
Baba Voss - 掲載する国 Turkey -

掲載する国 Turkey - 社会・エンターテイメント - 28 Mar 2016 17:10 - 19

Hello guys ıam so sorry for about this news but a sweden guy scam me and scam to other 2 3 guy  this sweden guy is a congressman he have 2 medal also in  F??rsvarsmakten with jimmy86 ı talk with jimmy86 he cant doing anything with a beetle gamer.......... jimmy dont want to lose any1 from him military ..........ı try to talk like 2 days but ı got nothing this retard scammer is jagare    ı swear to god..... he and him country is  will pay the account ı never forget never............ I hate thieves in real life and game  so ı say thieves always thieves in game or real life no difference................I offer my respect to everyone living with honor..........ADMİN DONT SLEEP MAKE FAİR TRADE SYSTEM................

also so many player know me and trading with me everyday
and sorry for bad  english kind regards..................

name of scammer    jagare
link of scammer

S.A arkadaslar isviçreli şerefsizin teki helicopter satıyorum diye beni dolandırdı bu karaktersiz şahsiyet meclis uyesi ve ulke başkanının ordusunda ve partisinde 2 gundur başkanıyla kontak halindeyim ama başkanı abuk subuk bahanelerle beni oyalayıp işin sonucunda arkadasının illegal bir şey yapmadıgını ama onu operasyon dagıtımlarından mahrum bırakacagını soyleyip saçmaladı resmen bu şahsiyet sozde ulke başkanı ama kendi adamına laf geçiremiyor hayatımda en nefret ettigim kisve hırsızlardır ve bu bana yapılan başkasınada yapılabilir bu makale ile bu kişiyi ifşa ediyorum zamanı geldiginde gerekli şekilde oyun uzerinden yapacagımı yapacam inşallah


コメント (19)

No entendi una verg@ D:
maybe if you tell what kind of scam he do in english mate
Que un miembro socio de jimmy le hizo robo pero jimmy no puede hacer nada al respecto y que en la vida real, los odia, los detesta, les desea lo peor, pero que ofrece sus respeto a todos
ı tried 2 days but got nothing scammer is alive in this same MU and same party everything is ok for this retard thief ı want to kill him with my fingers Laugh
as "pirates of keyboard" says: screenshot or it never happened
Ahora dice que "quiere matarlo con sus dedos"
How can you wish and promote kill some one from a game in real life????. @Deadly.
@Shadow , you know, some unstable minded kids can think about it. Then they just should get a real life, or even less hours via pc
killing ? who is killer ? dont need to killing shits because we are beliver .... One day justice will find this thiefs
@GODLAIKAS What kind of screenshot can be generated for this? Trusting his honesty you send gold and wait for items. I mean after that annoying situation, you can't generate any proof...
Olabildiğince marketi kullanmaya çalış. Kara borsanın kötü yanlarından biri bu malesef. İsveç başkanı *** teki makalelerden takip ettiğim kadarıyla, bel bağlama ona boşuna.
Müsait zamanda o başkana ziplicam zaten az kaldi
ı want to kill him with my fingers - can t you be more creative, man ? Smile
PM can be evidence, aand log at other player
(İ want to kill hım with my finders) this is only Feeling to for thief when i was angry
voted, i hate scammers too, i only trade with a few in this game because its hard to find honest people
I m sorry you got scammed. Scammers are thieves and have no honor. Pathetic people!
+1 Shkumbin