掲載する国 Brazil - 社会・エンターテイメント - 14 Jun 2016 22:46 - 22
Brazil and Portugal are fighting over memes
(Brasil e Portugal estão brigando por memes)

That's right. It seems that the conflict didn't reach the eWorld but in real life (or at least on the internet) Brazil and Portugal are having big fights on twitter and other social medias and even remembering past (sad) events.
Isso mesmo. Parece que o conflito não chegou no eMundo mas na vida real (ou ao menos na internet) Brasil e Portugal estão tendo grandes brigas no twitter e outras redes sociais, até mesmo lembrando (triste) eventos pados.
Check out:
It all started here
and went to twitter in 2015, when it became a meme.

But then,

(1) portuguese people laughing: I'm laughing a lot, you are funny
braziilian people laughing: SCREAM, SCREAM(another kind of), (I'M) DEAD
its up to you to decide your side BR X PT
(2) portugal: is everything ok?
brazil: yes
portugal: it's just that you are acting a lil bit strange
brasil: remember 1500?
Portugal couldn't stand the bullying.

(1) your life must be really sad to be sending so much hate
(2) Thats it, its over, good luck
(3) you can have the meme
They even rage quit.

(1) you can have the meme (sorry, I printed it twice)
(2) you should be aware that you are attacking not a person but a entire country
(3) I'm deleting the account.
So... Now It seems like it is over, but just for the sake of HUE. Are you Team Brazil or Team Portugal?

P.S: I have no intention of creating a ingame war with this article, it is just fun. Ok?
free translation by me.
source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/rafaelcapanema/brasileiros-e-portugueses-brigam-no-twitter-por-meme?bffbbrazil&utm_term=.yvd68oK1y#.mu6p6zMGe
コメント (22)



Esse povo não tem louça para lavar?


Que merda, ein tanto meme bom do Brasil e usaram esse câncer de Inês Brasil pqp

V+ S+
