掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 12 May 2020 06:18 - 115
Hello everyone, we would like to present you with the latest news.
We would like to congrats to all players who played our last M-unit tournament and won prizes

Aircraft Factory Q6

As of Friday 15.05.2020, you will be able to upgrade your aircraft factory to Quality 6, so there will be a new aircraft quality for you to fight with. You can see the cost of upgrade, cost of production and other important information in the table below:

There will be changes in Strategic buildings, we will add a new Research Center. Research Center allow you to gain work tokens and Hyper Bar depending of quality you have. You can work in a Research Center once per a day and Hyper Bar is also one per day.

You must wonder what Hyper bar does? Well, it cancels the countdown for energy refill, giving you automatically the ability to refill your energy bar without the waiting period.With just one click.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Hyper bar can not be stocked, you can have a maximum of 1 in the storage. If you have 1 Hyper bar in your Storage and click on “Research”, you will only receive the work tokens that day. Once you spend the Hyper bar, the next time you click on “Research”, both work tokens and a new Hyper bar will be received.

Players who have Strategic Supplies building will have it rechanged into a Research Center of the same quality. That means you won’t be able to produce Life Kit anymore, you will be able to produce workers and Hyper Bars.
Players who have a Life Kit in storage will be able to use them without a date of expiration but they won’t be able to produce new one.
One more time we would like to notice for you it’s forbidden to use any kind of s c r i p t s or automated bots to run your account. Any further findings about it will be strictly punished.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

We would like to congrats to all players who played our last M-unit tournament and won prizes

As of Friday 15.05.2020, you will be able to upgrade your aircraft factory to Quality 6, so there will be a new aircraft quality for you to fight with. You can see the cost of upgrade, cost of production and other important information in the table below:

There will be changes in Strategic buildings, we will add a new Research Center. Research Center allow you to gain work tokens and Hyper Bar depending of quality you have. You can work in a Research Center once per a day and Hyper Bar is also one per day.

You must wonder what Hyper bar does? Well, it cancels the countdown for energy refill, giving you automatically the ability to refill your energy bar without the waiting period.With just one click.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Hyper bar can not be stocked, you can have a maximum of 1 in the storage. If you have 1 Hyper bar in your Storage and click on “Research”, you will only receive the work tokens that day. Once you spend the Hyper bar, the next time you click on “Research”, both work tokens and a new Hyper bar will be received.

Players who have Strategic Supplies building will have it rechanged into a Research Center of the same quality. That means you won’t be able to produce Life Kit anymore, you will be able to produce workers and Hyper Bars.
Players who have a Life Kit in storage will be able to use them without a date of expiration but they won’t be able to produce new one.
One more time we would like to notice for you it’s forbidden to use any kind of s c r i p t s or automated bots to run your account. Any further findings about it will be strictly punished.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

plue5SuzukaAlitaLoving PabloLoving PablonimeIosif74HarleyQuinnGottfried BouillonArchimagusLajbachIosif74Mao Pichittiコメント (115)


Omg...NO more LKs


hayda yine mi


Problem will be with overproduktion

then we have to get back the money spent so far with the strategic center upgrade ...
Permanent ban for all the clones. we want a fair play game...

it is erev2 . we dont need erev2 . we have erev2


So, will LK be removed as rewards of events or other sources besides the strategic building?

ouch :/

Leave this game as it is. No need for Erev2 here. Implement Research Center if you wish (more is usually better) but leave Strategic Supplies alone!


Punish the cheaters now!

Punish the cheaters now: http://prnt.sc/sfdfka !

We don t need Hyperbars ! (if you change LK s to Hyperbars than give the GOLD back as it was invested in the Strategic Supplies, we don t need Research Center !!! )

Are you crazy admins???
ok the research center, is been useful for add work toke BUT in ADD of strategic supply!!!!


don t make the same mistake as the 2nd server

напокон свака част

well done nice updates o7

At least higer stock limit to 30 and add faster energy recovery

Admin you are killing this game.

#it is erev1.it isnot erev2?? . we don t need erev2 . we have erev2. leave erev1 as it is. we need somthing new.

Leave Strategic Supply! add research centar as third strategic building

why sey admin why? ? ? ? ?you killed this game

It is time to say good bye

#it is erev1.it isnot erev2?? . we don t need erev2 . we have erev2. leave erev1 as it is.

no life kit anymore!!!!!! it is not going to be possible to store energy anymore with this change this is so bad! at least HYPERBAR HAVE TO BE STORABLE. We are not in erev2.

v c

Don t take us LK companies!

I want 100% refund for my LK factory. I will not be able to build any hyper bars for very long time... Admins you screwed me right here. So please at least give me 100% refund.

like when the little brother gives trousers to the big brother.

go and end your life and make us happy

admin you make another big mistake, but its not like we are suprised anymore

Worry not, my friends! You will still be able to buy energy bars (instead of your LKs) for gold in the Store. And if you happen to run out of gold... well, the Store has a solution for that problem, too!

And captcha for starting RWs, hungarians can t play this game without s

Bad changes.... like always.
-if no more lk give me back the golds of my 5 food factory q5. (Only use for do lk)
-No more big damage battles in about 1month.
-Overproduction of weapons without can use.
-you put pirate reward every 2.5hour too for temporary prizes like hyperbars and bars and bazzuka???
-you can limit the max number of factorys too and then sell land spaces for new factories.....
Welcome erev2!!!
Why dont fusion the 2 games in one and you sell or close one server and only maintenace one???
We want captcha every hit we do in battle too.
Never a good change....
Admin if you wanna close the server said it clearly and all go to others games.

Kinda miss the green energy bars

don t make the same mistake as the 2nd server. +1
Erev2 is a failure, why are you making the same update??


Leave Strategic Supply!

Will you publish this in English as well?

Sad, but i QUIT. This is the stupidist idea i have ever heard of. Us honest players who have played for years to build our accounts do not deserve this treatment because of a few rich kids who do NOT know how to play a game without cheating.( I do understand you make these games in hopes of making some $$$ and believe me i would have supported you more, but you kept making stupid changes that made me think {Why bother} they will just take away what i have paid for in their next STUPID update.)

there may be one solution to this : increase the rewards in ED for Daily Orders, Battle Hits, and Passeport Stamp. We cannot possibly be forced to drop all our energy every day because there are days were nothing happens and days where every hit counts. On top of that, big changes like these need the approbation of the community which obviously you haven t.

Od svega ovo sto vidjeh najvise mi se svidio avatar od Bosnia soldier.

What about overproduction now? Did you think about that?

*Players who have Strategic Supplies building will have it rechanged into a Research Center of the same quality.* _________________More fun would be to add Research Center as 3rd building, not to replace LK
why prevent people from keep their energy stocked up? Why not set 10-20 hyperbars in storage as maximum, not just 1?

o7 --- No LKs any more

Worry not, my friends! You will still be able to buy energy bars (instead of your LKs) for gold in the Store. And if you happen to run out of gold... well, the Store has a solution for that problem, too!

+1 bikkin

Leave Strategic Supply! add research centar as third strategic building

Leave Strategic Supply! add research centar as third strategic building

bikkin ahushushausuhas +_1

kasno Marko na kosovo stiže....
admin je već trebao banati igrače koji su imali i još uvijek imaju skripte da pokaže kako mu je stalo do nas igrača.
bolja ideja bi bila da je stavio zgradu za boostere da proizvodi od q1 do q5 boostere za dmg .... ali na žalost čovjek nema ideja ...... samo su mu na pameti euri

Leave Strategic Supply! add research centar as third strategic building

wtf..are you guys stupid? Your f..ing killing the game. No problem there are other games!

Captcha is good adition, q6 weap is ok, but removing LK is very bad. Should just make research center as third building. This way you re making erev same boring game as erev2.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA...this admin and his changes make me sick

Salute Poland o7

Q6 weapons with the current level of rewards for medals is a joke ... removing the life kits will improve the problems of clones that made big stocks of LK, but there should be a mechanism to reward active players.

Nice update. I quit playing both of your servers now. GJ.... Keep playing alone.

Leave Strategic Supply! add research centar as third strategic building

We will surely miss Life kits

Leave Strategic Supply! add research centar as third strategic building

Ooj jeste glupi

Upgrade on Q6 520G??? Then return the medal prizes on 5 golds.

Our life is a Life Kit. You can`t take that away.

A ubio si igru sa starter pack multijima...

Remove work tokens and instead increase capacity of hyper bar, make it that players can store them, at least 5 or 10, adding more tokens will increase the overproduction which is horrible for a game that is losing active players literally every month.

I don t like erev 2 that is why I play here an now you make it more and more like erev 2


Leave Strategic Supplies alone! Implement Research Center as intended! Implement a second Strategic Supplies building - possibly for RL money - instead, thus boosting economy!

We have to get back the money spent so far with the strategic center upgrade !!!



Q1 AIRPLANES X 0.4 means that are actually REDUCING by 60% the fire power???


So I play both servers and now I need to chose who to continue to play because they are the same. Nice 

the researchcenter is no improvement. it uses more tokens to produce the needed raws, than that it token gives. the forced exchange of strategic supplies into research center is robbery! there s no equivalent benefit from center itsealf. and not to mention from exchange. - - -
sorry to say: this is a really bad move or its crap.

Congrats to the Winners of the tournament.

The research center by itself might be an interesting idea, but removing LK factories changes so much. Just like that Q4/Q5 food factories became useless, energy storage became gold based, vests became waste of money, since they dont bring any real value anymore, air consumption will greatly decrease, and Starter Pack multi/ users will be in even more privileged position, since weekly challenge EDs will become much more valuable and energy storage will be much more difficult. Awful and unimaginative update, the fact that 90% of players would be happier without this update pretty much says it all. Updates should not make the game more boring and worse.

Keep the strategic supplies building as it is!!! Otherwise Q5 food factories will be useless and a lot of players will leave the game or being 2-click. You can implement the research center as a new strategic building!!!

This is NOT eRev2 OMG

Change rewards in Gold pack. They are very old and almost they dont have a value


Admin, if almost all players are against this change, then the RL money spent in this game will certainly decrease, since many of these will stop to play or play just as 2 click. I think it will be in your interest to allow LK factories to survive

Remove LK!


How to kill game 101

What you guys don t understand is the admin has to live also
he needs food, new clothes, a new car maybe... or a new house... he can not live with a humiliating rent and a Yugo... he need a Mercedes and maybe he needs some cash for some condoms also


+1 winston i think about this problem too

Abnormal overproduction within 5 days after implementation.

Leave Strategic Supplies alone! Implement Research Center as intended! Implement a second Strategic Supplies building - possibly for RL money - instead, thus boosting economy!

Leave Strategic Supplies alone! Implement Research Center as intended! Implement a second Strategic Supplies building - possibly for RL money - instead, thus boosting economy!

سچم سنون آبدیتویه.o7

how to destroy this game, good job admins

Wadi sheni mchermetyveli dedacmovtyan

lousy update. these are the things that make us think if it would not be better to leave the game


Imagine country whit 15 players, hov can they defend them selfs whit no LK??? This is like hittlers 3rd Rajh, they Will be delite and no Come back... That was bad decition

Pure robbery during day with 100 evidences

I return to the game and I see that the updates that ruin the game continue

Nevjerojatno ,ali mađar cak i sa svim multijima mora komentirat clanak da ispadne kako su svi protiv promjena i opet nikom ništa 🤣

ADMIN je glup !!!!

Give us as much gold back as we spent on making LK building, then we will choose whether we want HB or not 😡😡😡

why should there be a big change like this??
all our efforts for building and upgrading food companies has gone to waste
who should answer for the time and gold we have spent ??
why should you repeat same changes in erev2 here?
there had to be a poll for this this changes are not acceptable and shouldnt happen

Im speechless ..probably for better

Please, stop this nonsense admin, we are not idiots, some respect from your side is required if you want us to stay here.

@Admin: If you want us to leave the game, you should just close the server rather than giving us some bad updates.. 

Delete game pay lover admins