掲載する国 New Zealand - 社会・エンターテイメント - 21 Nov 2022 09:42 - 58
Dear Players,
We are near the end of Nowember, and activity is raising a lot lately. We are happy to hear it, we are still providing free Starter packs to players who return in game and those who register. Since we already announced in last admin news some tips about upcoming changes, these are news to publicly announce it.

From 25.11.2022 we are introducing these two new company quality in game. After some time we decided to add upgrades to some companies. We decided it will be House company Quality 7 and Aircraft company Quality 7. To make it easier to understand what is done we have made a table for every company in game including these two new companies. This table includes everything regarding companies: raw, workers, firepower, duration, cost of upgrade etc..

This is how much does it cost to build a company from scratch or you can upgrade it from some quality which you already have. The price of downgrade company is the same as before and for all companies, 25% of upgrade and it s already calculated when you try to downgrade it.
As you can see we did make some changes in firepower of aircrafts, now Quality 7 aircraft provide you 2.5 firepower, and in its company you can ign up to 10 workers per day. With House Quality 7 you are receiving 700 energy and - 12s recovery for next 7 days.
EDIT: Dear Players, as you complained on our updates we decided to make changes. Changes are made in the way we discussed on the discord channel. Firepower will remain as it is for current aircraft quality but new one will have firepower x3, and RPG will have x3.5 firepower. RPGs which you have in storage until 25.11.2022 will be replaced into Aircraft Quality 7 since they have the same firepower. After 25.11.2022 you will receive new RPGs with 3.5firepower.Table is changed and updated with new correct values
Power Pack

This is a new item in game and we hope it will suit all your needs for faster energy recovery. The Power Pack lasts 3 days and provides you +50 energy recovery. You will be able to buy only one Power Pack during Black Friday for 49 Golds, but this item will be available only in Packs or as a reward in events for the next period.
When you buy Power Pack (or get it via events) it's automatically placed in your storage and you can activate it when ever you want to. When you decide to activate it, go to Improved buildings click on plus in the upper right corner and activate it (ex. same as gold pack).
Do not forget Black Friday is in front of us, there will be packs, and who knows, maybe some more changes regarding lately mentioned questions :)
Info Board
- We will add 3 new milestones in Weekly Chalange with the start of next week. Monday at Day Change.
- With the start of new week we will add help for new players. Every player who registers into the game will have a 50% discount on company upgrades for 7 days.
Thanks for all players who helped us with testing and their ideas.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team
We are near the end of Nowember, and activity is raising a lot lately. We are happy to hear it, we are still providing free Starter packs to players who return in game and those who register. Since we already announced in last admin news some tips about upcoming changes, these are news to publicly announce it.

From 25.11.2022 we are introducing these two new company quality in game. After some time we decided to add upgrades to some companies. We decided it will be House company Quality 7 and Aircraft company Quality 7. To make it easier to understand what is done we have made a table for every company in game including these two new companies. This table includes everything regarding companies: raw, workers, firepower, duration, cost of upgrade etc..

This is how much does it cost to build a company from scratch or you can upgrade it from some quality which you already have. The price of downgrade company is the same as before and for all companies, 25% of upgrade and it s already calculated when you try to downgrade it.
As you can see we did make some changes in firepower of aircrafts, now Quality 7 aircraft provide you 2.5 firepower, and in its company you can ign up to 10 workers per day. With House Quality 7 you are receiving 700 energy and - 12s recovery for next 7 days.
EDIT: Dear Players, as you complained on our updates we decided to make changes. Changes are made in the way we discussed on the discord channel. Firepower will remain as it is for current aircraft quality but new one will have firepower x3, and RPG will have x3.5 firepower. RPGs which you have in storage until 25.11.2022 will be replaced into Aircraft Quality 7 since they have the same firepower. After 25.11.2022 you will receive new RPGs with 3.5firepower.Table is changed and updated with new correct values

This is a new item in game and we hope it will suit all your needs for faster energy recovery. The Power Pack lasts 3 days and provides you +50 energy recovery. You will be able to buy only one Power Pack during Black Friday for 49 Golds, but this item will be available only in Packs or as a reward in events for the next period.
When you buy Power Pack (or get it via events) it's automatically placed in your storage and you can activate it when ever you want to. When you decide to activate it, go to Improved buildings click on plus in the upper right corner and activate it (ex. same as gold pack).
Do not forget Black Friday is in front of us, there will be packs, and who knows, maybe some more changes regarding lately mentioned questions :)
- We will add 3 new milestones in Weekly Chalange with the start of next week. Monday at Day Change.
- With the start of new week we will add help for new players. Every player who registers into the game will have a 50% discount on company upgrades for 7 days.
Thanks for all players who helped us with testing and their ideas.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

JusticeKnightspage77teshu77certacitoコメント (58)


What about new tiers? You said it will be in next admin news 

It would be nice to receive a q7 building each as a gift from Santa Claus

More pay2win content :-D



WTF? Why decrease the fire power on AIRs .. Leave Q6 at 2.5 , Make Q7 3.0
and RPG 3.5


It is not the update we want, it is not the update we need, but it is the update we deserve! So everything is fine!!



I m glad to have spent my stock recently 😜



Paid thousands of gold to have the Q6 aircrafts you already had, now called Q7. lol It is good that in January we will be able to celebrate the 7 years of the game and also its end. People can t pay thousands of golds, that they don t earn in the game anymore. Change the medals then. Otherwise have fun with your 3/4 cb players. The community and the admins, you are united to kill the game together ? Unbalanced alliance and cb player stuff. Nice 


Admin, you still have time, you can rewrite this article to be just about another season of War of Minions or another Summer Bee copy minigame, it will be way better for what remains of the player base than reducing the air damage!

It s not the first time you makes us pay for what we already have

Wish you guys could fix the housing employees first before upgrade we need more employees for q1 q2 houses very unbalanced in manufacturing q1 q2 houses

We already have air q4 x1.6 power, air q5x2 power and air q6 2.5 power, instead of advancing in this game we start from scratch every time, you can t call these improvements but deteriorations....

this is wrong, you make us pay again for what we already payed

What a FAIL !!! Its time to stop playing this

Those new house companies are ok, but lowering damage multiplayer of old Air so you can force players to spend gold for same sh*t again is stupid

Really, really nice insult to our intelligence.

so what you say? BIG UPDATE - DECREASE FIREPOWER OF AIRS.......... buy more gold upgrade old companys - make the same dmg... now we must pay to stay at this power dmg level? o.0 this is... i dont have words for this...

This is not improvements its deterioration. You are chasing away the few players you have left. I really dont understand your self killing business. Every time you improve the game more people leave the game. Maybe you should always do the opposite of what you think coz its obvious your thinking is not good at all

Food stay same so its good. 

Example 1.
Current power of house pack is 72 seconds faster recover energy. After this update for stable we will need spend lot of golds to build q7 facptrie but power of house pack will be 60 s total. Where is a logic Admin. Why you always make step back with updates. What is a point of this . All houses now have a 12 s faster energy recover. From 25.11. q1-q3 will be 6s, q4- 8 s, Q5 10s. Why why whyyyyyyy

ma nab vs sv

q6 air decreasing power lol !


great update , it s time to leave this game

Lol... Pls delete some ranks and make Medal dmg bigger, also remove super solider... You are doing great

why so surprised bois? same shit happened to Q5 airs back then when our great admin introduced Q6 airs. you are the best admin. keep up the good work!! activity is so high in this game. infact we are at all time high!! puahah

No coment 😑

It s the beginning of the end

It id the beginning office the end
Por eso cada vez menos jugadores
Necesitas un huevo b de gold para levear de pistolas hasta airs q7

In practice you drop the value of Q4/Q5 AIRPLANES... This is not upgrade but... DOWNGRADE!!!

u provide huge amount free employee in game then subpose me update company by 770g? and decrease my product fire power!? u are robbing my virtual assets. i wont using 770g update for produce 0.5g product a day. and u will decrease my product fire power years later and again q8 q9 q10. u dont develope the game let player spend the gold, just through robbing player for deplete gold amount in game. thats why the game dead. we will see q15 company in 2500 days later nothing other develope.

The one x200000000000000000000

interesting stuff but you need to think about the implementation a bit more. The community is not happy and this patch might cause a lot of old accounts to die. Try not to kill the game. I do understand that you want to nerf the air multiplier because some people hit with ~200k strenght but that s not how you do it

After all this time Admin still doesnt understand that if the players are happy and are having fim, they spend RL money, not if you try to trick .and force them into purchase of packs.

*fim = fun


So, now I must invest 90k gold to upgrade my companies just to continue producing the same weapons like before. Where is the logic in that???

Dear admin, dont listen to this jelaous peasants. Just a simple look at the relevant indicators, (like Players activity, New Players growth, Open Battles, Money income, ...) will give you the answer that all your changes have been successful so far.
Good job, keep it up!

Very nice


Admin: It was his chance to sell the 150,000 strength Starter Pack, that s the only way to stabilize the game. I assure you that most would buy the new Starter Pack of 150k strengthv

And now Admin is telling us this :
He erased the ticked where he told me this .......