掲載する国 Greece - 社会・エンターテイメント - 17 Jan 2023 01:25 - 34
Dear Players,
You didn't expect to hear so soon from us. This will be short and we will add one additional event so you don't get depressed in Januarry.
Night of Tales
You already saw this event and it starts 20.01.2023 and last until 29.01.2023.

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open the bag. In this mini game there is 40 Scrolls which have rewards (experience).With each click on the bag you are opening a selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked and you will see 0 experience in bottom, also they will have Crow in it. Each attempt to open Bag spot costs you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be online so often to spend Energy. If you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which the first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

Info Board
- From next Thursday you will be able to see new rewards in Weekly Tournament and how we created it for each category.
- We are thinking and making calculations to implement Epic battle in a game in which TOP8 players would receive rewards for fighting in it.
- We will change and decrease numbers in Weekly Chalange so it will be prettier like in battles.Logic that we used in it is like this:
k = 1 000
M = 1 000 000
B = 1 000 000 000
If you want to see exact damage you can hover over damage and you can see it.

For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game. Every construct comment on this article will receive a reward next week.
Sincere regards,

You didn't expect to hear so soon from us. This will be short and we will add one additional event so you don't get depressed in Januarry.
You already saw this event and it starts 20.01.2023 and last until 29.01.2023.

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open the bag. In this mini game there is 40 Scrolls which have rewards (experience).With each click on the bag you are opening a selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked and you will see 0 experience in bottom, also they will have Crow in it. Each attempt to open Bag spot costs you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be online so often to spend Energy. If you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which the first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

- From next Thursday you will be able to see new rewards in Weekly Tournament and how we created it for each category.
- We are thinking and making calculations to implement Epic battle in a game in which TOP8 players would receive rewards for fighting in it.
- We will change and decrease numbers in Weekly Chalange so it will be prettier like in battles.Logic that we used in it is like this:
k = 1 000
M = 1 000 000
B = 1 000 000 000
If you want to see exact damage you can hover over damage and you can see it.

For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game. Every construct comment on this article will receive a reward next week.
Sincere regards,

77teshu77Mao PichittiGuvidRodinelkymrnnastaseArminatoringkaren yikaren yiobeliksコメント (34)



Buying GTP


totally became a paying ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶ 

Every visual change is always good. I supprot it.
Idea about epic battles is good too.
Also, it is bad you put the same event two times per mounth. Gap between visa and ordinary players becoming larger in this way.
Give us a chance to earn some gold, find the way to start economic module again. This must be a priority.


you can separate numbers and B, instead of 444B, it would be 444 B, better for eyes

bravo for new medals in events and now in passport stamp. I have some idea abaut new BH medal. When you get BH medal on Serbian side u get BH medal with flag of Serbia on medal. Same for all country in game. Also maybe for congress medal to put a flag, and for ministers. Like that maybe death country will be ltb more active, we have a lot medal hunters how love new medals. I thinks that we make ltb community more active. U can put the new medals in decoration with new medals from events and passport stamps.


really B = 1,000,000,000 . insight


Set a TOP CEILING for the battle medals at 5B damage.
It s impossible to afford battles when for a medal is needed 35B damage!

I think this article is the most informing one in the last 3 years. k = 1 000, M = 1 000 000, B = 1 000 000 000. thanks a lot admin. keep up the good work. game is just perfect and the activity is at all time high peaks but one thing is missing for months... where is the WAR OF MINONS sir? we need that event so bad. please just bring it back

Did I hear War of Minions?? I want it! BTW I am glad to see an update without negative effects, good!

again this kind of game :/


where payment system

Thank you for the high number of events in the last months


Who write after me- monkey🐵🐵🐵🦍🦍🦧🦧🦧😁😁😁

Admin I have an idea: what about a piercing weapon that ignores defense system? Add some through events and other through packs so you make more money and VISA get stronger! (and I am a monke now okie okie okie sopa de macaco que delícia huehuehuehe)