掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 07 Jun 2016 03:23 - 150
- There is a new damage update (coming on Saturday 11th June):

- Defense System is getting changed and is no longer usable in Resistance War (coming on Saturday 11th June):

- Donation to countrys treasury requires you to be level 25 now.
- Captcha isn't required for players above level 23 in messages anymore.
- Added my donations tab on profile page, that is only visible to you personally.

- You can now travel either by using gold or energy.

- Added True Ally rankings in rankings tab.
- Option to change salary of all workers with one click.
- Safety system when writing newspaper. If you click somewhere to change the site it asks you if you are sure about it, so you do not lose what you have written.
We would also like to ask you players what you think about the idea, that if you have a House activated, there becomes an option Rest, which gives you the ability to work again that day (usable once a day) as a worker and NOT as a manager?
Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/10420197
eRevollution Team

dzordzZORANVoIdemortMihaTwisterStipeLeFrancaisTBPTKOassassin98assassin98Firebug101Giovanno69SorisolJudasDemisefrenkeM I H A E LZachコメント (150)

Voted good update

Good work

okunmuş pirinç

well done and thank you for considering the opinion of the people

Good changes

No need to house rest..

- Safety system when writing newspaper. If you click somewhere to change the site it asks you if you are sure about it, so you do not lose what you have written.
Ohh, that was so terrible to lose all I had written...Thank you!

Very good update




vote o7

Very good.. o/

Good o7




good o7

better start thinking on battle module , you dont want 1 person do 1 hit 500k right ? 

Good changes.

Very good

Nice update, GJ


Nice update.

Great advances in The playabillity of The game.

Voted! o7

vote yes , then you have to buy houses or you can not earn 1 gold a day 

Hej,Give me a name idiot who s create map.Poland-6 region Bulgaria the same.Why
It s crazy.


Good job! o7

Imam 32 godine 10 albuma,4 dice,cili split zna cila hrvatska zna vuco je ko oklopno vozilo po splitu

Bravo !!!

House rest = over procuction ...I guess




i need to increase task variety and needs to be brought up in daily quests. the development in terms of of the game may be better.

Very good update imo

we need new tasks different than inviting friends -.-


Approved! o7

good idea about the extra work option, BUT, currency for wages will be a problem

Yeah we need new tasks o7
Also the house thing is bad because players who don t have a lot of gold couldn t afford house so the gap between players will become even bigger ...

vote 07

Extra work its a BAD idea.... extra work will create overproduction, and the price of things will fall and the salaries of the players too...at this point some of players could earn 1gold per day, but with extra work this is not possible!

energy for travelling is the best change -.^

yes please i like the idea of working twice as a worker but make it only once because people with more than one house will be able to work more and produce more

Yay. I place my first defence system and effectiveness is reduced the next day.

Nice work.

It doesn t matter how much houses you have, if this is accepted you can only click rest once a day and work again as employee, not as manager in your companies.



- Captcha isn t required for players above level 23 in messages anymore.
- You can now travel either by using gold or energy.

This rest thing is great for new players. Maybe a limit to a certain level for them?

donations are perfect

so where is hashish farms?

Do you like the idea: If you have a House activated, there becomes an option Rest, which gives you the ability to work again that day (usable once a day)?
220 votes (71%)
91 votes (29%)

Rest is ok , but only if you limit it on 1 REST per day , because if we have more than 1 REST per day (per every house one - which mean 5 per day) it will make big overproduction.


not good: q5 W = q1 H !!??

Better start thinking on battle module , you dont want 1 person do 1 hit 500k right ? #Support

Mostly good

Admin please make it possible for younger players to catch up with the elite!
Give us a permanent Beginners Training Ground such that:
- below 1000 str daily free training for 20 str (Q4)
- between 1000-2000 str daily free training for 15 str (Q3)
- between 2000-3000 str daily free training for 10 str (Q2)
- after that Q1 daily free training is available for 5 str UNTIL you reach the 90% value of the top strength player - for characters with more than 90% strength of the strongest existing character in Erev Beginners TG becomes deactivated, but reactivates itself should you drop out of 90% range
Do not make this game similar to Erep: make it possible to catch up with the best - in time and with effort

Nice. Some kind of NOTEPAD in-game would be much useful I think, especially for those who work for a government and who often need to store small useful information!

o7 + vote

Idea: add medal that cp of each country can give to one citizen, for example 5 as month to reward à player who develop a forum, or a mini-game for country or for one of member of gouvernement for his participation 


Bikkin +1

You should add option to pause house.


There is an issue with currency for paying the salaries now. The house idea is good, but there will be no currency. Maybe you should do something about global chat, to prevent black market and to be able to use marketplace more often.

Great changes, I dislike the idea of the rest function though

Admin please make it possible for younger players to catch up with the elite! Give us a permanent Beginners Training Ground such that: - below 1000 str daily free training for 20 str (Q4) - between 1000-2000 str daily free training for 15 str (Q3) - between 2000-3000 str daily free training for 10 str (Q2) - after that Q1 daily free training is available for 5 str UNTIL you reach the 90% value of the top strength player - for characters with more than 90% strength of the strongest existing character in Erev Beginners TG becomes deactivated, but reactivates itself should you drop out of 90% range Do not make this game similar to Erep: make it possible to catch up with the best - in time and with effort #Support

Can u change the delete button color to red at messages?

Admin, please fix the % bar in battles !!! It is time

damage changes look good
travel payment option is welcome
donations, meh.
not using house, so have no idea if good or not
not familiar with defense system ...
thanks for your ongoing work to improve the game.

Dva dana cekam odgovor na jedno postavljeno pitanje dragi admine, kada cu dobit odgovor sada kad vidis jos jedno pitanje. Krajnje neozbiljno

Admin please make it possible for younger players to catch up with the elite! Give us a permanent Beginners Training Ground such that: - below 1000 str daily free training for 20 str (Q4) - between 1000-2000 str daily free training for 15 str (Q3) - between 2000-3000 str daily free training for 10 str (Q2) - after that Q1 daily free training is available for 5 str UNTIL you reach the 90% value of the top strength player - for characters with more than 90% strength of the strongest existing character in Erev Beginners TG becomes deactivated, but reactivates itself should you drop out of 90% range Do not make this game similar to Erep: make it possible to catch up with the best - in time and with effort #Support

admin, who ever designed this, if i would knew him i would buy him case of bear http://prntscr.com/bdnmij
Best part in entire update o7

1 please separate trade chat from normal chat tab
2 if u add house and rest thing u should increase house building productivity like more than .2 per day or give new players a free house factory at least or it wont do any good for new players
3 if u dont think sth about balance of str between new and old players after a year we will have players like 10000 str and then new players wont have any motivation to play the game as I copy pasted sensy s suggestion to approve it
4 make it possible to make internal wars for government change which can be declared by a congressman

Voted! Good changes, well done.o7

Nice changes. Admins can you please another chat tab for Trading only? And completely support the idea for more Training Ground for us players with less strength.

Good changes o7


Admin please make it possible for younger players to catch up with the elite! Give us a permanent Beginners Training Ground such that: - below 1000 str daily free training for 20 str (Q4) - between 1000-2000 str daily free training for 15 str (Q3) - between 2000-3000 str daily free training for 10 str (Q2) - after that Q1 daily free training is available for 5 str UNTIL you reach the 90% value of the top strength player - for characters with more than 90% strength of the strongest existing character in Erev Beginners TG becomes deactivated, but reactivates itself should you drop out of 90% range Do not make this game similar to Erep: make it possible to catch up with the best - in time and with effort #Support

Admin please make it possible for younger players to catch up with the elite! Give us a permanent Beginners Training Ground such that: - below 1000 str daily free training for 20 str (Q4) - between 1000-2000 str daily free training for 15 str (Q3) - between 2000-3000 str daily free training for 10 str (Q2) - after that Q1 daily free training is available for 5 str UNTIL you reach the 90% value of the top strength player - for characters with more than 90% strength of the strongest existing character in Erev Beginners TG becomes deactivated, but reactivates itself should you drop out of 90% range Do not make this game similar to Erep: make it possible to catch up with the best - in time and with effort #Support


i want to see the time, when my activated house will be deactivated. - and. - activation of an house of the same quality as it is already activated shoud be added to duration._ 2 activated house q1 = duration q1 14 days

Admin please make it possible for younger players to catch up with the elite! Give us a permanent Beginners Training Ground such that: - below 1000 str daily free training for 20 str (Q4) - between 1000-2000 str daily free training for 15 str (Q3) - between 2000-3000 str daily free training for 10 str (Q2) - after that Q1 daily free training is available for 5 str UNTIL you reach the 90% value of the top strength player - for characters with more than 90% strength of the strongest existing character in Erev Beginners TG becomes deactivated, but reactivates itself should you drop out of 90% range Do not make this game similar to Erep: make it possible to catch up with the best - in time and with effort #Support

Admin please make it possible for younger players to catch up with the elite! Give us a permanent Beginners Training Ground such that: - below 1000 str daily free training for 20 str (Q4) - between 1000-2000 str daily free training for 15 str (Q3) - between 2000-3000 str daily free training for 10 str (Q2) - after that Q1 daily free training is available for 5 str UNTIL you reach the 90% value of the top strength player - for characters with more than 90% strength of the strongest existing character in Erev Beginners TG becomes deactivated, but reactivates itself should you drop out of 90% range Do not make this game similar to Erep: make it possible to catch up with the best - in time and with effort #Support



Very good update

Good ideas.


Give Dadado back!






Needs more boobs



s v c




how about in next update to add button to mass unsubscribe ?
Last event promoted s4s and ruined journalism, maybe give us option to get rid of that junk from our alerts.. ? thanks


