掲載する国 Germany - 社会・エンターテイメント - 27 May 2021 22:54 - 54
Dear Players,
In next article we will introduce you events for upcoming few weeks.
War of Nations

War of Nations tournament will be active from 31.05 to 20.06 (last day).Tournament involve all countries, so everyone can participate and gain points. We will just give you some short notes how does this event work:
Countries will receive points based on their activity in the battlefield, and they will be given like this:
1 point - won a direct battle
2 points - a country liberates its region through Resistance War
-1 point -lost region through Resistance War
NOTE: in direct battles, 1 point is given only if the attacker wins it. If the defender wins it, no points are awarded.
The country that collects the most points in the end will receive a reward shown in the table below. In addition, all players who make more than 4000 hits during the tournament will receive a prize in Country section (First 10 Countries have rewards for all players in it). Also this time all countries who make more than 20 points will earn reward
Besides the top countries list, there will be a category for Top10 international players with most overall damage, and top 3 players will receive a new medal on their profile.
NOTE: We have changed rewards in War of Nations, they are not like before
Changing of resources

With start of tournament War of Nations resource map will be changed. This time we have made to shuffle resources with some rules. We hope that you will enjoy it and reach your country goals.
We have changed resources randomly and fully automatically by script, that is how it's going to be in future also.
NOTE:Last change of resources were at 27.01.2021, that is little less than 6 months ago. If you would like that we make it more often please write is ticket or comment
Naval Rankings

From 31.05 you will have new Naval rankings in game. In picture you can see all rankings and their number, now you have same number of naval rankings as military unit rankings. Your current progress won't be lost and you can see how much you need for next level
Info board
- From the day 31.05 we are adding sitter option into game, so you can use 90 days sitter. But when you decide to do so please, take care about rules and that we are not responsible to damage that may cause to your account.
- As you have asked from us, we have added option of "slow fight". With button in left corner battle you have switch called "speed on/speed off"

Now you can drop one missile/nuke at any time without complication with food consumption.
- Join up our discord channel ask for roles and follow up announcements for more info and small changes.
- Maximum level of upgrade pet with serum is level 100, for Wolf and Tiger. After you upgrade pet(s) to level 100, you can gain more levels by wining pet as reward from tournaments and events.
When you reach level 50 with your pet, every next upgrade cost you 2 Pink stones and 125 Gold for each level upgrade. Also feeding pet after level 50, you need 500 Q5 food and 10 Energy Bars for 24 hours.
- Maximum gold bid that you can place at Monetary Market is 100 Gold
- Storage wars.
We thought to make kind of event as auction for storages of another permanently banned players. It would be like auction, there would be board with 10 nicknames so you can see from which player you are buying storage.
Minimum bid for auction would be players level, every next bid need to be 5 Gold higher than before. Auction table would be a live one so when you bid for a player there is your gold number and only you would be able to see that your bid is highest at that moment. Other players would just see how much Gold is highest bid.
Player who buy other players storage he would have only items from storage including raw materials, not storage space or gold or companies etc .. just those items which are in storage. Duration of auction is 12 or 24 hours
- Referral wars.
Similar thing as storage wars but with referrals. Players who were invited from another player in game they would be locked as referrals of inviter for some period (2-3-4 months) after that player go to auction as referral. Gold which is made as bid to that players go out of game and some is given to player who is bought as referral (80-20 or 90-10). When you buy referral you would have 10% of his gained gold and it would be locked for some period (1-2-3 months).
- Journey Quests
We would make some map as journey, and every spot on map would have some mission which you have to solve. Each mission is different and it takes different time that you need to complete it. When you solve mission you collect reward and have some cooldown before you open next one. Rewards would be in-game items nothing new wouldn't be added into game. This table would be whole new, it wouldn't have anything with game map. Solving missions your account would be stronger. Journey would last 21 days, each first of month it start and end 21st.
Share with us your thoughts and ideas in comments or by ticket.
First 10 players who comment this article will receive prize.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
In next article we will introduce you events for upcoming few weeks.

War of Nations tournament will be active from 31.05 to 20.06 (last day).Tournament involve all countries, so everyone can participate and gain points. We will just give you some short notes how does this event work:
Countries will receive points based on their activity in the battlefield, and they will be given like this:
1 point - won a direct battle
2 points - a country liberates its region through Resistance War
-1 point -lost region through Resistance War
NOTE: in direct battles, 1 point is given only if the attacker wins it. If the defender wins it, no points are awarded.
The country that collects the most points in the end will receive a reward shown in the table below. In addition, all players who make more than 4000 hits during the tournament will receive a prize in Country section (First 10 Countries have rewards for all players in it). Also this time all countries who make more than 20 points will earn reward
Besides the top countries list, there will be a category for Top10 international players with most overall damage, and top 3 players will receive a new medal on their profile.
NOTE: We have changed rewards in War of Nations, they are not like before

With start of tournament War of Nations resource map will be changed. This time we have made to shuffle resources with some rules. We hope that you will enjoy it and reach your country goals.
We have changed resources randomly and fully automatically by script, that is how it's going to be in future also.
NOTE:Last change of resources were at 27.01.2021, that is little less than 6 months ago. If you would like that we make it more often please write is ticket or comment

From 31.05 you will have new Naval rankings in game. In picture you can see all rankings and their number, now you have same number of naval rankings as military unit rankings. Your current progress won't be lost and you can see how much you need for next level
- From the day 31.05 we are adding sitter option into game, so you can use 90 days sitter. But when you decide to do so please, take care about rules and that we are not responsible to damage that may cause to your account.
- As you have asked from us, we have added option of "slow fight". With button in left corner battle you have switch called "speed on/speed off"

Now you can drop one missile/nuke at any time without complication with food consumption.
- Join up our discord channel ask for roles and follow up announcements for more info and small changes.
- Maximum level of upgrade pet with serum is level 100, for Wolf and Tiger. After you upgrade pet(s) to level 100, you can gain more levels by wining pet as reward from tournaments and events.
When you reach level 50 with your pet, every next upgrade cost you 2 Pink stones and 125 Gold for each level upgrade. Also feeding pet after level 50, you need 500 Q5 food and 10 Energy Bars for 24 hours.
- Maximum gold bid that you can place at Monetary Market is 100 Gold
- Storage wars.
We thought to make kind of event as auction for storages of another permanently banned players. It would be like auction, there would be board with 10 nicknames so you can see from which player you are buying storage.
Minimum bid for auction would be players level, every next bid need to be 5 Gold higher than before. Auction table would be a live one so when you bid for a player there is your gold number and only you would be able to see that your bid is highest at that moment. Other players would just see how much Gold is highest bid.
Player who buy other players storage he would have only items from storage including raw materials, not storage space or gold or companies etc .. just those items which are in storage. Duration of auction is 12 or 24 hours
- Referral wars.
Similar thing as storage wars but with referrals. Players who were invited from another player in game they would be locked as referrals of inviter for some period (2-3-4 months) after that player go to auction as referral. Gold which is made as bid to that players go out of game and some is given to player who is bought as referral (80-20 or 90-10). When you buy referral you would have 10% of his gained gold and it would be locked for some period (1-2-3 months).
- Journey Quests
We would make some map as journey, and every spot on map would have some mission which you have to solve. Each mission is different and it takes different time that you need to complete it. When you solve mission you collect reward and have some cooldown before you open next one. Rewards would be in-game items nothing new wouldn't be added into game. This table would be whole new, it wouldn't have anything with game map. Solving missions your account would be stronger. Journey would last 21 days, each first of month it start and end 21st.
Share with us your thoughts and ideas in comments or by ticket.
First 10 players who comment this article will receive prize.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
NutritionistulspageMukhraniszklaramusplHe did itコメント (54)



Agree with storage and refferal




Time for Romania to have rare resources in core




Time for Romania to have rare resources in core x2


Game rule: When Serbia gets full bonuses make reshuffle


option for sell serum


Sitter option is stupid



Fix the economy...people dont have gold to upgrade or buy stuff they want. Especially new players

fixing economy is good decision we need that

👍🏻 G


@Zvijer69 on contrary, new players have, they got free starter pack and from medals they earn 4-5k golds in 2 weeks

@Helsinki, Jesi ti prirodno glup ili naporno vježbaš svaki dan? Prvo, ne žele svi trošiti lovu tu. A drugo, za taj ulog od 10€ za SP možda i možeš zaraditi 5k golda s kojima si isto siromah kad kreneš graditi tvornice i dizati opremu. Dok dođeš do Air tvornica, već si sve potrošio, a šta još sve treba za normalno igranje bez RL para, bolje da ti ne pričam, ti i tak ne znaš bez love igrati, pa nećeš shvatiti. Umjesto da svi složno kažemo adminu da je ubio svaku nadu u igri s izmjenama od prije godinu dana, ti. lupaš meni kontru, kao da nisi igrao aktivno i vidio što se događa - a jesi. Otud moje pitanje na početku. Umjesto da ti bude u interesu da ljudima bude zanimljivo - čak i onima koji ne plaćaju, ti kao da si na plaći admina.

Journey Quest is just a copy of anothER game anniversary

Refferal wars and journey quests looks interesting. Not sure about storage wars...

I think the change of resources should be less often, once a year or max 2 times a year


just fix the economy everybody eating rock 


why everybody is asking a fix for economy? we already have business pack my dear friends. it fixed the economy as admin said in his article. what else you want for economic module? you guys are so ungrateful... eheh

Uranium and Oil are more common than Iron and Steel lol


Nice ideas tho i d tweak the resources number because some feel a bit strange. I understand the idea that if resources are scarce there will be more fights for them but,for ex when Ro,Ger and Ser get Iron smaller countries won t ever have a chance to have them. Don t know if adding a resource concession would help but if you rent(for gold) you get half of the bonus (for ex Iron gives +20, if u concession it you get 10% bonus)
Storage wars sounds fun but ,as an example let s take tsigger: I would not pay minimum 2094(tsiggers s lvl) just to find out his storage is worth 400g. I understand not getting companies because that will break the game economy but at least give me his storage capacity or guarantee I get minimum 1/4 value of bid. I ve watched a lot of Storage Wars (the tv show) but at least they can see from outside what that unit contains. Don t show quantity or quality but as least show me it contains something. You can even add a ? over nukes or life kit or missile to make it more interesting (you know it s a premium item but you don t know what). Maybe let the buyer get that account s gold but they have to pay an inheritance 25-30% tax . Just because someone is high level does not mean his inventory is full of goodies.

We wants banks in the game!!!

This game is getting crappier and crappier

Nobody will loose refferals, it s only for people registered without refferal link

New pets!