გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Italy - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 19 Jun 2016 14:29 - 11
I don't know if he scripted,used autoclickers or what else,I don't mind onestly the point is that someone is saying: "he was thinking it was legal" other one: "the permaban is too heavy for that" (I also think that permaban for the first mistake it's unfair in some case),an account is made of a lot of time,money (not for everyone) and it's impossible to rebuild at the same level.
in conclusion my opinion is:
-for vist I won't say anithing,I don't have the proof to support nothing
-for the future I think admins needs to add a rule that if you do things like the ones vist is accused u recive a temp. ban,admins would remove 40% of your storehouse,factories and golds/cc and u recive a tiket,if you have already a tiket ou recive instead a permaban
fair in my opinion so noone can say "I was thinking was legal" and -40% it's quite heavy loss (the % can be changed,40 is my opinion)
in conclusion my opinion is:
-for vist I won't say anithing,I don't have the proof to support nothing
-for the future I think admins needs to add a rule that if you do things like the ones vist is accused u recive a temp. ban,admins would remove 40% of your storehouse,factories and golds/cc and u recive a tiket,if you have already a tiket ou recive instead a permaban
fair in my opinion so noone can say "I was thinking was legal" and -40% it's quite heavy loss (the % can be changed,40 is my opinion)
jungrimკომენტარები (11)


sono d accordo un ban temporaneo a vist bastava anche perchè (credo) nn c erano dei precedenti.. anche ban temporaneo per i prossimi può andare bene perchè si può prolungare a diversi mesi o si può aggiungere una multa come suggerisci tu

In that article https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/9881 what was written in 5 minutes after end of battle by neutral indonesian you can see this http://i.imgur.com/1TyEUS0.jpg image, that can proof that vist alredy started hitting at 10 minutes until end and already made 100kk damage. so all turkish propaganda about 400kk in two minutes has no sense. at less now you have proof that vist didnt use s and still havent proofs that VIST IS CHEATER!!1!.

yes i agree.s.403