掲載する国 Japan - 社会・エンターテイメント - 10 May 2016 07:37 - 48
Greetings everyone!
Japanese Entertainment Corporation (Coffee drinking session between me, Shiro and Crnobog) is proud to present another video story to the citizens of eRevollution.
This time, about the ongoing war between Ukraine and Japan, and in addition, a small homage to some of the players and countries that are isting us in this conflict.
The secret weapon of m destruction, KrstaVB, was used once again today:
Saint OptimumSvarogPhantom986THE ONEHi i am a simple multiMilesT O R E T T OAncestralLausianKrstaVBSaint OptimumASAPno0bsailbotコメント (48)
Crnobog my old friend
Havent seen him for a while... im glad he is surviving well on battlefield o/
ima phantom i krsto ima Vote ima endorse ima sve ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
Good video voted o7
Nice video o7
good video
Long Live Chicken Invision !!!
lol you are genius XD
vV Oh no, I died. xD
synhro kad smo vaskrsnuli dareta i tebe cemo ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
http://prntscr.com/b2eps8 LETS GO !!!
štajeovo bez mukse braco ?
greetings from Hungary!
Hail Macedonia... Oh wait... Macedonia is not on list...
Nice one! What moovie is this?
The movie is My Way .
@VelAco I only mentioned those countries that sent us aid, Macedonia had other priorities at the time. As you can see I didn t even mention Croatia for example
WOT ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
whats the real movie name? ![Smile](/public/game/smilies/1.gif)
Great video, i love kamikaze attacks
What wrong whith this movie: 1. Japan shows how they send soldiers to die and how they care about their soldiers life. 2.In the video it s Russians tanks not Ukranians : 3.Why to be racist? It s like i ll use chinese for japanese stuff -.-
@Kami Does it matter? No. Use your imagination
Great video o7
@kamiNeko Japan don t send their soldiers to die, their soldiers go to defend Japan with their lives.
o7 Japan.
This article deserve the vote because of the video
going to download it soon
lol, vote to the max .. nice directing guys, your short movie deserves an award nomination for eRev Movie Festival ![Laugh](/public/game/smilies/3.gif)
Voted o7
synhro lemmz doin allahu akbar before it was fancy _ awesome video mate o/
using that part of that great movie to do this bullshit
Japan don t send their soldiers to die, their soldiers go to defend Japan with their lives. it s like TRS and Wolf ... that the same thing
the video was cool.. hahah
@Claementel: There is a huge difference there. Drink more milk ![Wink](/public/game/smilies/5.gif)
Best article ever!
V 100
What is that from?
Movie is called My Way