掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 16 Jan 2016 05:15 - 42
We have noticed that some countries do not have a President, Congress or even a Party, and the country cannot work without either. So if your country is facing this
problem you can apply for the position by writing to our email erevollutiongame@gmail.com, with reasons why you would be a good candidate.
Conditions for applying:
- Your country must NOT have a Congress or a Party
- You need to be level 16 or above
If your country still doesn't have a Party and you fulfill the above conditions, you will be granted 50 gold from country's treasury to create a Party.
If your country doesn't have a President or Congress, we can make you a candidate,based on your application why you would be a good candidate.
To take part in the next elections, you will have to be level 15 or above.
Each country's leaders should abide that it is forbidden to steal gold from country's treasury.
Because we have noted that some of you are posting links to other sites, we have to remind you that is against the rules and can lead to a ban.
We would also like to inform you that the rules considering multiple users playing on the same IP have changed. It is now only allowed to have 2 people play on the
same IP.
If you would like to help us translate the game to your language, we are now accepting your submissions. Apply for it via our mail erevollutiongame@gmail.com.

We have noticed that some countries do not have a President, Congress or even a Party, and the country cannot work without either. So if your country is facing this
problem you can apply for the position by writing to our email erevollutiongame@gmail.com, with reasons why you would be a good candidate.
Conditions for applying:
- Your country must NOT have a Congress or a Party
- You need to be level 16 or above
If your country still doesn't have a Party and you fulfill the above conditions, you will be granted 50 gold from country's treasury to create a Party.
If your country doesn't have a President or Congress, we can make you a candidate,based on your application why you would be a good candidate.
To take part in the next elections, you will have to be level 15 or above.
Each country's leaders should abide that it is forbidden to steal gold from country's treasury.
Because we have noted that some of you are posting links to other sites, we have to remind you that is against the rules and can lead to a ban.
We would also like to inform you that the rules considering multiple users playing on the same IP have changed. It is now only allowed to have 2 people play on the
same IP.
If you would like to help us translate the game to your language, we are now accepting your submissions. Apply for it via our mail erevollutiongame@gmail.com.

Bok SamBok SamBok SamPolnponosaPolnponosamahkoombeコメント (42)

voted o/

Make our CP the one who we choosed FFS ... Dont play smart in the mail !!


We want our president back, we dont need 1 more congresman, we need CP !!

@GdzieJaJestem This is what everyone wants 

Magyar verzió:


How is this even possible ??? http://prntscr.com/9qtlml

i wanted to endorse 5, not 15. Nevermind


I can help to translate to spanish :d

"It is now only allowed to have 2 people play on the
same IP."
Best rule ever o/

I can help to translate to spanish :d


What if I have multiple people from my school playing this game? What then?




sub4sub http://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/304

hi dear admins, by mistake I moved to denmark
and since i don't have any dkk, I cannot move back to croatia
and also there are no offers for dkk on monetary market
so could you implement that moving uses citizenship currency
or maybe move me back to croatia?


I am not recovering my energy is anyone having this trouble

SpifireYG yeah i have no food to recover and i have no energy to produce, if that's what you meant

Гра - гнилий та сирий клон не вартий уваги
Game - rotten clone is not worthy of attention

same mistake with moving to denmark, as bornax

hi dear admins, by mistake I moved to denmark and since i don't have any dkk, I cannot move back to croatia and also there are no offers for dkk on monetary market so could you implement that moving uses citizenship currency or maybe move me back to croatia?

admin + storage

do I need die in Denmark? I m only 4 days old and want to live xD

Why some of you endorse admin's article? I think he already has plenty of money. 😊

need org !!


SUB FOR SUB http://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/644


V + S - http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/809

sub 449
sub 4 sub

Email is sent!!!
