Nouvelles rhonelapines

robysurfer - 掲載する国 France -
Thanks Ireland !

掲載する国 Ireland - 戦争分析 - 07 Apr 2016 11:42 - 10

Dear irish people,

I cannot express my surprise and disapointment when I saw that you were side-shifting like too many else and went crying to mama-Serbia and Auntie-japan...
Here you are in TRS, well orted with Croatian traitors ;)

But now, well, i'm lost ?

So... Thanks I guess ? ;p

Ps : We kept Guiness when we took Wales, but please send back Irish red-haired beauties, we did like them !



コメント (10)

Thanks Ireland ! ô7
stay ireland on lighted site we will always assist you
St-Patrick forever !!
Tiocfaidh ár lá
@ColmIrish : thanks my friend you were 3rd most influent fighter in our side Smile
Your Welcome! Alliances should help those in need Smile
No problem, I always love helping the needy. Smile