Admin News

掲載する国 Croatia - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 28 Apr 2020 09:53 - 75

Hello everyone, it is time we come again with some of the latest news.

New Medal - LEVEL UP

29.4. we will add new medal called "God of War".  Every time when player p 100 levels, he will receive a special quest to solve. When he accomplishes that quest, he will receive a medal and other valuable prizes. Players who have already crossed the level needed for a medal will be able to complete missions in turn and receive rewards (when they complete a level 100 mission, they will unlock level 200 mission ,after they p 200 mission,they will unlock lvl 300, etc.. )

Military Unit Tournament

Military Unit tournament will start at 29.04.2020 and it will end at 10.05.2020(lastday). Tournament will have 2 leader-boards counting damage of the Military Unit and other will count damage of Single Players. First 10 Players/MilitaryUnits will earn new medals on their profiles 11.05.2020 with rest of rewards. Military Units will be locked from 29.04., while Military units collect their prize from the gold mine, to 16.05.2020.
War of Nations

War of Nations tournament will be active from 29.04. to 24.05 (last day). Tournament involve all countries,so everyone can participate and gain points. We will just give you some short notes how does this event work: 
Countries will receive points based on their activity in the battlefield, and they will be given like this:
1 point - won a direct battle
2 points - a country liberates its region through Resistance War
-1 point - lost region through Resistance War
NOTE: in direct battles, 1 point is given only if the attacker wins it. If the defender wins it, no points are awarded.

The country that collects the most points in the end will receive a reward. In addition, all players who make more than 2000 hits during the tournament will receive a prize in Country section (First 10 Countries have rewards for all players in it)

Besides the top countries list, there will be a category for Top 10 international players with most overall hits, and top 3 players will receive a medal on their profile, we will also prize all players who make 4000 hits in event period. 
NOTE: Citizenship change will be disabled from 29.04. and it will be disabled until the end of the tournament.
Lucky Wheel

Lucky Wheel will be active for weekend 02.05-03.05 and 09.05.-10.05. Rules are simple like always, you have to win jackpot stars in order to receive jackpot. You have 12,5% chance to win jackpot star with every turn. When you win 3 jackpot stars you win first  jackpot prize, after that you have to earn another 3 jackpot stars for second reward(6 stars totally), and after that you need to earn 3 new jackpot stars for last jackpot rewards(9 stars totally). You can win only once per a day all jackpot rewards, after that you can turn wheel and win small rewards but not jackpot.
Buried Treasure

This event begins 29.04 and lasts until 19.05. There are 8 rows with 8 levels, which you dig downwards and deeper you go, the better the prizes. But beware! The deeper you go the more mines there are. If you hit a mine, you will not collect any reward, but all the fields you unlocked will stay unlocked, so dont panic.
Everyday you receive 2 lives (2 chances to dig). You unlock lower levels by clicking the lowest level you have unlocked, you can still however try your luck in any level.

X2 Energy Week

Double Speed energy recovery will be active from 04.05. to 10.05.

Mission unlock -  f
rom 04.05. you will be able to finish mission using gold; until that point, the only way to p a mission is to fulfillits task.

There is small prize for first 20 players who comment/vote article.

For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.

Best regards,

Admin team


General PidbulaKame SenninBunnyLiuMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMarvoIoFORTUNABastianJerkHusin BikHusin BikHusin BikHusin BikthekrekcAileronLajbachubojica mekog srcaGottfried BouillonUndergradzegan83zegan83LackoaNemethMagniJulcsi82F4llen4ngelIosif74LeD ZePPeLiNTwo HawksmarcdionAnacarsis77Obito Uchiha77sportster883ironNikita FenixSANCAKB3YPMihaigavana2006specalone96specalone96SuzukaMukhrani

コメント (75)

Nice o7
vote 8
nice bro. o7
v 10
v12 nice news
voted 13 good luck
voted o7
good job Smile
Vote 16
s 2387 sub back pls
Bravo o7
Military Unit Tournament War of nation: bored, bored, BORED!!! the medal of every 100 lvl is a good update (i was ask them from first mount of server1 but ok xD ), i hope in good rewards Smile
vote 18 Double Speed energy recovery will be active from 04.05. to 10.04. ??????? 10.4 or 10.5?
Late Sad
Nice, the quest for every 100 levels
great, thanks
Nice, thanks o7
pls incres basic consumption of energy Wink
çok yaratıcı
Bravo majstore. Napokon nesto jak9 produktivno. Aferim
v18 Smile
v c done your turn to subscribe and please explain to me how to obtain more tokens than 0/0 in the country i work for and thanks in advance o7
great o7
Nice Smile
Hire me as a designer wtf is that new medal?
great uptade
Not bad, I should admit it. Voted
Give us news in game
Increase consumption of food or reduce production. Also, increase raw cost of house and put more benefits from them would be nice. Those 2 products have no more value in the game and are almost free. All the economy in game is based on weapons only, try to change it please.
when TP comeback to 5g and TA for 2.5g?
Ban all multies from game
make 25,000 hits and show to all world how strong are you. in single fight???? you are crazy????
mmm made last mission from tomorrw will be harder! All nation will defend to not loose rw for not lost points oO
@admin when you made another double exp week? (there was amazing with the new lvl medals) or maybe a double rank week? Smile
Just rename this medal GoF in somethig better
What about navy battles? that dmg is still ignored.
Vote #3 lol
Boooorrrrriiiing add something new, I like the medal part but other than that? Same as usual :/ boooorrrrriiiing