გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - სოციალური ურთიერთქმედებები და გართობა - 01 Sep 2016 04:29 - 22
Hey guys, so today I will write an article in English, sorry for my French subscribers but this is an International article.
So, the admins have implemented a new system of vote, which makes me perplex.
Do you see the little percentages ? Yeah, well you will have to make at least 30% of the Damage progress TO BE ABLE TO VOTE ! Isn t that lovely ?
30% of 59 Millions, whoah, it must be a huge player ! Yeah but not really, this player makes, like, 14k damage per hit... (70k per 5 hits (: )
In fact, I realized that the 100% of Damage progression corresponds to 4500 total hits with bare hands. (With multiple exemple, both big and lesser big players ofc (: )
Yeah, to complete the event you must make 4500 of your own damages in only 10 days. It benefits those who produce (or use regularely) weapons, it is a bit unfair, but then again, it is not a big deal ...
But every event begin every 10 days (the 1st, the 11th and the 21st) and you must deal 30% of the DMG to be ALLOWED to vote !
It represents 1350 hits with bare hands, to do in 5 days. It is impossible to hit that much with bare hands... So people who want to vote will have to buy weapons. It represents 450 TQ5, or 338 HQ5.
For now, A VOTE COSTS 20 GOLDS. YEAH, for now. You admins force us to spend 1000 HQ5 per month just to vote at all of the elections, and do you know what will happen ? Yeah, the price of weapons will rise, since the demands will not be any higher. And since everyone spends golds simply for existing politically, then they will not be used for weapon factories creation.
So, yeah, I understand that you need to regulate the elections, but come on, this limitation is just ridiculous
So, the admins have implemented a new system of vote, which makes me perplex.

Do you see the little percentages ? Yeah, well you will have to make at least 30% of the Damage progress TO BE ABLE TO VOTE ! Isn t that lovely ?
30% of 59 Millions, whoah, it must be a huge player ! Yeah but not really, this player makes, like, 14k damage per hit... (70k per 5 hits (: )
In fact, I realized that the 100% of Damage progression corresponds to 4500 total hits with bare hands. (With multiple exemple, both big and lesser big players ofc (: )
Yeah, to complete the event you must make 4500 of your own damages in only 10 days. It benefits those who produce (or use regularely) weapons, it is a bit unfair, but then again, it is not a big deal ...
But every event begin every 10 days (the 1st, the 11th and the 21st) and you must deal 30% of the DMG to be ALLOWED to vote !
It represents 1350 hits with bare hands, to do in 5 days. It is impossible to hit that much with bare hands... So people who want to vote will have to buy weapons. It represents 450 TQ5, or 338 HQ5.
For now, A VOTE COSTS 20 GOLDS. YEAH, for now. You admins force us to spend 1000 HQ5 per month just to vote at all of the elections, and do you know what will happen ? Yeah, the price of weapons will rise, since the demands will not be any higher. And since everyone spends golds simply for existing politically, then they will not be used for weapon factories creation.
So, yeah, I understand that you need to regulate the elections, but come on, this limitation is just ridiculous
AnthraXConnenNeuteThomas KillahAncestralEddieANick FoxtailsRAF904Tanishqკომენტარები (22)


The truth has been spoken


its kind of a good thing, we all know that the vote of the tankers is more important than multies and trolls, even for average player like me its easy to score 100% dmg

Not true at all
... I have to do 45M in total and my hit with bare hands is 49k 

Its not easy for me to score 100% dmg. I am an average player, I play from day one. Heres what I thought, I am not gonna waste gold. So not gonna vote.

You make 49k with 5 hits, and not with 1 hit (:

I m actually ok with this. Considering that everyone can easily make over 1k hits in 10 days, if you get some some cheap low Q tanks it shouldn t be a problem at all. You will get TP and TA gold too, so complanining about gold ain t really an excuse.

VOTED! Making ppl do insane amounts of dmg. to vote is just admin way of making us spend more gold for weapons. If new players could not vote, because they had to be certain XP, level or Strength that would be better to stop multis before elections. And players who are interested in politics but not in fighting much? There must be better solution!


Read this: Damage required is different for old players and beginners so all can achieve the rewards.

well if you dont fight with weapons, what is a point for playing this game, you dont help your country, you are just playing for your self, there is a game called SIM CITY, there is no need to fight

its not about fighting with weapons or not, it is about using weapons in a determinated time for the sole purpose of voting. First, not everyone can afford it, and second, it is a waste of ressources if there is no decisive battle between the #1 and the #5

@granikus : Tested on a begginner, the begginer got the same amount of hits needed.

I am definetly okay with making people thats doing damages to vote to prevent work bot from voting. But the amount of hits they ask us to hit is ridiculous.

pour te taquiner un peu J.Epsi: https://www.erevollution.com/fr/article/13948
tu me manque :love:

not true,I buyed weapons and making that damage will earn me money by tp and ta medals

I wish I could give this article more upvotes...

Its not true at all. If you work in state companies as the ones in Macedonia you get weapons for your work and with that weapons you fight for your country which automatically means brings you TP medal. However for you seems impossible but for many other players doesnt. If you make at least 6m dmg a day you will pass the mission. There is no need.of HQ5 to pass it. Simply buy q5 tanks, 100 for 3.5 gold and with that amout of tanks if you fight for your country you will earn 2tp medals and thats 10 gold. At the end of the day you will be in plus 6.5 gold gold gained by TP medals. o7

Not everyone has the luxury of receiving weapons for work. Not everyone has TP battles to fight for.

those who just joined the game cant vote nor can most because this was implemented so late