掲載する国 United States of America - 社会・エンターテイメント - 14 Mar 2023 12:32 - 35
Dear Players,
We are here with short admin news but with some changes which we believe you will find interesting. Let's start by what did we prepare for this news.
St. Patrick's Day
This is an old event with new skin which starts 17.03.2023 and last until 26.03.2023.

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open the spots which have energy below thematic icons. In this mini game there are 40 spots which have rewards (experience).With each click on spot which has 5 Energy below you are opening a selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked and you will see 0 experience in bottom. Each attempt to open a spot costs you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be online so often to spend Energy.

If you are not patient you can buy Energy from a store. Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which the first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.
NOTE: At the end you will receive a medal for completing this event.
Epic Battles

Like we announced it in Admin news before, we have implemented Epic Battle in game. An Epic Battle is imagined as a battle which has a large amount of damage. After some calculations decision is that a battle becomes Epic when it pes 3,000,000,000,000 damage. Not on every side, that is the total amount of damage needed for a battle to become Epic. That is damage for the first Epic Battle, and every next one will need to have +10% more damage to be an Epic one. How it's going to be in reality, when a first battle turns over 3,000,000,000,000 damage it becomes Epic Battle. When a second battle turns over 3,300,000,000,000 damage it becomes Epic Battle. And now you know how it is going to be in the future for the next ones.
When you click on all battles you will see a red background for epic battles, instead of the standard blue one. Red background will be for all battles which are epic, so you can see difference between epic and normal one. Also when you are in battle, your heading will be Epic Battle instead of just a battle.
While Epic Battle is active, all players who shoot will gain x2 experience. No it won't count previous hits which you made, it's only for hits made in EPIC battle.
Last thing to describe here are rewards, which you i believe waited more than all this text. Rewards for places in Epic Battles are provided for the first 5. players on both sides of battlefields:
We have tested if few weeks simulated things and higher activity during battles and it should work just fine without any problem. Epic Battles will be available in game from 16.03.2023.
NOTE: Battle can not become epic in the last 15 minutes of a battle. Epic Hero medal will be awarded only to the player with the highest amount of damage in that battle
This is the action which will help smaller countries to get easier on the map. So this will apply to every region from the day it’s conquered. For every day your aggressor has occupied one region they will gain -1% damage for fighting against a conquered country in that region. The first 10 days you won’t have any demote of damage but after 10 days you will have -10% damage and it counts on every hit.
10 days = -10% damage
11 days = -11% damage
12 days = -12% damage
23 days = -23% damage
24 days = -24% damage
25 days = -25% damage
47 days = -47% damage
48 days = -48% damage
49 days = -49% damage
50 days = -50% damage
That is how we imagined it, you start from day 10 and -10% each day you have -1% more and maximum -50% damage. We hope this will help smaller countries to be counteractable in the world.
NOTE: This will be available in game from 16.03.2023 same as Epic Battles
- All players awarded for it's ideas and proposals which are implemented in game.
- We are thinking on dividing medals on profile in one more section, so these event medals will be devided into another sector.
- We won't tolerate anymore insults toward the administration, toleration for this one was too big from our side. Violating game rules is not something which Administration did to you, rules are the same for all. No matter if you are a buyer or not rules are the same. A player can have ONLY ONE account, not 2-3-20 of them. Punishment is our decision, by profit and damage made in game or permanently prohibiting account.
- Keep up with your ideas we are praising you for them and as you can see implementing them in game if we find it interesting.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

We are here with short admin news but with some changes which we believe you will find interesting. Let's start by what did we prepare for this news.
This is an old event with new skin which starts 17.03.2023 and last until 26.03.2023.

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open the spots which have energy below thematic icons. In this mini game there are 40 spots which have rewards (experience).With each click on spot which has 5 Energy below you are opening a selected spot. Like before spots which do not provide you rewards will be a bit blanked and you will see 0 experience in bottom. Each attempt to open a spot costs you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be online so often to spend Energy.

If you are not patient you can buy Energy from a store. Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which the first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.
NOTE: At the end you will receive a medal for completing this event.

Like we announced it in Admin news before, we have implemented Epic Battle in game. An Epic Battle is imagined as a battle which has a large amount of damage. After some calculations decision is that a battle becomes Epic when it pes 3,000,000,000,000 damage. Not on every side, that is the total amount of damage needed for a battle to become Epic. That is damage for the first Epic Battle, and every next one will need to have +10% more damage to be an Epic one. How it's going to be in reality, when a first battle turns over 3,000,000,000,000 damage it becomes Epic Battle. When a second battle turns over 3,300,000,000,000 damage it becomes Epic Battle. And now you know how it is going to be in the future for the next ones.
When you click on all battles you will see a red background for epic battles, instead of the standard blue one. Red background will be for all battles which are epic, so you can see difference between epic and normal one. Also when you are in battle, your heading will be Epic Battle instead of just a battle.
While Epic Battle is active, all players who shoot will gain x2 experience. No it won't count previous hits which you made, it's only for hits made in EPIC battle.
Last thing to describe here are rewards, which you i believe waited more than all this text. Rewards for places in Epic Battles are provided for the first 5. players on both sides of battlefields:
1. Place - 50G and 10 Nuke
2. Place - 40G and 8 Nuke
3. Place - 30G and 5 Nuke
4. Place - 20G and 3 Nuke
5. Place - 10G and 1 Nuke
We have tested if few weeks simulated things and higher activity during battles and it should work just fine without any problem. Epic Battles will be available in game from 16.03.2023.
NOTE: Battle can not become epic in the last 15 minutes of a battle. Epic Hero medal will be awarded only to the player with the highest amount of damage in that battle
This is the action which will help smaller countries to get easier on the map. So this will apply to every region from the day it’s conquered. For every day your aggressor has occupied one region they will gain -1% damage for fighting against a conquered country in that region. The first 10 days you won’t have any demote of damage but after 10 days you will have -10% damage and it counts on every hit.
10 days = -10% damage
11 days = -11% damage
12 days = -12% damage
23 days = -23% damage
24 days = -24% damage
25 days = -25% damage
47 days = -47% damage
48 days = -48% damage
49 days = -49% damage
50 days = -50% damage

That is how we imagined it, you start from day 10 and -10% each day you have -1% more and maximum -50% damage. We hope this will help smaller countries to be counteractable in the world.
NOTE: This will be available in game from 16.03.2023 same as Epic Battles
- All players awarded for it's ideas and proposals which are implemented in game.
- We are thinking on dividing medals on profile in one more section, so these event medals will be devided into another sector.
- We won't tolerate anymore insults toward the administration, toleration for this one was too big from our side. Violating game rules is not something which Administration did to you, rules are the same for all. No matter if you are a buyer or not rules are the same. A player can have ONLY ONE account, not 2-3-20 of them. Punishment is our decision, by profit and damage made in game or permanently prohibiting account.
- Keep up with your ideas we are praising you for them and as you can see implementing them in game if we find it interesting.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

The Last Lynx PardinusMCMXCIVMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosThe Last Lynx Pardinus77teshu77spageMukhraniarman9コメント (35)

let the game begin 

Rabbit ???

I want the rabbit!

admin, now make every country with 4 x 80% bonuses in core and we can all stay home and sleep

btw: funnily instead of giving the defender a bonus, we got a reduction on attacker damage. So less damage = less gold from medals :-DDDDDDDDD

Theoretically by reducing the full bonus time or possibility, there will be less goods being produced, so their price will raise and consequently demand for Gold will raise too (supposing all other variables constant - coeteris paribus). Although I guess big countries will be able to bypass it by simply ``cleaning`` the RW modifier allowing a RW to be won and after that reconquering the region - after all, the same mechanism exists on the other game (haha), and in that game that is what happens.

What region is East Srpska Republic?

Actually i like these changes, good job.
The only thing i would change is better rewards for best 5 players in epic battles. As I can see, we will not have epic battles often, so why not give some better rewards?

add new payment system !!!!

Admin said: We need time to improve the server queries because the EPIC battles will make players more active.
After few weeks he give us these s...t rewards...

*A player can have ONLY ONE account* hahahahah, when you get pure PROOF about multiple account you say *its checked and fine* and its PROOF beyond any suspition, even the screenshot where cheater admits it is not enough for you... funny

``and every next one will need to have +10% more damage to be an Epic one``. So, after a dozen or so Epic battles, it will be almost impossible to have new epic battles, unless there is a ``reset`` on that number after a while


A system for rotating Epic Battles medals? Like the weekly tournaments? Otherwise Tsigger will get them all. 

this hame is made around tsigger, all new implements are done to make a little balanced game, but admin made monster out of tsiger, max cap of all pets should be added at 50, also it wwas suspicious that last months tsigger was buying pik stones even that he didnt needed them, he is maxed on all pets, and just so suddenly new pet eill be implemented and gusee who will have pink stones to max it in 1 day 

I was just wondering when the last differences between erev 1 and erev 2 will change. Absolutely

Good job, bravo !!!

Well, as i am From a Wiped country, i applaud your new rule. But, i still believe that War of Worlds or whatever it is called is causing Big problems for smaller countries. Maybe rethink THAT event?

The idea for the Epic battle is great but this 10% increase after each Epic is just nonsense. We will reach 15-20 Epics and then it will be almost impossible to reach. Maybe you need to recalculate this and drop it a lot or increasy Epic damage needed manually maybe every 1-2-3 months.



How it s going to be in reality, when a first battle turns over 3,000,000,000,000 damage it becomes Epic Battle. When a second battle turns over 3,300,000,000,000 damage it becomes Epic Battle. And now you know how it is going to be in the future for the next ones. The law of diminishing returns will soon make this Obsolete!

another ripoff


*That is damage for the first Epic Battle, and every next one will need to have +10% more damage to be an Epic one.* That is just wrong... you have decrease in erev population and condition for epic battle is raised 10% for every next one... why not taking into account some dmg averages during the last month or so and doing some kind of formula based on that information?

NOT VOTE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wouldn t be better the resistance side to have +50% damage instead of this -50% for the aggressor?

Wouldn t be better the resistance side to have +50% damage instead of this -50% for the aggressor? +1