გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Bulgaria - ომის ანალიზი - 27 Jul 2016 16:23 - 27
My wonderful brothers and sisters of Bulgaria!
Today in this fateful moment Bulgaria is on track to start a war, which probably we will remember and speak for a long time, proud of our victories or ashamed of our defeats.
Today, Serbia declared war on Romania, an ally in our current alliance, which activates the clause of our union that against such a thing
there is only one answer - answer with war and weapons to protect our allies and friends.
Many will say - what does this concern us - it does, because same Serbia leaded today by people defending vile Macedonian actions,
and refuses to see negative for the Balkans consequences of the fledgling total Balkan conflict has the desire to defeat each in this region and in its path. If today are Romania, tomorrow is Bulgaria. After two days would be Albania, then Greece.
Today we together with Romania, Greece and Albania are facing not against Serbia - Serbia is a country with wonderful people, strong not only in their
damages but also as mentality and discipline. We stand today together with our allies, as our alliance ideas and principals which we accept states. Today we defend ourselfs - we defend our name and we defend our homeland, which obviously stands as Serbian goverment priority too.
Falsed by fake blames made by many countries from which I may agree we deserve them. But Macedonia - that is another question.
Bulgarians, we are not traitors!
Many try to put us this mark, trying to be blind for so many facts which we proved to our very last word - we are not traitors !
Traitors are those who led negotiation for an agreement to hit us, in our backs, while we was accepting them not as friends - but maybe even as brothers !
Those who was speaking for us as nothing more than weak neighboard, which regions and resources can be easily taken and controled - in agreement with those which Bulgaria attacked because in UNITY we was all-giving ally, like we was in TRS, like we are now in MDP.
It is most easier to see Bulgaria change allies - but most comfortable to avoid the facts of Macedonia talks against us, talks like "we can leave them iron region, we have it in our cores".
This country was the last drop in the ocean, caused us to leave, and now continues to tarnish our name with epithets worthy only for its own
Bulgarians, we are not weak!
We have succeeded to get up from the ashes of months long total deletion, and we reached heights - economic and military - which many countries it took months more to reach and many which we surped!
Today we have one of the fastest developed economies - we have permanently high income and we live in a country without taxes, a country in which there is minimal shortcuts - a country that is united and lives in democracy, in which people with free will live, and in which people respect the majority and act united in it's every decision !
We live in a country where every player develop himself every day, and by this develop the wealth of our amazing motherland !
We do not deserve insults, accusations and constant attempts to provoke in us feeling to be guilty and blamed!
We succeeded to prove that we are a worthy ally, respected by many, undervalued only by those who can not see their own problems before seeking to find them in another.
We are guilty of those who lost their battles due to lack of organization, lack of dedication and sacrifice behavior of resources and power in favor of the allies.
Accused not because we are guilty, but because some people and countries still do not accept that the fault is in them, and find fault in everything else, but not in their own problems.
Why we never blamed anyone?
Because we always succeeded and after each success or loss to first look at our mistakes and try to correct them. We never talked about balance of the game.
We never blamed anyone, no player, no country, no military units or whatever else.
We have never allowed ourselfes to insult, make pictures and make fun with someone or with a country, trying to insult any nationality, or trying to insult anything at all !
We never allowed ourselfes to go laugh at someone, to blame him or to insult him !
We have been at the bottom, we have achieved our own accomplishments !
Without ever to blame someone! Without ever to insult and "troll" out any player or country !
Without ever leaving reason to doubt that we deserve your accomplishments!
Today comes time to do the same!
We should go to war in the name of values and ideas of the alliance, in which decided to be !
To show that we have character, we are brave enough and we can prove as fierce opponent in every battle !
To prove that we are a nation that deserves respect and which have the right to choose its own future !
To prove that we are not traitors - we just run away from those which tried with arrogant and vile way to hurt us !
To prove to us that there will always be tomorrow, because we are strong and organized enough to create our own future!
We are entering in a war, which will give us a chance to prove a lot - to ourselfes and to entire eRev community also !
As a legend as Vasil Levski have said - Time is in us, but we are in time also. It changes us, but we change it also!
The time has come!
With respect and pride
President of Bulgaria
My wonderful brothers and sisters of Bulgaria!
Today in this fateful moment Bulgaria is on track to start a war, which probably we will remember and speak for a long time, proud of our victories or ashamed of our defeats.
Today, Serbia declared war on Romania, an ally in our current alliance, which activates the clause of our union that against such a thing
there is only one answer - answer with war and weapons to protect our allies and friends.
Many will say - what does this concern us - it does, because same Serbia leaded today by people defending vile Macedonian actions,
and refuses to see negative for the Balkans consequences of the fledgling total Balkan conflict has the desire to defeat each in this region and in its path. If today are Romania, tomorrow is Bulgaria. After two days would be Albania, then Greece.
Today we together with Romania, Greece and Albania are facing not against Serbia - Serbia is a country with wonderful people, strong not only in their
damages but also as mentality and discipline. We stand today together with our allies, as our alliance ideas and principals which we accept states. Today we defend ourselfs - we defend our name and we defend our homeland, which obviously stands as Serbian goverment priority too.
Falsed by fake blames made by many countries from which I may agree we deserve them. But Macedonia - that is another question.
Bulgarians, we are not traitors!
Many try to put us this mark, trying to be blind for so many facts which we proved to our very last word - we are not traitors !
Traitors are those who led negotiation for an agreement to hit us, in our backs, while we was accepting them not as friends - but maybe even as brothers !
Those who was speaking for us as nothing more than weak neighboard, which regions and resources can be easily taken and controled - in agreement with those which Bulgaria attacked because in UNITY we was all-giving ally, like we was in TRS, like we are now in MDP.
It is most easier to see Bulgaria change allies - but most comfortable to avoid the facts of Macedonia talks against us, talks like "we can leave them iron region, we have it in our cores".
This country was the last drop in the ocean, caused us to leave, and now continues to tarnish our name with epithets worthy only for its own
Bulgarians, we are not weak!
We have succeeded to get up from the ashes of months long total deletion, and we reached heights - economic and military - which many countries it took months more to reach and many which we surped!
Today we have one of the fastest developed economies - we have permanently high income and we live in a country without taxes, a country in which there is minimal shortcuts - a country that is united and lives in democracy, in which people with free will live, and in which people respect the majority and act united in it's every decision !
We live in a country where every player develop himself every day, and by this develop the wealth of our amazing motherland !
We do not deserve insults, accusations and constant attempts to provoke in us feeling to be guilty and blamed!
We succeeded to prove that we are a worthy ally, respected by many, undervalued only by those who can not see their own problems before seeking to find them in another.
We are guilty of those who lost their battles due to lack of organization, lack of dedication and sacrifice behavior of resources and power in favor of the allies.
Accused not because we are guilty, but because some people and countries still do not accept that the fault is in them, and find fault in everything else, but not in their own problems.
Why we never blamed anyone?
Because we always succeeded and after each success or loss to first look at our mistakes and try to correct them. We never talked about balance of the game.
We never blamed anyone, no player, no country, no military units or whatever else.
We have never allowed ourselfes to insult, make pictures and make fun with someone or with a country, trying to insult any nationality, or trying to insult anything at all !
We never allowed ourselfes to go laugh at someone, to blame him or to insult him !
We have been at the bottom, we have achieved our own accomplishments !
Without ever to blame someone! Without ever to insult and "troll" out any player or country !
Without ever leaving reason to doubt that we deserve your accomplishments!
Today comes time to do the same!
We should go to war in the name of values and ideas of the alliance, in which decided to be !
To show that we have character, we are brave enough and we can prove as fierce opponent in every battle !
To prove that we are a nation that deserves respect and which have the right to choose its own future !
To prove that we are not traitors - we just run away from those which tried with arrogant and vile way to hurt us !
To prove to us that there will always be tomorrow, because we are strong and organized enough to create our own future!
We are entering in a war, which will give us a chance to prove a lot - to ourselfes and to entire eRev community also !
As a legend as Vasil Levski have said - Time is in us, but we are in time also. It changes us, but we change it also!
The time has come!
With respect and pride
President of Bulgaria
Kinyasno0bsailbotკომენტარები (27)

Hail Bulgaria o/

Ommm to long to read. You attack Serbia? o.O 

Hail Bulgaria 07

Hail Bulgaria!

Hail Bulgaria(Japan) o7

HAIL Bulgaria! o7

Who deleted you back then and who liberated you later?

Hail Bulgaria!

When you left Hungary behind in war against Turkey and Romania you betrayed us. You can write a mile long explanation why you left, but in my eyes and many others you left without compromising, without trying to solve the issues that made you unhappy in our alliance. First you signed a NAP with Romania for food bonuses, then switched sides. You were afraid of Turkey going to get you, you were afraid of loosing your bonuses, and instead of taking the risk and fight them along with us, like how we do, you join them for your safety, and betrayed us.
I never seen anything morally worse than what you have done.
You will pay for that. Sooner or later, but you will.

Today, Serbia declared war on Romania, an ally in our CURRENT aliance
they will switch sides again 

Hail Bulgaria o/

We are really traitors

U will destroy Bulgaria

Not too late Bulgaria you can throw over you president and decide where you want to be! If you make the right choice today and fight for Hungary we forgive you! I expected a lot more from Bulgaria don t keep on disappointing us!

Bulgaria the world s shame o/

Nightwatcher even I am sad country like Huns are our enemy, I believe our 161M damage in Central HUngary fight proved enough. o7 Bulgaria is united as always !

NW you always making me smile, take care of yourself bro 

Bulgarians, we are not traitors! :-) Epic !

Yes, you are traitors and cowards.

Bulgarians, we are not traitors! :-) Epic !

o7 daşşaklı bulgur oleeyyy

BATASHA I think we said many many words in our chats and you know very well my position over the topic.

I will write article now, to show you who is traitors o7

o7 Prepare your regions serbs...xixixi

We are not traitors ... by saying that too many times you actually say that you are traitors @batasha legendary epic