LIVE MASSIVE Donald Trump Rally in Fort Lauderdale

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Ukraine - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 10 Aug 2016 16:46 - 10


კომენტარები (10)

I ♥ walls
Kick to racist trump
not racist, but not daltonist either
I love it how Muh raysism is the boogeyman of the pussy generation. Grow a pair, Törk.
Trump can t improve USA. We will see that; USA will better than now just for max. 3-4 months , after that black and white wars, inside war (gov-people)... Bad but true
I m in FL, but for whatever reason I couldn t bring myself to go. Hah. Gary Johnson for USA PotUS. o7
To Sehzade Yasir /// People understand this concept differently about racism. At every nation and race should have its own land (home). Mass resettlement non-whites in the lands (home) of white peoples this is genocide of white race. /// Люди это понятие понимают по разному о расизме. У каждого народа и расы должна быть своя земля (дом). Массовое переселение небелых на землю белых является геноцидом белых.