掲載する国 France - 戦争オーダー - 06 Nov 2022 06:54 - 31
With new election, France got new president !
It's time to start a new game !
Which country will get the more french core !
Prepare your food and weapon, there will be war !
As i'm a good French President, i'll start war against Israel to let them get some advantage in this challenge.
Next country i will DW will be country of each people who add message here, in my PM or endorse it.
First coming, First DWing !
Have a nice month and good challenge !

Edit 1 :
I forgot to say, if no one send comment, pm me or endorse this article, i will declare war to country one by one in original order.

Edit 2 :
0 : Israel (done)
1 : Bosnia (done)
2 : Germany (done)
3 : Argentina
4 : Croatia
5 : Turkey
6 : Romania
7 : Hungary
8 : Serbia
Who's next ?
MiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosSarpekCRATOSCRATOSCRATOSCRATOSCRATOSCRATOSBunnyLiuBunnyLiuT28KspageGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonLeepiGeneral RocaGeneral RocaGeneral RocaHonfoglaloコメント (31)

Have fun farmers. France offers you fun. Enjoy your bonuses. 


selling Otavu and Trinu so that you have fun in the game 


Dow Bosnia

0 is Israel
1 is Bosnia
2 is Germany
who s next ?


Hahaha jesi glup

Argentina will be 3. Who s next ?


you can try again come to Cro

Croatia will be 4th thanks !

This france needs to abandon its habit of making shows that change every period. The same things every semester, the subject is closed without even getting a single region. Your ex-president wrote something similar to this on Humulus. This game is not a structure that satisfies your ego. Please leave the game alone. I am not currently in any position in Turkey. If such content had been opened in my time, I would have sent a law of war to France in response to this article. Sorry, I can t see your bluff. Another time.




Congrats Turkey 5th and Romania 6th ! Who s next ?

Carapicho, you have a lot of humor and humulus too,


Trava je za hajvana ne za insana!
Zabranit da carpicoza puši travu!

Germany and Romania will fight against same enemy?

Hungary wanna join, but i m not sure i can attack them, we will see, they will be 7. Who s next ?

At least you re having fun, even if it is in a completely bonkers way and I can respect that! After all, people forget this is, at the and of the day, just a game. 

Serbia in 8th place

Carapicho dont have b....to attack enemies

France 9th XD, at least there is talks XD



you will do nothing hahaha

Mr President! I bet you can t take Hungary!