White Lines

掲載する国 Croatia - 社会・エンターテイメント - 25 May 2016 05:55 - 13

Since this is my first article, I won't be writing too much. :D

I'll use this occasion to send my regards to:

    Sultan kebab,
    The whole Imperial Army and my leader eDarthVader,
    All remaining friends in ZDRUG,
    Sodom and his newly founded party HSP,
    All Serbian and Bulgarian friends, especially to Govedo and JustLeathal,
    Tansel for asking me to halp him cuz he a baby,
    All Turkish bots that keep on adding me like I care,
    Kinsc who keeps failing in battles,
    GIGA and his beautiful hilly billy nation of eBotgia,
    My mommy,
    My daddy (my real daddy, not shauma :P),
    My sister,
    1-year old niece,
    And eFrance for being such a pain in the bu*t :) .

May the god bless you all, and keep being so cool like you've been so far in this new eWorld! :D


MarlockDead SSF FAMILIJACacique TamanacoTarsiSchwayxtixSodomeDarthVader vMunduseDarthVader vMunduseDarthVader vMunduseDarthVader vMundusalabud

コメント (13)

Prvi, daj heliće!
What about France ? :o
This is lies! I love you and i ll love you forever my son. So sad you won t accept me. Sad #prayfordad
Ahahaha thanks, everyone will know u love things in ur butt. :p
Thanks to all of the supporters! o/ But you can still addopt me shauma! You love me more then my own dad who never takes me out for topli burek and chevapi! Sad
also kebab will give you pain in the ass :p
@Dorian Grey Serbia 1 France :0
everyone will know u love things in ur butt x2 hahaha Laugh
dont forget your husband
http://prnt.sc/b89k5v thanks!
Antimon o7 sub+vote support because you mentioned me Wink jk, hope you write some great articles Smile