掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 11 Jun 2020 22:18 - 54
Hello everyone, we would like to present you with the latest news.

M-Unit tournament will start from 13.06 and it will last until 21.06 (Sunday is last day). Military Units will be locked from 13.06, while Military Units collect their prize from the gold mine, to 26.06. While tournament is active we will add x2 energy refill.

Missions are coming back!!! Of course, they won’t be the same ones, but the main points are the same, so let’s start introducing them:
It will last from 13.06 and they will last until 12.07. Last week of missions we will unlock possibility to solve them with GOLD.

Lucky wheel will be available this at dates 13-14.06. and 20-21.06.
Energy System

Gold Pack (30 days) for player who are 1000+ level they loose next bonus: increases the battlefield rank damage by 20% and gives double experience.
For players who 1000+ level they need 10 000 exp for every next level (Players who are above that level, won't get gold until they reach old level and their level counter will start from it).
True medal have new system of counting, every player depending on the new calculation system their damage in battle will earn number of medals. Every medal will provide 5 Gold.
We have also updated store with more gold and new packages. All these changes take effect on June 13th.
*NOTE* Temporary items disappear from storage if you do not use them same day, on day change every item which was in storage will be missing.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

M-Unit tournament will start from 13.06 and it will last until 21.06 (Sunday is last day). Military Units will be locked from 13.06, while Military Units collect their prize from the gold mine, to 26.06. While tournament is active we will add x2 energy refill.

It will last from 13.06 and they will last until 12.07. Last week of missions we will unlock possibility to solve them with GOLD.

Lucky wheel will be available this at dates 13-14.06. and 20-21.06.

Gold Pack (30 days) for player who are 1000+ level they loose next bonus: increases the battlefield rank damage by 20% and gives double experience.
For players who 1000+ level they need 10 000 exp for every next level (Players who are above that level, won't get gold until they reach old level and their level counter will start from it).
True medal have new system of counting, every player depending on the new calculation system their damage in battle will earn number of medals. Every medal will provide 5 Gold.
We have also updated store with more gold and new packages. All these changes take effect on June 13th.
*NOTE* Temporary items disappear from storage if you do not use them same day, on day change every item which was in storage will be missing.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

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Good o7

One of the best updates in Last few Years.

Very good news o7

game alive? nice! gj admin



v c

obiectele temporare ar fi bine sa aiba o zi(24 ore) valabilitate!

This is a good update. Well done!

Give us more PINK STONES.





True medal have new system of counting, every player depending on the new calculation system their damage in battle will earn number of medals. Every medal will provide 5 Gold.”
Can someone translate this?


Mission are bored the rest is good!

Good news admin

2-days I open 3 hyperbar and I dont have it in storage,new bug???


Nice update in the last month which we are playing


Not bad

Finally progress !!!

Finally a step in the right direction



Really nice update, thank you not making me feal bad about coming bakc! o7

Niceeeee o7

Bring gifting Starter Pack back.

Wait wait wait
Food do not recovery more energy ?
Like a hyper bar will cost hudge amont of food

yea wb my life kits? fuck equipment. shitty game

Can someone tell me what are the new chance to success your enchantment with blue stone ? Old chance was 50% to 5% for the 5 level

OK here are missing things, What about the firepower table for Military Jacket and Helmet? We only have 3 level of field hospital and 1 is gain from Lucky Draw reward the question is next Field Hospital will be available from 13th?

very good

strange still that many people read admin news :|

˝Gold Pack (30 days) for player who are 1000+ level they loose next bonus: increases the battlefield rank damage by 20% and gives double experience.˝
Admin: is this some kind of joke?? Gold Pack rewards are pretty much useless already, and you take away the only remaining useful features?! You had better update the daily rewards for Gold Pack! What about those who had bought more of these soon-to-be-useless Gold Packs?
The rest of the update seems all right.

the next bad joking update.

Who do we complain to?
What an irrational update, the whole game is messed up.
It s all food factory, it s all raw materials.
Lost time for this efficient.
We have sinned, we are playing, what a situation you have made the game go wrong.
So why did you make version 2 of the game? That s why your alchemy updates. Go there and put your smart thoughts here.

honestly who cares about gear updates after you robbed all the people who stocpiled for years to get it maxed? you pretty much stole atleast 10k gold from every1 like me, i wont even bother to try to max it now, screw you admins and your hidden updates, this update wont fix shit that you have made with your last one

i agree with qqless. And i would like to ask Admin! what will be Goldpack situtation? Does it works anymore?

Admin your game already died you heard, I am disappointed in your horrible update you need to twist your brain to adjust and do not make mistakes again that many players will know

fu.... idiots your update are nothing like you
bla bla bla 4bil damage for true patriot
bla bla bla 2.5bil damage for true ally
bla bla bla 1.7bil damage for navy

Energy part is good but why did you changed the medal system ? 3 billion damages for 5 golds ? Seriously ?

Such a crappy game. Admin should have let players know about the upcoming updates one month before, so they make decisions. Unfortunately, admin does not care about players, which led them to leave this shitty game.

Admin: give me back the gold I paid for your useless Gold Packs!

First and last comment on this latest update - you increased energy pool and other energy boosts, but production remained the same...meaning, all non buyers are fooked now or we can *simply* double our factories to compensate this. Not to mention that rewards from lucky wheel and other weekly events are the same - so now we spend more energy bars and everything. No, thanks. And this p2w nukes at the end...cherry on the top of this crappy idea. You probably chased away remaning hard core old players if you dont fix the rewards/production fast.

I dont get this new medal system

syth, you mean, you dont get why there is NO medal system anymore?! yeah, me neither...just used up several temp hyper bars and my full energy to the max and all I got was 1g from level upgrade. Congratz to admin for taking away gold from medals and all the stuff ppl said before in comments section.