掲載する国 Romania - 社会・エンターテイメント - 20 Mar 2021 05:47 - 8
Putem merge departe, o putem face visând, cu picioarele, cu gândurile și cu sentimentele noastre ...
We can go far, we can do it with dreams, with our legs, with thoughts and with our feelings ...
“This is what 5oz (standard wine gl size) looks like in different wine gles.”
Drink responsable… ;)
“The Price & Sell By Date of this Pie... is Pi”
“My new TV remote has a full qwerty keyboard on its back.”
"My dad brought this from a hotel visit a few years ago, just now realized it has a cute caption!"
“She was 11 when WWI started, 36 when WWII started, 74 when Star Wars released and 116 when Covid-19 started. And her name is Kane Tanaka as the world’s oldest living person at age 118 years. She was born on January 2, 1903.”
“The fangs of the Emerald Tree Boa.”
“Coin operated ‘Tel-a-Chairs’ in the Los Angeles Greyhound bus terminal, 1969. Ten minutes of television time cost 10 cents while a half-hour cost 25 cents.”
“Pink Floyd performing a free concert on a floating stage in Venice in 1989. The attendance was of 200,000. Venice has a lation of around 270,000.”
“A Mars-like blue sun in Beijing caused by today's severe dust storm.”
“Windows Xp desktop background as it is today 25 years after the original.”
“Wuppertal Suspension Railway in Germany.”
“Phonograph record magnified 1000x.”
“Japanese WWII Warplane Lies Wrecked in Tropical Riverbed in Palau.”
“The worlds first motorcycle.”
“Some sTREEt art in Hungary.”
“This is Jupiter.”
“This Snow Leopards Incredible Camoflauge!”
Iată-ne ajunși la finalul acestui episod al pozuțelor, vă doresc să aveți un sfârșit de saptămână plin de frumos, cu vise și speranțe împlinite!
Să aveți grijă de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți!
Here we are at the end of this episode of the funny pics, I wish you a beautiful weekend, with dreams and hopes fulfilled!
Take care of your souls and don't forget to smile!
GtmardelStevan GTheOldMan67TheOldMan67De OblandoTheOldMan67TheOldMan67TITUSSTITUSSTITUSSTITUSSdgyx1983HuMaViPratinoPony of DarknessmikroZeparZeparZeparZeparparazituFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IpedrositopedrositoJerryZGBsesebiastonrivllMrBogdannagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895B A R O Njdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1dragica1Lushaコメント (8)


Excellent work... o/

The Boomers clip is fantastic

Excellent =)

Thanks! 👋👋

