掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 05 May 2016 23:53 - 115
We are bringing you another joyful update.
First of all we would like to remind you that on the weekend(7-8th May) there will be discount on all Companies and Workout area, so be sure to upgrade anything for 75% of the original price.

The game is also getting a small update on damage balance, so don't forget to recalculate your impact in battles.

Also for a limited time through the weekend do not forget to check out a new combo-package eRev Pack in the store, which includes all the necessary items to contribute to your country in economic and warfare progress, but is there only over the weekend:
- 35 Gold
- 5 Energy drinks
- 10 RPGs
- 1000 Warehouse space
- 10 Worker tokens
- 5 Q5 Damage Boosters
It helps you with energy, damage, gives you space for items and of course some gold to spend.

There is an update on messages, we are implementing an improvement to prevent spamming, with captcha.

We are soon releasing a new site with forum, support tickets, wiki of the game. Feel free to start a topic about anything on the forum, and if you want to contribute some knowledge about the game and want it to appear on wiki, send us a message or add one of our admins on Skype: jena-frik
The support ticket site will replace the current email, so if you have any issues considering account or game, we would kindly ask you to post it there, when the site is finished.
With the new site we are happy to announce we are implementing new buying method. There will now be an option to buy gold with Paysafe card, so you can easily buy gold without any worries of having a credit card.

Oh, and lets not forget. It's double energy regeneration this weekend. And you know what that means - double the fun.

Best regards,
eRevollution Team

AlitaTIMEAMEYERobalaBlak FoxKRATTOSKlinjomardroコメント (115)


Good job 


Glad to change something. Keep it going

i like erev pack ... Nice work admin.


Balance the game with packs ?
It is just making the gap between rich and poor.. That is exactly what killed other game. ( e r e p) .

x10 workers LOL that sad worker avatar makes me feel like you sell slaves xD
You should insert MOBILE version of payment!

Omg... packs... noooooo its a big NOPE for me to invest in game!!! Thanks god in there is nothing what improves your energy recovery speed or additional energy houses - Thanks for That!

Oh my god, you are starting with packs too? Buy ppl. No more pay to play games. SAY NO to PAY to PLAY!

Nuuuu, not the pack _

This week event was totaly fail.But you did good job with the q1 heli yahahhahahahaha.

Paketaši svih igara, ujedinite se !


Look like Plato is Admin the best friend, adviser for sure?

5x Energy Bars? Didnt we have Energy Drinks here? 

Haha packs
..your killing it ..now visas can even buy workers
good job u nailed ur game

Seriously, why does this game have to copy the worst side of some other game?
This is a really bad sign. I don t like the path this game is walking.
Please make me wrong.

This pack is fine, ofc i will not buy it but it doesnt impact have big impact on game. But iam sure u will find i way to ruin it somehow.

Pay to WIN! coming soon?

Erev Pack ???
WTF is that we dont need things like that in game they will kill the game so dont bring it

kad ce ova brza gradnja stupit na snagu,nemojte da dva puta pitam..


calm down guys those packs doesnt give extra energy to fight or houses to store more energy its normal for admins to make some offerts. i know we want to have fun but the game needs money to to improve itself.

eRev Pack OMG !!!!
Stop Plagiarism !!!!

For my idea why dont u add packs with gold :v

mehh nice updates but the pack is not worth the 35gold imo

you are on the right track

@PlavSupermen It cost 9,9 euros, not 35 gold.

Dont add x2 regen, this game will be suck....

Admin, don t ruin game with stupid pack please. You did a great job. Don t ruin it !
I know you need money etc.
If you want do pack be clever.

Lol seriously... Energy drinks in pack become Energy BARS ?

Soo this will be same game as
admins will kill it with packs and other shi.ts

We dont want packs.



a HUGE NO to packs. You get no vote for this article. Next time around i ll unsub you and if you come up with another BS yet again, i ll quit.

Will you make resource wars just to copy the things from eRep ?

Be careful with packs plz

no to paks please !

Double energy is fking bullsh.t.

no to packs

I have no problem with this kind of packs, long as they dont start adding stuff like PP, IK itc.

Ode igra u...

Don t do the same mistake than in with pack please...
This game will die if you do that, better had some new way of gameplay which can provide you some money, like adding some nuclear weapon to destroy defense systeme which cost a lot of gold and raw so CB player can play with it, or something like that, but don t sell the SuperPower, we already saw jimmy deal 200 kk in one battle, with pack he will do like 300 kk ? Where is the place for other player, they will loose interest to this game cause they know what will happen in the near future if you take this path

Pay to win, gg. So you want to kill the game?

Pakovi... ehh, početak kraja još jedne dobre ideje. Dosta je i trajalo!


OMG no the packs again....

NO to packs


I was expecting some sort of explanation from admins about this weeks event that is an obvious fail with lack of information...why a lot of people did not receive the prize after receiving the new military rank which is the only thing that the event explains what you have to do...

Heh...pay4win 2 -sequel of

... ePlatoland loosers



Admin is learning with Plato... LOL


No money, no honey

Listen to players please.

Nice Plato... Oh wait

and dont change the DMG of the weapons, tanks, and helis o/
i think right now its fine

Personally not agree about erev packs

Packs? Sajonara...

No more pack please 

esto me alegra.. (ironia)

not a fan of packs, but vote for everything else

this pack will kill the economic module, prices of products will go down and nobody will earn anything without spending real money

No packs admin

way not 50% discount?

yeah here we go erev pack ! all like e e-repubblik
-- dead.

Add orgs

I thought this is supposed to be better. Why go down the same path?


If anyone wants to test the forums and participate in there, feel free to send me a message. 

Next update: headless chicken


Balance the game with packs?
is crazier!

i understand (but me no like) people buy golds.... is correct for admins work ... (even if you have advertising)
But is uncorrect and exagerated sell the game completely!

boring !!!

This pack is fine, ofc i will not buy it but it doesnt impact have big impact on game. But iam sure u will find i way to ruin it somehow. x2


#SayNOtoEREVPACKS https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5779


The absolute fail: wrong capcha text vanishes. Either remove captcha or fix this asap

#SayNOtoEREVPACKS this is unfair yor newbie and Non-visa players! i wanna spend real money in game for a pleasure, not being fored up to do it...


#SayNOtoEREVPACKS https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5779

Pack is good for new players only (let say for example with strength less than 1000). It is a way to compensate late arrival, avoid feeling it is useless to play because they will have no impact on wars, economy, etc. A good way to reinforce late/new players engagement...



Will we get discount in Warehouse, too?

you started yearn money
this is now like other game

hail plato!



dont sell it to anyone, only new players. Pack is good for new players (let say for example with strength less than 800)

bad , that is de begin of the end

Erev Pack is a kind of Tycoon Pack from eRepublik.
Is it possible to introduce packages such us Infantry Kit, Power Pack, Assault Pack, Blitzkrieg Pack, War Stash, Combat Stash and so on.
Have a nice day!

Buying Mod 300G for 30 mins

omg ...again ... packs .. realy ?! .. dont do that ... let the game be stronger than do packs for new ppl .. or something like that ..

OMG! Packs?? Are u sure?? E r e p were killed for same reason. We are playing this game for Play to Win not Pay to Win!!! This is really for kill the game.. I don t want use Visa good bye!!!!!!

Only x10 rpg?? ¬¬!

i think in game we must have only 50 subscribe chance because everyone sub each other

why some countries have 3 while some 20 or even 50 territories, and biggest country in world have half as much as for example france that is 30 times smaller by size, or 3 times by population. Yet same that Russia is made out of 44 republics, or 92 regions.. just in case that was missed.
How is that possible, what criteria was used to decide how many teritories will each country have?? any explanation from admins??
Or it was just easier to copy map from other game?

I would like to have such discount every month