掲載する国 Romania - 社会・エンターテイメント - 24 Mar 2021 10:54 - 81
Dear Players,
Easter and some holidays are upfront of us so we will share with you some of our ideas and plans for next period
Easter Egg

We had this event previously, everything will remain same but we changed rewards from first time. Event will start at 27.03.2021 and it will last until 02.05.2021 (Last Day).
It will be consisted of a board with 6 eggs, each with a random reward. Every day at day change you will be able to open 2 eggs for free, with an additional possibility after every 3000 hits you make

Main points of solving missions remain same and we have made for you fresh new missions which you did not se earlier. Let s refresh our memory how does this work:
Missions will start at 27.03.2021 and it will last until 02.05.2021 (Last Day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
- Basic/Grey missions,
- Businessman/Blue,
- Soldier/Green,
- Adventure/Red
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed,
- Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week but not before.
Business Pack
As we have been asked before about some economy things, we have added Business Pack which will provide you some workers and bonus productivity. You will have +100% bonus productivity.
Example: If you are producing 140Q3 food at your factories with this pack you will produce 280Q3 food in your factories. +100% bonus last 15 days, everything is written in pack and message when you buy pack.

From the date 03.04.2021 to the date 08.04.2021 you will be able to buy promotion packs and also in same dates there will be discount offers. Discount apply on everything which is written on picture of discounts .
Also on erevollution days 1910,1911,1917,1918,1938,1939 we will add double experience in battles.

Write proposals for next event which you want to see, first 30 players will receive small rewards
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
Easter and some holidays are upfront of us so we will share with you some of our ideas and plans for next period

We had this event previously, everything will remain same but we changed rewards from first time. Event will start at 27.03.2021 and it will last until 02.05.2021 (Last Day).
It will be consisted of a board with 6 eggs, each with a random reward. Every day at day change you will be able to open 2 eggs for free, with an additional possibility after every 3000 hits you make

Main points of solving missions remain same and we have made for you fresh new missions which you did not se earlier. Let s refresh our memory how does this work:
Missions will start at 27.03.2021 and it will last until 02.05.2021 (Last Day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
- Basic/Grey missions,
- Businessman/Blue,
- Soldier/Green,
- Adventure/Red
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed,
- Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week but not before.

As we have been asked before about some economy things, we have added Business Pack which will provide you some workers and bonus productivity. You will have +100% bonus productivity.
Example: If you are producing 140Q3 food at your factories with this pack you will produce 280Q3 food in your factories. +100% bonus last 15 days, everything is written in pack and message when you buy pack.

From the date 03.04.2021 to the date 08.04.2021 you will be able to buy promotion packs and also in same dates there will be discount offers. Discount apply on everything which is written on picture of discounts .
Also on erevollution days 1910,1911,1917,1918,1938,1939 we will add double experience in battles.

Write proposals for next event which you want to see, first 30 players will receive small rewards
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
T28KChild of FireMariscal CaceresKame SenninPratino77teshu77xEserx1905AndjelikaeradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradevCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCenturionCristian OlarChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireChild of FireMariscal CaceresRodinelkymyrmid0nashannibal reloadedGottfried Bouillonコメント (81)


Lucky Dice

Card event

huperproduction its all we need now, great

fifth !






Air baloon

I want reward









Just for prize

Pack pack and again pack, make some changes...

Nothing new.. 

sreci nasoj nema kraja







loll are u poor ? give some gifts pls

Buuying AQ6 20g/k send contract 

Mission? Again? Are you serious????
Boring, boring, boring!

Wtf is erev2? Why I need to read this on erev1? FFS
Don t be that layz, you need to delete only one sentence..



Card event?



people asking for economic module updates and you choose to add a VISA pack to boost production in all companies by 100% ? wow thats just amazing dude


Not interested



Bravo o7



I never saw air balloons, I want to experiment this event which is said to be the best one according to player consensus. Also country presidents (as me) should receive free rewards (until I lost an election, then you should remove these presidential rewards)

please admin add more op packs so the game dies faster, thank you !

Only AEK

a weekly challenge with boosters for 2xXP and 2xEnergy as milestones


Admin can we see beyonds the limit event again?



I would like to see an event that gives Random awards, as long as you participate you have a CHANCE to win something nice. Not another event that gives the rich an powerful, MORE riches and Power.

I am waiting for discount in Storage


Time to quit game


it doesn t matter how much you produce the prices are still at the lowest ever rate.


When you will add business pack ?

Lucky Dice

Lucky Dice 2
