გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Bulgaria - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 30 Jun 2016 02:50 - 48
I believe this article will reach many people from many different nations, and even since there maybe will be many blames, debates and I won't be surprised to hear many hard words, I believe today I am in duty to do best for my country, and by best I mean to ensure my country future to our players, community and etc.
For a long time Bulgaria was a member of the mentioned alliance, one of the forming countries in UNITY, I would say good and faithful member, but for a significant time many things showed me that Bulgaria place maybe is not there. Reasons for this I will explain detailed, not because I hope I will get understanding, but mostly because I believe countries in UNITY are all full of good players and people and maybe they will see the mistakes which are obvious.
1. All my thoughts that this is not the best alliance for my country started with the event True Ally, the one which as we remember was that every player must make hits for different countries. What happened in result was that a True Ally meaning was mostly that the event must be uncompleted, because if it was that was disturbing the damage in a lot of directions, weaking the priority battles. In that time the powers between alliances was almost equal, different for a matter of 0.xx % and I believe that showed mostly that in this game to be valued ally you must have before all discipline. Discipline which in UNITY was not shown and priority battles was falling one by one, while alliance was doing 497M damage versus Finland, over 1 billion damage in total in two battles versus New Zealand, overkills of like 350 millions in already sure battles and etc. Waste of damage which led to lose of many significant battles, both back them on main fronts such as Serbian and Bulgarian fights. That was absolute failure which worst part was nobody in alliance was doing nothing about. Main countries like Ukraine was doing 380 millions versus 10 millions revolts, over 1.5 billion damage wasted in nonsense battles for event, and on main fronts alliance was losing Q5 DS for like 30-35 million damages.
2. Back them, when Bulgaria was driven out of all non-core regions, war was going to come on Bulgaria core regions, something which I as President was unable to leave, specially since my alliance priorities was Finland and New Zealand, or told in short - event. Event with 5 days left when Bulgaria cores was able to be lost in matter of 3. This led Bulgaria to sign NAP with both Turkey and Greece, in a rate of agreement I would call very fair. The way this was meet was astonishing, and what was painful was all the blames for our decision. Even more astonishing was how most of blames came from countries which was not in care for Bulgaria battles at all. Back them I grow tired of talking day after day that if they continue to have the event as priority, this surely will bring them to end, and if they continue to leave Serbia and Bulgaria fall apart for 5 str. hunting, next targets will be themselfes, both Macedonia, Ukraine, actually all, in a list. Nobody listened this words, and when I receive screens by sure friends in Ukraine community how they speak "Bulgaria is not that priority, after them it will be Macedonia, not us" I understood it is waste of time to speak to people which care more for 5 str. rather than entire alliance.
3. Here comes the moments after Bulgaria NAP, actually the moment when Romania-Hungary war started. War which both Hungary and Croatia called "break of NAP", both Croatia goverment, both Croatian player which was our SC. With no doubts that Bulgaria is going forward against a NAP breaking country, we entered the war, immediately receiving biggest possible fight back by Romania and their main ally France back them. This war brought to Bulgaria significant economical loses, just the direct loses by attacks, DoW law and etc was over 100 gold, not mentioning weapons, foods and etc. War which was brought to an end I dare to say with a lot of Bulgarian damage, including a lot of purchased energy drinks and so on. What happened next was astonishing.
In clear, first thing Bulgaria did was as soon as possible to demand release of Romanian region, which in first was claimed as mistake for giving them chance to get region, restore MPP"s and etc - not mentioning the fact that deletion of country leave many players unable to have workers, to work for their economy, to fill up their country treasury and etc. Principal, which I will always, no matter what happens, defend, is that every country on this map (or at least every country with 5+ players) deserve to be left with at least one region, so they can work, fight for TA medals, for TP medals even and etc, having opportunity to live and develop well.
Most astonishing was back them what happened in NAP negotiations. Which was led by four countries - Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia, with of course, Romania. How those negotiations went on I won't type because it will make the article even huger. What was really painful, insulting even, was how Croatia goverment claimed they never accepted Transilvania as NAP break, even since in start of war they officially claimed it for such. And how Croatia was defending everything Romania want in order NAP to ensure damage for the alliance, leaving Bulgaria outsaid anything, with the promise Ukraine will lend regions to Bulgaria in future when Ukraine is free and etc. Everything in a way in which Bulgaria was away, forced to sign a treaty which was more like Bulgaria must capitulate.
4. Here comes Ukraine.
I will be honest, clear and fair when I speak for them - this is a country which totally I will never again think about be in alliance with. All speaks that they never use scripts and etc - total lie. This is a country which in first moment in alliance was teaching chat members how to use their scripts for colouring in different colours priority battles, showing screens how they have script showing the battle damages next to timing so they don't have to click and enter the battlefields to see the damage % and etc. Before I even met directly any of them I already met two different scripts.
About their ally mentality I would say only that this country was making in no trouble 600-700 m damage in their battles and in ally battle they was making around 120 M. Country which in nonsense revolts was doing 380 M against 10 M while two main battle priorities (which was well marked by the script they use for it) was losing Q5 DS for like 40 M.
Their way of act after vist ban I would leave without comment. I am sure they are more than well awared that vist have used scripts for many things. I don't know did he do it for hitting, but the two mentioned scripts, the script for m letters, script for monetary market - 4 all well approved scripts. And for usage of scritp Rules are more than clear - permanent ban. They will tell vist use none of those 4 ?
5. What was the last drop in the cup was what happened with Spain. Country left almost alone against 3 other countries, one of which maybe the strongest in the game (France). I would not allow myself to tell Spain was total victim - they made a lot of mistakes, mostly because of their total lack of organisation (including to forget to attack USA losing initiative after successive battle, lack of info what they plan to do in fighting and etc.). But true is Spain is one of most faithful countries I know as an ally. And they was left alone. Many people can say it was because Turkey was attacking Hungary and etc. This is TRUE. But what was awful was how Spain got BLAMED in a very same way Bulgaria did. Blamed for signing NAP in moment when they was on a matter of days to get deleted. Blamed mostly by countries which damage for Spain was much lower than those countries which very well accepted their situations. Blamed for not informing, for actually pretty much same stuffs I remember how I was blamed for back them, for my NAP with Turkey and Greece.
Many reasons I will not mention - war between Serbia and Huns for example, because they have not involved me directly and I cannot speak opinion over them. Maybe some of the reasons I mentioned not involve me too, but they was reasons which impacted my mind very hard and let me to this decision.
Of course, in UNITY there is fantastic players, not just as strenght, tank power and etc, but as humans and players. People with which I would love to talk and chat for anything. But when so many things come up and most essentially there is no activities to fix them or work against them, this mean only that there could not be any future. Future, which I am obliged to provide to my country.
With my dearest respect to every member of UNITY,
I officially announce that Bulgaria leave UNITY and end it's membership there.
President of eBulgaria,
I believe this article will reach many people from many different nations, and even since there maybe will be many blames, debates and I won't be surprised to hear many hard words, I believe today I am in duty to do best for my country, and by best I mean to ensure my country future to our players, community and etc.
For a long time Bulgaria was a member of the mentioned alliance, one of the forming countries in UNITY, I would say good and faithful member, but for a significant time many things showed me that Bulgaria place maybe is not there. Reasons for this I will explain detailed, not because I hope I will get understanding, but mostly because I believe countries in UNITY are all full of good players and people and maybe they will see the mistakes which are obvious.
1. All my thoughts that this is not the best alliance for my country started with the event True Ally, the one which as we remember was that every player must make hits for different countries. What happened in result was that a True Ally meaning was mostly that the event must be uncompleted, because if it was that was disturbing the damage in a lot of directions, weaking the priority battles. In that time the powers between alliances was almost equal, different for a matter of 0.xx % and I believe that showed mostly that in this game to be valued ally you must have before all discipline. Discipline which in UNITY was not shown and priority battles was falling one by one, while alliance was doing 497M damage versus Finland, over 1 billion damage in total in two battles versus New Zealand, overkills of like 350 millions in already sure battles and etc. Waste of damage which led to lose of many significant battles, both back them on main fronts such as Serbian and Bulgarian fights. That was absolute failure which worst part was nobody in alliance was doing nothing about. Main countries like Ukraine was doing 380 millions versus 10 millions revolts, over 1.5 billion damage wasted in nonsense battles for event, and on main fronts alliance was losing Q5 DS for like 30-35 million damages.
2. Back them, when Bulgaria was driven out of all non-core regions, war was going to come on Bulgaria core regions, something which I as President was unable to leave, specially since my alliance priorities was Finland and New Zealand, or told in short - event. Event with 5 days left when Bulgaria cores was able to be lost in matter of 3. This led Bulgaria to sign NAP with both Turkey and Greece, in a rate of agreement I would call very fair. The way this was meet was astonishing, and what was painful was all the blames for our decision. Even more astonishing was how most of blames came from countries which was not in care for Bulgaria battles at all. Back them I grow tired of talking day after day that if they continue to have the event as priority, this surely will bring them to end, and if they continue to leave Serbia and Bulgaria fall apart for 5 str. hunting, next targets will be themselfes, both Macedonia, Ukraine, actually all, in a list. Nobody listened this words, and when I receive screens by sure friends in Ukraine community how they speak "Bulgaria is not that priority, after them it will be Macedonia, not us" I understood it is waste of time to speak to people which care more for 5 str. rather than entire alliance.
3. Here comes the moments after Bulgaria NAP, actually the moment when Romania-Hungary war started. War which both Hungary and Croatia called "break of NAP", both Croatia goverment, both Croatian player which was our SC. With no doubts that Bulgaria is going forward against a NAP breaking country, we entered the war, immediately receiving biggest possible fight back by Romania and their main ally France back them. This war brought to Bulgaria significant economical loses, just the direct loses by attacks, DoW law and etc was over 100 gold, not mentioning weapons, foods and etc. War which was brought to an end I dare to say with a lot of Bulgarian damage, including a lot of purchased energy drinks and so on. What happened next was astonishing.
In clear, first thing Bulgaria did was as soon as possible to demand release of Romanian region, which in first was claimed as mistake for giving them chance to get region, restore MPP"s and etc - not mentioning the fact that deletion of country leave many players unable to have workers, to work for their economy, to fill up their country treasury and etc. Principal, which I will always, no matter what happens, defend, is that every country on this map (or at least every country with 5+ players) deserve to be left with at least one region, so they can work, fight for TA medals, for TP medals even and etc, having opportunity to live and develop well.
Most astonishing was back them what happened in NAP negotiations. Which was led by four countries - Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia, with of course, Romania. How those negotiations went on I won't type because it will make the article even huger. What was really painful, insulting even, was how Croatia goverment claimed they never accepted Transilvania as NAP break, even since in start of war they officially claimed it for such. And how Croatia was defending everything Romania want in order NAP to ensure damage for the alliance, leaving Bulgaria outsaid anything, with the promise Ukraine will lend regions to Bulgaria in future when Ukraine is free and etc. Everything in a way in which Bulgaria was away, forced to sign a treaty which was more like Bulgaria must capitulate.
4. Here comes Ukraine.
I will be honest, clear and fair when I speak for them - this is a country which totally I will never again think about be in alliance with. All speaks that they never use scripts and etc - total lie. This is a country which in first moment in alliance was teaching chat members how to use their scripts for colouring in different colours priority battles, showing screens how they have script showing the battle damages next to timing so they don't have to click and enter the battlefields to see the damage % and etc. Before I even met directly any of them I already met two different scripts.
About their ally mentality I would say only that this country was making in no trouble 600-700 m damage in their battles and in ally battle they was making around 120 M. Country which in nonsense revolts was doing 380 M against 10 M while two main battle priorities (which was well marked by the script they use for it) was losing Q5 DS for like 40 M.
Their way of act after vist ban I would leave without comment. I am sure they are more than well awared that vist have used scripts for many things. I don't know did he do it for hitting, but the two mentioned scripts, the script for m letters, script for monetary market - 4 all well approved scripts. And for usage of scritp Rules are more than clear - permanent ban. They will tell vist use none of those 4 ?
5. What was the last drop in the cup was what happened with Spain. Country left almost alone against 3 other countries, one of which maybe the strongest in the game (France). I would not allow myself to tell Spain was total victim - they made a lot of mistakes, mostly because of their total lack of organisation (including to forget to attack USA losing initiative after successive battle, lack of info what they plan to do in fighting and etc.). But true is Spain is one of most faithful countries I know as an ally. And they was left alone. Many people can say it was because Turkey was attacking Hungary and etc. This is TRUE. But what was awful was how Spain got BLAMED in a very same way Bulgaria did. Blamed for signing NAP in moment when they was on a matter of days to get deleted. Blamed mostly by countries which damage for Spain was much lower than those countries which very well accepted their situations. Blamed for not informing, for actually pretty much same stuffs I remember how I was blamed for back them, for my NAP with Turkey and Greece.
Many reasons I will not mention - war between Serbia and Huns for example, because they have not involved me directly and I cannot speak opinion over them. Maybe some of the reasons I mentioned not involve me too, but they was reasons which impacted my mind very hard and let me to this decision.
Of course, in UNITY there is fantastic players, not just as strenght, tank power and etc, but as humans and players. People with which I would love to talk and chat for anything. But when so many things come up and most essentially there is no activities to fix them or work against them, this mean only that there could not be any future. Future, which I am obliged to provide to my country.
With my dearest respect to every member of UNITY,
I officially announce that Bulgaria leave UNITY and end it's membership there.
President of eBulgaria,
Laun4erEmperor Demon LeeLoving Pabl0Joanidკომენტარები (48)

V o7

OK, leave the alliance but it is pathetic to join MDP right away! Leaving such allies like Macedonia, Hungary, Croatia and signing MPP with Turkey? Hell no! I will never fight against them and always will fight against Turkey!

Voted o/

Wish you the best.


Respect Sturmmann for that. Unfortunately your CP is a backstabber! After what we all did together against Romania, it was a great mutual success we achieved together with the help of unity, and now switching sides? How low is that? Disgrace.

signed every word,
only someone who is blind cant see all that you have wrote.
good luck, and I hope that our paths wont separate o7

@NightwatcherHUN so you are saying..bulgarians are like croatians in the begging of the game ???

Voted. Smart decision.

funny thing is that NightwatcherHUN call every one backstabber, but only backstabber in alliance is he, and he is only one that watch only his @ss

Hungary is Serbian bitch , Croats are pussies , Ukraine licking their pussies. That s all

NightwatcherHUN go publish an apology and let people know what is best for their future

ApologywatcherHUN xD

RiP UNITY, good for you Bulgaria

Jus7LeTHal what you did is totally right..you did it for your country..i would rather stay alone rather than amongst fake friends..who now call you backstabber ...Respect

Good luck. o7

Well you guys can say whatever, but what I can clearly see is that some players here are cowards, have no balls, and instead of looking for great balance in alliances, instead of looking for great fights, great game experiences, these players signing NAPs left and right and switching sides back and forth...
I mean sure you guys can say a have a big mouth, and I was looking for trouble, but it was for the sake of fun. This game not about NAPs its about fighting each other, having fun.
I think both sides should sit down and as partners create two equal alliances for great game experience. There is no point playing like this. Oh wait UNITY is weak, who is next? Who wants to join MDP? This is ridiculous... Klopp just killed the game.

Jus7LeTHaL is simply a coward but I want to ask MDP how they will feel when things change and they are the weaker side and Jus7LeTHaL leave them and sign MPPs with the enemy?
Congrats MDP, you are getting a great new ally.

@nightwatcherHUN everybody has his way of playing the game...you have yours and this does not mean everybody should have your way of playing

Good point Sturmmann.

@NightwatcherHUN so why did u apologize from ukraine, why did u publish articles to Turkey that points Turanian brotherhood. Don t you have fun with us, or don t you have balls?

Oh great then I guess I m the one who mused the point of this game. Sorry my bad. Pffff
So why not we all just sign NAP, let s give everyone bonuses, sign peace treaty and log out 

@imperious: I don t think I have to explain anything to you or anyone but you clearly misunderstood my actions

@KoB when bosnia left eagle, trs was stronger also. @NightwatcherHUN i don t expect any explanation, i already know why u did.

@Imperious: I m glad you know everything I did. I m glad I am the centre of your attention, but I don t think this article is about me 

Croatia only confirmed one Romanian claim that was true. Nothing else.

Bulgaria was one of the mine top 3 country s i was fighting for... I have fully respect for ur country and players... But this.... Didnt expected at all.... However GL

This will be stopped, as we stop such attempts in Serbia. I am very disappointed by this move and those who were in Serbia. I will never leave his friends because of some resources. The enemy will not obey, and you lose your friends with this move. Jus7LeTHaL, good luck in the future. I do not know how you thought only to cooperating with those who destroyed Bulgaria and had no sympathy for you. 07
You ll be sacked as president of the country, and have not achieved anything in essence with this move, except that you have given false hope to MDP :-)

as long as you play with hart insted of head you will lose battles, allies come and go, your country have to be on 1st place, so Bulgaria made smart move, and soon they will conquere some regions and will have resurces while YOU guys that play with hart will have your core regions and will kill your player and your country

Did someone see phantom anywhere?
Seems like he vanished from this planet. I heard a voice but I can t see no one 

Ей не се научихте, че Тангра НЕ е бил Български бог.

ApolagywatcherHUN Im still here to backstab you
dont worry 

you losed good friends,good luck o7

There is so many immature kids playing this game who hasn t learned yet that an apology sometimes is wise not a shame. You can stuck on the apology issue as long you want, it doesn t bother me at all. Good luck backstabbing me, it will be hard since I already know you are a backstabber. It won t be hard to spot it out when you re in action. Only your name is phantom but you are to easy to see. We should call you stop sign instead. You are hard to miss 

Jus7LeTHaL, you have been president ever since I started playing the game and in this time you have helped me with resources and advice more than once, but this is a decision made out of fear. Despite my opinion I ve been taught all my life to respect other people s choices and I know you are doing what you think is best for the country. o7

I don t support my CP!

Decision made out of fear, cowardness and lack of dignity. To join those who had you deleted for 3 months and turn your back on those who helped you liberate just because right now unity is the weaker alliance, disorganized or whatever reasons you give yourself is unthinkable. Even your players dont support it, bcoz most bg players know how to respect an ally. 

voted. Good luck Bulgaria, i hope we will stay on same side in future.
fyrom treba zalivaditi!

Едно нещо само ще кажа понеже знам че 80% от играчите са болни на тема мъст срещу турция ако не се съвземете и не разберете че това е само една игра а събития станали преди сто години не са дело на хората които живеят няма да останете повече от месец в съюза а след напускането на досегашния ви ще сте по средата на два воюващи съюза



Bu makaleyi cevirene yüz bin lira verecegim xd Baska cephelerde Overkill filan yapip bulguru cephelerinde yaliniz mi birakmis yunitiy ?


Dat propaganda from some of the unity players tho