I am not sure about this all, but what i am sure that admin was drunk 

Oh, admins did not give you 2-3 rare bonuses in India, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan as always they did, and you are mad now. That is so unfair...

Copy paste like you
@the_id1ot serbia using canada+usa+belgium and uruguay and you are talking o.O we beat everywhere everytime serbs dont forget this truth

+1 the_passenger 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

I don t understand what s the problem? So far, the game has been fair. Even rare raw materials just leaked from the sky for the one who deserves it. We lucky now ...If it did not go otherwise, they could have deleted Hungary, but they did not... I m so happy!

I Think the idea of a resource shuffle is to create more fighting. NOT give those who rule, MORE goodies. I don t know, just like in real life, the rich get richer and the poor eat shit and die (shrug)


Warning: Serbia has started a war declaration law on your country.

HarleyQuinn you stupid woman 

@Torpedjo F*ck you