掲載する国 Poland - 社会・エンターテイメント - 31 Oct 2021 06:23 - 42
Dear Player,
With this admin news we will show you winners of Halloween Cosplay Contest. We have received lot of your masks until today and in this admin news we will show you the best ones.

Administration team decided these are winners with their customs for Halloween Cosplay Contest
1. place AtilaBG

2. place fallco

3. place Albert weseker

4. place Otis Redding

5. place Asmin

NOTE: Please players which won reward, send us on Admin account your wish of what Pet level you want upgrade.
Congratulations to all winners and we hope that you had fun with this Cosplay contest and that you had fun in real life with your friends in customs. We will remind you with table below about rewards which players earned with their customs. Rewards will come to players accounts by the end of the day.

For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
With this admin news we will show you winners of Halloween Cosplay Contest. We have received lot of your masks until today and in this admin news we will show you the best ones.

Administration team decided these are winners with their customs for Halloween Cosplay Contest

NOTE: Please players which won reward, send us on Admin account your wish of what Pet level you want upgrade.
Congratulations to all winners and we hope that you had fun with this Cosplay contest and that you had fun in real life with your friends in customs. We will remind you with table below about rewards which players earned with their customs. Rewards will come to players accounts by the end of the day.

For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,

AntiterrorisPeakyKame SenninMao Pichittispageomidmoradiコメント (42)


lol congratulation




hehe nice 



be calm, be calm, please be calm, dont comment on yasmin, be calm, keep rpomise that you will be good to all genders peaky, be calm, breathe, breathe 1,2,3,4,5 ok congrats to all


Bravo to all, bravo erevollution.

No5 have only photoshoped logo on some old photo, No4 doesent even have that. hahaha
what happend to the rulz?

o7 voted for fallco 

o7 voted


Good point Disko. I guess rules are only to be broken 😂

yeah, wtf.. what are the rules for?
number 4 dont have any connection with erev. it could be any picture taken from facebook, google, etc.
number 5 too, only with erev logo placed with MS Paint.
this is wrong on so many levels. Admin not respecting his own rules

@Disko Nindza ... No4 does not need a logo when we all know how he looks
.. As for your other comments ... I say simply... bla bla bla.. should have sent yourself a photo but don t cry... there will be other games like this..

@Asmin - Whats the point of your stupid comment that i should have sent photo?! That doesent have any coreletion with my statement..
My point is that admin, himself, gave us rules for contest and then himself give prizes to competitors who dont even apply to his rules.

I think AtillaBG and fallco deserve first place ex aequo.
Congrats all 

@Disko Nindza ...simple, if you have not took the time to play the game why comment.. just out of gelly?
is your envy bigger than your balls? 

why we should follow any rule? why we should invest time in contest when admin will not follow rules?
and when you already push me, yes, i have applied to contest. and my photo was under the rules, more than No4 and No5.
but i was not expecting to win anything because i was participating that admin will respect the rules

Forgot to send my photo lol and I followed the rules, I even draw the erev logo

@Disko Nindza =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) pathetic... simply pathetic...


gelenek ve göreneklerinize sokumm

Admin at his finest, braking own rules...

HOW did No. 4 WIN a prize????

No. 4 Disqualified for not fulfilling competition guidelines: -When you take picture of yourself in Halloween costume or body art, we need to see erevollution logo near you


+1 Disko Nindza
4 and 5 doesnt deserve reward....