გამოქვეყნების ადგილი Uruguay - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 29 Aug 2016 17:13 - 46
I am happy to announce our newest member, Uruguay.They have been cooperating with us for awhile now. Today, they are officially part of MDP.
We are looking forward to fighting together with them on the battlefield o7
!Hail Uruguay!
!Hail MDP!
Kind Regards,
Secretary of Public Relations for MDP
I am happy to announce our newest member, Uruguay.They have been cooperating with us for awhile now. Today, they are officially part of MDP.
We are looking forward to fighting together with them on the battlefield o7
!Hail Uruguay!
!Hail MDP!
Kind Regards,
Secretary of Public Relations for MDP
Rommel Jrკომენტარები (46)
【MDP】Welcome Uruguay
Welcome Uruguay o7
Welcome Uruguay o7
welcome Uruguay
Welcome prros 07
Welcome Uruguay o7
Welcome Uruguay o7
I don t even know who is in MDP right now..
but welcome Uruguay
ajajajajajajajjaja ok las ratas :v
Poor Brazil haha
Welcome uruguay. I don t consider that you will endure this game. But anyway. O7
Welcome Uruguay 07 ...... Que se arme la pary en sudamerica :p
Thanks Everybody HAIL MDP!!
Hail UY! o7
Bienvenidos zorras
Welcome Uruguay
Holis, ya somos MDP
Welcome Uruguay o7
Welcome Uruguay o7
who is next panama?
buffff ay si ay si la fácil yo quiero ser mdp ajajajajajajajjaja ok las ratas jajajajaja falta que tuerzan a peru
o7 Uruguay!
Welcome Uruguay o7
Welcome Uruguay o/
Welcome Uruguay :3
Welcome Uruguay o7
Welcome Uruguay o7 Başkan Muslera
Interesting fact
Welcome Uruguay! o7
Gracias a todos por la bienvenida.
Guys at least rename your alliance name, it s not funny anymore
Welcome Uruguay
Šabani o/
o7 welcum
Seriously Cuckshed alliance? Uruguay? That s some scratching-the-bottom-of-the-barrel desperation
Hail Macedonia !
wel(sela)come UruGay
Guzman Puctos!