გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Turkey - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 26 Aug 2016 10:14 - 3

Weekly Events: Air BalloonIn-game event running from 26th August till 04th September.
You can collect your reward once a day.
To win a reward you need to gather 10 points.
Rewards -

How to play it?
Well it says - "Tap".
Yes, tap the screen (no, don't do it! you'll break your screens in anger). That's what happens when you copy an open source game :D you leave traces :P
So, instead of trying to tap, click! And use a mouse for it, not the laptop touchpad :P The event is not worth spending $$$ on touchpad repairs that you will have by the time the event ends :D
So, is it a treat by admin, or a trick?
Arguments for treat? It rewards you!
Argument for trick? The alexa,com stats of the domain - https://erevollution.com << Click here
Analysis - An increase in Bounce rate, meaning more visitors are just leaving the website after opening the first page (bad for business)
An increase in Daily Pageviews per Visitor is good as it shows people are sticking to your website and seeing more pages than before. (good for business)
And the best of all is the increase in Daily Time on Site, meaning people are spending more time on the website (game). (good for business).
Yes, people are spending more time, BUT NOT because they like your game, rather because of your event that is insane to complete. Rather, have a better event and go for genuine increase in site value, that is what will matter in the long term for your business.
კომენტარები (3)