掲載する国 Ukraine - 政治討論と分析 - 07 May 2016 14:34 - 26

Yes, as you see, Jimmy told about "Ukraine propaganda" in his article. Idk how he found out about it, but now every player know that we are propagandists((9((99(.
So I, as Minister of "Ukraine propaganda", decided to show you some our propagandistic posters because it's not secret anymore.

Here you can see President of Serbia and Emperor of Japan, who trying to attack Great and Stronk Ukraine.

This poster calls our soldiers to fight against enemies.

I think after Jimmy saw this poster, he decided to expose us.
We wanted to make more propagandistic posters, but after Jimmy's article published, we must close up Ministry of Propaganda(((9(.
Nyx UlricTankistOdonacerrobysurferMarlockvistAnonymous HeroGiorgi nikolashviliHayk1991コメント (26)

n1 m8 !

Хороша стаття!)
Ukraine propaganda!

Stronk...lol. strong.
but voted.


xD brilliant!!!!! 

Very well made propaganda poster because Crimean Peninsula, not belongs to Ukraine anymore.... ;P

So sad 

this country dont exist in RL

We will bbbbbbring our propaganda to the world!o


Do your propaganda, that s what your best at 

Мат Россија !

ahahahahahha good one 

V, nice!

Where is Vladika, there is my vote haha


V _


ahahaha you re best

nice art xD

But Ukrainian not Ukraine)

Jimmy wrote so and i repeated him