გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United Kingdom - პირველი ნაბიჯები ე-რევოლუციაში - 30 Aug 2016 23:52 - 113
We are introducing a big update, that will redefine the voting system for elections and at the same time give all players a chance to catch some rewards. It is called XII Challenge as it offers 12 different rewards and it lasts 10 days and then restarts.

The amount of damage count you do makes you eligible for different rewards. Damage required is different for old players and beginners so all can achieve the rewards. To be able to vote on the elections you need to make at least 30% of the damage. When the challenge restarts you are able to again track your new process and get new rewards. After each challenge the top 3 players who make the most damage also receive additional handy rewards. Challenge will be from 1-10 of the month, 11-20 and 21-to the end of the month.
Throughout we have also already put out some minor updates that improve the game and make managing accounts easier, but haven't written Admin news about that. You might have seen about these updates written in Babo's newspaper State of Exit.
Basically we have implemented button for ignoring shouts from certain player, so you don't have to deal with content you dont like;

Rest button for houses has been moved directly to work section;

Under Manager section you can now filter by factory type for better management;

Minimum price for setting items on sale has been lifted, so you wont make a mistake and set an order without checking the price and finding it too low, too late

And let us not forget there will be double energy for the weekend.

Update: Player can set one of his friends to control his account until 15th of September during summer vacations. It is not recommended to set people you dont know as account sitters in order to prevent abuse. Game is not responsible for any abuse that your sitter makes.
We hope you have had a great vacation,
eRevollution Team

jorgesantosCaptain HarlockMilkerizlaWinston XStyle Blue3AKOBAH HA TABAHCyberDexterკომენტარები (113)




💰selling q5 houses 💰 PM😊

Good . Thanks Admin.

ΑΕΚ φορεβερ!!!

Song of the 1er régiment de Huassards Parachutistes in France https://www.erevollution.com/hu/article/13838



seems ok.


to Biskvit majstore o7



what if 13 Challenge?


💰selling q5 houses 💰 PM😊

Excuse me, for me to be part of the political side of the game and vote which I should be entitled to I must do damage in battles?
Nice work in making the game suitable for everyone and not just focused on the military aspects that obviously puts money into your pockets

You should add block option for messaging too. So you certain players would stop to send you ridiculous trade offers.

Challange accepted

Dear admins! I go on holiday from 1st to 11th of September, I think that a lot of our members will go skiing, or on shorter holidays. Why is it good to remove the Sitter option, os anything good that works? You could make some limitations, e.g: maximum 2 weeks sitting is allowed or so. Please, do not remove the Sitter option. Thank you!

Good ,thank you Admin 


http://forum.erevgame.com/index.php?topic=99.0 THIS IS WHAT WE WANT NOT STUPID EVENTS !

💰selling q5 houses 💰 PM😊

WHAT??? Excuse me, for me to take part in the political side of the game and VOTE... which I should be entitled to anyway... I must first do damage in battles?

@hrvat, its good thing... i dont see why few people are complaining about that.
Im sure it wont be mission impossible, but it will eliminate multies from political side of game.
Think of it for a bit.. do you like that politics in game are dictated by number of mulites and dark magic that some thief s , pardon, politicians are using to rig election and get things going their way?


that is much unprofessional ! ! announcing that sitter option will be possible until end of semptember and now another time. loool lot s of accountes are on sitter this current one as well and no idea when this ovner will show up



Need to fight in order to vote? Not logic!

Need to fight in order to vote? Not logical! IF these administrators are so interested in stopping multies, WHY they allow for new citizen to start a political party?? https://www.erevollution.com/en/party-members/202/1

Company upgrade event??


Where is this challenge?

yea it is accualy, since in some partys u have a lot of multi accounts!

Orgs? No?

I love your humor Admins ^^
What about Guyanna ?

No more multi - vote - machine?
Vote + support


Phantaban ahahahaha


Will the rewards be same every 10 days, or they will scale from worse to better?

V c


We need discounts, hear us roar )


the top 3 players who make the most damage also receive additional handy rewards
sorry but no,in this case,again,only the tankers will have chance to win those rewards...
make it more intresting,instead of most damage,make it with highest percentage..

New voting system maybe won t be suitable for some small countries, which might not have battles everyday. IMO, minimum level requirement is better solution. That does not prevent multies, but neither is dmg system. Those who have multi account(s) will not just work, but fight with them as well. Nothing will be really achieved with that update.
As for the rest of updates, thumb up.

Many people go on holidays on 1-15 sept admin, 2 more weeks of acc sitting won t kill anyone

I love baloon game

good o7

Under Manager section w0w

good o7

Dear God, give us company upgrade event, pls

Admins, thanks for those improvements. Really good.


Summer holidays????? WTF It s 4° celsius outside
I didn t know this game was exclusive for one hemisphere.


Pole percy 07

V o7


v o7

Admin i have registered on the very first day of the server, i don t intend to do a single damage and now you are telling me to play the game, in a way which i don t like... put some condition with strength please? like 2k or something like this....



Very strange to make players to Damage so they can vote. that can be easily circumvented.
Why not make min. XP or strength to be able to vote. That takes time and not able to create multis before the elections to vote for themselves.
Oh, and I really like the idea of not allowing players from day1 to create party.

There will be Sitter option, in summer Holidays in the southern hemisphere?


Oh and -- `Air balloon is punishment from Admin for not having balance in game` xD

I feel like making people do damage to vote is not only a waste but a stupid idea. Forcing people to play the game one way than they wish to will only make people mad and want to leave. There are many people who do not like the military module and focus on politics only and now you are forcing them to fight to participate in the one aspect of the game that they like. This won t stop multis at all, if someone can make a multi account and take the time to vote, they will take time to meet the minimum requirement, get a low strength so they have the minimum amount of scaled dmg to do and then vote anyways. Not happy with this part, rest is okay.

quiero gold mierdass!!!

Traducción de las nuevas actualizaciones en Castellano! www.erevollution.com/es/article/13883 V+S!!


Asap :p

to all this crybabies, that are crying about great update where bots wont be able to vote : ITS WAR GAME! And its NOT fair to players that spend lots of time and some even money on game, fight to the last heli in warehouse , just that some corrupt politicians get their way using bots at elections! .......... Im NOT great fighter, but i would rather see likes of TITO voting and deciding ARG future, than some multies

It would be also great idea to remove innactive members from political parties. Or at least let the president do it.

All great - apart from Air Balloon - which is the worst piece of in-game trash I think I have ever seen.
Whoever dreamed that one up needs a stern talking to!

Multies going crazy with this update! LOL

I am not a multi however I will not be fighting therefore guess I wont be voting anymore. Feel free to delete my account if your next update is must cause damage in order to work/train.

good changes... but i tried some days ago to make some calculations about the country income... http://www.youscreen.de/nbwtjqopv76.jpg what about those isues? are you working on it or are you ignoring it? for a full country income from taxes we need the gold income of the last some days (or beeing online exactly at daychange to write them down every day what is impossible for me...) a detailed tab (x amount of CC from workt tax y amount of CC from manager work tax, z amount of CC from VAT and so on) would be the best but for the next time i could live with a proper working page which is showing gold income of the last some days and which doesnt get deleted from time to time...

چی میگه من نفهمیدم

Son buenos cambios. Bienvenidos.

I do not like the part of top 3 players in damage gets a reward, it s pretty much a way of milking real money from top/rich players in order to achieve that spot. Also if the reward is going to be strength than you again fck up the rest of thousands players who will never be able to keep close with top ones. Kinda pay2win in my eyes but let s see the rewards and hope its not game breaking stuff

12 rewards - xp, q5 food, q3house q5 guns, q5 tanks, q5 heli , q3 booster, q3 life kit, q3 missiles, RPG, energy drinks and strength??
you should add monthly reward for players which made it 2/3 or 3/3 times eg 5 or 10 golds , or better rewards when u do it second time 

If a player will not have the 30% of dmg done by the day of elections, will the player be eligible to run in those elections? Considering the player cannot vote, he/she should be out of the list

15th ???

good tank s admin

