掲載する国 Japan - 社会・エンターテイメント - 14 Apr 2016 06:38 - 24
Hi Everyone
The Art Beyond Border magazine begin its career on forbearing any border,any war or any political engagement.
I'd like to apologize for the delay and thank you for your expectation for the article, unfortunately , no one can predict the days trick!
Instead, I've tried to return handfully, especially for Japanese .
Today would like to talk about band of musicsians that who doesnt play the musical instrument by their hands but they do it with hearts ;
They choose the best genere for reaching this goal in excellent manner ;
Post rock with roots of shoegaz and experimental rock
Its right enough to say they are one of the best post rock bands ever :
MONO Band of Feeling and Harmony 
In this article I would like to offer one of the good oeuvres of this band which was a very difficult choice between 6 or 7 perfect albums!
I wish i had more videos of this group just because these groups works had ability to make a movie by its own!
Dear friends, post rock, should be listened with closed eyes , so once watch this perfect video and once close your eyes and open your ears and let your mind flies anywhere it like.
MONO - "DreamOdyssey"
If you want to give powerful motivation to me for continue this magazine suggest it to your friends.
Thank you all
The Art Beyond Border magazine begin its career on forbearing any border,any war or any political engagement.
I'd like to apologize for the delay and thank you for your expectation for the article, unfortunately , no one can predict the days trick!
Instead, I've tried to return handfully, especially for Japanese .
Today would like to talk about band of musicsians that who doesnt play the musical instrument by their hands but they do it with hearts ;
They choose the best genere for reaching this goal in excellent manner ;
Post rock with roots of shoegaz and experimental rock
Its right enough to say they are one of the best post rock bands ever :

In this article I would like to offer one of the good oeuvres of this band which was a very difficult choice between 6 or 7 perfect albums!
I wish i had more videos of this group just because these groups works had ability to make a movie by its own!
Thank you all
nakituminayashiUnIqUeMiNdFerrus ManusGARDOSHGoeringzeCarterRimanKamethyst77コメント (24)

The song is very nice, very relaxing


o7. you make good articles make one about georgia too please 

Awesome v+s keep on the good work

@Giga ; sure , you can also suggest to me standard artworks of georgia pm me

@Crnobog thank you for your supports , bro

o7 good series of articles

what turn ? i am confused -__-

@goeringz Take a look at the articles

nice! very, very relaxing o/

My favorite song is Halo, i m really related to this band, thanks for article.

you must listen mono- pure as snow. it s great song full of feeling 


Vote o/

Beautiful post rock vibez~
