掲載する国 United States of America - 政治討論と分析 - 15 Apr 2020 10:55 - 4
World war is gone. Nothing important happens. At least for the big countries.
If we compare results USA ends this war as a heavy looser. 10 regions at the beginning and one region in the end. And without core regions.
I can't blame citizens. We shoot all we have. Neither the opponents in this war. Their role is to fight against us, not to help us.
What is going on with allies? I can't deny that they fight hard in some important battles for US. Also, there was some battles without their help. In the end, some of our allies took some US core regions in battles against Serbia.
But, war is ended. After change in world resource distribution, renting regions is a good way to make some profit. We witnessed even articles explaining "good deal" about New Mexico.
My question is - what kind of allies would rent core region of friendly country when this country is fighting for survival, with last region on foreign core, without any own core region?
If we compare results USA ends this war as a heavy looser. 10 regions at the beginning and one region in the end. And without core regions.
I can't blame citizens. We shoot all we have. Neither the opponents in this war. Their role is to fight against us, not to help us.
What is going on with allies? I can't deny that they fight hard in some important battles for US. Also, there was some battles without their help. In the end, some of our allies took some US core regions in battles against Serbia.
But, war is ended. After change in world resource distribution, renting regions is a good way to make some profit. We witnessed even articles explaining "good deal" about New Mexico.
My question is - what kind of allies would rent core region of friendly country when this country is fighting for survival, with last region on foreign core, without any own core region?
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well it depends on who pulls your strings yo ask that question I guess 🤔

@LuCiFeR, I failed to understand your comment 😞. Interest of eUSA is on the first place for me. I don t support fake friendship, and if that is what is here about... well we should to reconsider our position in the alliance and in the game.

well it is wired what you say to my ears because Israel also made accommodations for the US citizens when we where talking 🤔

I am not against the fact that Greece is holding New Mexico. US has only Prince Edward Island and we are struggling not to be deleted. What we need on the first place is at least a single core region as Capital, and to put Hospital there. If our allies are not willing to let us have one of US regions conquered in last war... what is left to do? I would not like to be blamed if we would be forced to negotiate with our (former) opponent.