掲載する国 Germany - 社会・エンターテイメント - 25 Jan 2022 12:38 - 22

We don't give him his real name. We don't want Attila to be upset
titzianoPANZER llllIBunnyLiuLynchvisatorMrBogdanLoving PabloMao Pichittialt puiコメント (22)




I thought Georgi(ans) are your friends and now you are teasing them, not every gurgian is like loving pablo, cmmon 

Who Romanian player sold food from his multi while he texted from his main account?

I guess i could have chose another name

My name is Georghe. Indeed you should ve chosen another name, in case Helsinki suspects me
Let s say Tom or Ben 

@Nairobi I don t know. Please tell me

Guys, be nice to our neighbors. They just want to be like as but without clones. Wait, what? We don t have clones? Well... We should get some, I guess...

ask between your community sesebi, i will not do the dirty job!
Caesaris coniugium non esse aequum est, videantu

does someone have food to sell, but from his account please 

i need to feed titsiano https://prnt.sc/26jacbx

i m working very hard at the moment in my master s bakery, will flood the market tomorrow morning. ty

georgi1: https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/27080
georgi2: https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/18929
georgi3: https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/19527
just after browsing for 5 minutes, look for the georgi close to you, easy to find them

I will watch them 

my list consist at least 20 accounts that i sent admin to check, and damn 3 are it seems freshly banned from my list that i sent him 5 days ago 

Oh yeah, I m on that list 👏

Georgie Porgie.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4XhQlRe5iA

Don t be like Georgi Copos

stalker nairobi