გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Croatia - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 09 Jul 2016 15:49 - 12
#) Bitching trivial matters almost everyday.
#) Too many unimportant notifications warning.
#) Contains parental advisory explicit contents.
#) Using non common language and hard to understand/translate.
#) Slow and unresponsive comments autoreply system.
#) Asking too much support with gamble lottery result.
#) Topic does not interest subbers.
#) Ugly title and front cover.
#) Mutual relationship ended (sub4sub event).
#) Ugly owner.
#) Drunk and accidentally unsubbed.
#) Too many unimportant notifications warning.
#) Contains parental advisory explicit contents.
#) Using non common language and hard to understand/translate.
#) Slow and unresponsive comments autoreply system.
#) Asking too much support with gamble lottery result.
#) Topic does not interest subbers.
#) Ugly title and front cover.
#) Mutual relationship ended (sub4sub event).
#) Ugly owner.
#) Drunk and accidentally unsubbed.

HAN Xკომენტარები (12)

what the ..., I m out xD



#) Using non common language and hard to understand/translate.
komeng its good because we have great understanding 

thank you for your votes, subs and comments. 

i think real cause of unsubbing is the 2nd

@vooz, yes it is one of many real causes of unsub phenomenom

Gezdim Halep ile Şam ı
Eyledim ilmi talep;
Meğer ilim bir hiç imiş,
İlla EDEP illa EDEP..
Yunus Emre

who is yunus emre, han ?

I m doing articles for Yunus Emre.. It will be published tomorrow

I m sorry i dont have enough time for preparing article.
Poet of mysticism. This poet has both effective and deep words.
At the top is the most famous sentence.
Soo that it can help you

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