【Herald】Federalist Presidential Endorsement

გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 01 Sep 2016 18:22 - 10



This month Presidential season, even though it started rather... I'd probably define it as "dead", seems to have picken up a lively interest and some historical events just took place. For the first time in the history of our party, the two presidential candidates received nominations from Federalist members alike and a Country President primary was necessary in order to determine who will be the Federalist Party candidate for this coming elections.

The nominees who managed to participate in the Federalist CP Primary in order to obtain our party endorsement were:

1. Dk3dknight


2. Thomas Killah



Fed CP Primary results

This was our very first CP Primary and I do hope to see more of it in the coming months so that all of our party members have a say in who they wish to support to be President of the United States. Regardless, taking into account the number of active Feds in the game either through two-clicking or actively participating, the vote turnout was pretty low.

I do hope we can improve this turnout in the future because the vote is your way to express your opinion and voice yourself and it should be used by every party member alike regardless of whatever position you have within the party.

Getting down to business, here are the results:

Dk3dknight - 3 votes
Thomas Killah - 3 votes

You can view the screenshot of the poll present in the Fed website election page here:

If you are a Fed registered on the website already, you may consult the results here: http://fed.eusa-erev.com/elections/ - Make sure to log-in in order to access the page.

According to the Federalist Party Statute, in case of a tie in the CP Primary in which the Party President is not a contender, the tie breaker is at the Party President's discretion.

Rumours are that I asked both Thomas Killah and dk3dknight to duel for the endorsement. I will sustain those rumours, they are true. However as much entertaining as they may be and as much entertaining as it may see to watch both candidates trying to amuse me, I have made my mind already about the candidate I will endorse.

His platform may be unconventional and rather questioned by our citizens and even our party members but while this decision is up to me, I do not think it is in my right to deny a choice to the American people. Specially a choice as important as who will gain the office of the Presidency of the United States. I also believe that the values of honesty and integrity upon which Dk3dknight runs on are character values that a President hopeful should have. As such and considering that this is the right decision in order for democracy to take place, I hereby officially announce that Dk3dknight will be the Federalist Party official candidate for the upcoming presidential elections!

To Thomas Killah, all I have left is wishing him a good luck in the election. In what regards duels, I strongly advise both candidates to save their energies for the Presidential debate. ;)


You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!

Thank you and kind regards,




კომენტარები (10)

Have fun DK.
Good luck to both candidates Smile
Good Luck
I knew it before i een read the article abe had already made up his mind.
As expected. Good luck to both candidates.
Aye as expected
Democracy Biohaze. People have the right to choose and I won t be the one denying that. People will vote whichever they want as it always been in a normal election.
Smile Thanks Everyone!