გამოქვეყნების ადგილი United States of America - პოლიტიკური დებატები და ანალიზი - 07 Sep 2016 09:21 - 29

Hello eRevollution citizens,
I have been reading all sorts of articles regarding this latest update and people's different opinions, however I still haven't read an article that covers in full all the perspectives regarding this latest update.
Please take in consideration that this is the opinion of one single and ordinary player: myself. The opinion only has the worth you wish to give it depending on your own reasoning, however I believe it is utterly important that I write about this so that people understand in full what is at stake here.

So the big question here today is: Why is denying the vote a bad move in what regards the latest update?
1. First of all, you need to look at the update as a whole. If you remove the voting priviledge clause, this update would probably have been the best one admins would have came up with because it stimulates players to actually engage themselves into war, but as it currently is, while it still accomplishes this very same purpose it completely annoys the players who prefer to engage themselves purely either on the economic module or the political one. Needless to mention that the Political module works hand in hand with the Military one so this is where things get tricky.
2. The real reason why admins would propose something like this is to combat multis from voting in elections and candidates winning an election unfairly. Now please, take a moment to imagine this:
- eRevollution is a body, an organism of sorts.
- The Moderators and the Administrators are its immune system.
- Multis are the cancer.

How do you treat cancer? Usually you let the immune system fight it off if the cancer isn't too large but we all know that multis are registered every day and Mods do their best to clean them up but when the cancer is too large, harsher measures may be necessary to contain it or eliminate it. In this type of metaphor you'd say chemotherapy would be the answer to destroy the cancer or at least block its nepharious effect. This update is the chemotherapy and anyone who knows a bit of healthcare will know that chemotherapy is a double-edge blade since it screws up both what is healthy and what is unhealthy. And why do I say it is? Because while it prevents effectively multis from voting in elections, it also prevents honest players who are much less militarily active to participate in the game and in this bag i'm putting the politicians who do not fight as much as the ones who exclusively prefer to produce their goods and sell them for their own profit without actually paying that much attention to the military module.
So now that we know WHY the admins did this, we move ahead to the reasons why this is bad and I will explain them in deph.

1. Most of us here live in a context upon which in real life your political regime is a democracy. (My apologies for the ones who do have a different system, in no way I wish to offend you) In most democracies, the public political offices are decided through secret and universal lar vote. It is a right for which many people have bled in real life in many countries and it is what gives each player the right to exercise his fre to choose one or another person as his/her ruler. On eRevollution, taking in consideration that ALL countries here regardless of their RL regime are democracies, it'd be fair to ume ALL players regardless of social cl or economic possibilities should be able to vote which was the system implemented before this update came out.
2. Now that we explored a bit of the ideology part, we can move a bit more into the effects. The truth is, some players do not fight in wars for a variety of reasons: not enough time in real life; they don't like as much the military module; they prefer politics or economics or whatever else. The truth is, ANY player who plays the game honestly and following the rules SHOULD benefit in FULL of all features eRevollution HAS to OFFER. It is utterly UNFAIR that a player who was previously CP, plays the game honestly without breaking rules and is still rather active can't vote in an election just because he didn't make it to the 30% requirement. And this is just an example, I am pretty sure I will find more if I go looking. If anything else doesn't work, here's a bit of logical reasoning - Consider the following universes:
A: Multis
B: Honest players who actively do military
C: Honest players who actively do economics and nothing else
D: Honest players who actively do politics and nothing else
By putting a 30% requirement on military, you are excluding Universes A, C and D while Universe B benefits from this update.
3. A bit in accordance to what is referred in the second point, 30% of the total damage to meet the challenge DOES NOT represent a minimum of 30% activity of the player in order to vote. It simply excludes everyone else.
4. Now a bit to the effects. In order to meet this requirement, we've seen players who had:
- To spend all their saved energy bars just to participate in election
- To spend all their money just to buy the highest quality weapons on the market to boost their damage output
- To spend a lot more money just to get to what they need
This effects we'd still likely see part of them if the vote wasn't turned into a priviledge rather than a right equal to all eRevollution citizens but the truth is a lot of the people profiting from this will likely be against it which just widens the deph of difference between VISA and regular players. This because demand for the highest quality weapons has raised which has naturally raised the market price of them along many other goods since people are trying to grab as much as possible in order to meet what they need. Who profits? The sellers. Who are the sellers? Most likely the people who bought enough money to sell the top goods.
And the admins are most likely forgetting one thing here: This measure may block multis for now but the truth is that this can potentially have the inverse effect on the long run. When you push for something that can generate players to completely lose their stuff by playing honestly, these players will more likely start to look for dishonest ways to play the game just so they can participate. You may be looking at a rampant increase of multis in the long run from players who wish to get enough money to meet the minimum requirements to participate. It is as simple as that.

So, we can pretty much conclude the following premises:
1. 30% military damage is NOT equal to minimum activity since activity is defined in many ways in this game.
2. Voting should be an equal right to all citizens and not a benefit for a small cl of players.
3. This update widens the difference between VISA players and normal/regular players, making the game overall unfair.
4. This update blocks honest and non-military active players from participating in full in the political module.

Following this premises and the conclusion that this update is not good, I will quote here a few suggestions I've seen from the ongoing poll on erev forums that could probably work in alternative to this system:
1- Consideration of online time. For instance, in order to be allowed to vote, the citizen should have spend at least 30 mins in game for 20/30
days. (not in a row)
2- Increasing the requried level, STR and register date to be allowed to vote.
3- Linking telephone number to every account and asking for mobile confirmation.
4- Not being able to vote through mobile devices. (I dont know tech details, whether this can be implemented or not)
5- Putting more effort on catching multi accounts, more moderators more time.
6- Creating new event to be able to vote, an event that dont require this much gold to spend but activity instead. Like, kill 100 enemy in the battlefield. Soit will not matter whether it is with heli or not, people can accomplish that only with FF. And this should be supported with couple of missions that will make player spend a bit more time in game.
This suggestion, which I find valuable was proposed by Kinyas here: http://forum.erevgame.com/index.php?topic=109.0
Please take some time to think about it and consider all this. This also serves to the admins out there :)

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

PalmerTricky DickThomas KillahCacique ParamacayDiamond LadyTHE END for PericSST O R E T T OBlack DragonRAF904AncestralNick Foxtailsკომენტარები (29)

First denied for fairness!

Second denied!

Well explicated and very informed, I hope the admins take note!



Changed my mind on the update, didn t think that might be persons that play the game fair and square that weren t allowed to vote, great article o7

Is fr3kmen one of the admins?


I multiaccount tenevano in piedi il mio matrimonio

@Stesso XD aahhaha

Brilliant article, well explained reasons and facts....

as always, great article. Good job!

great article voted

i liked the cancer part 

for someone like me that is going for the economy module from the begining of the game i find this pretty hard as my RL job doesnt give me enough time to play i had to choose between going for the 30% with all my stash of weapons including booster and a hell of alot of EDs or to not work in my companies ...

Nepricaj gluosti, pisi hrvatski, iznajmljujem firmw pistolja q4 

Good explanation of the problem, better than my remove women voting rights article
I have no problem reach 30% because I am VISA-tank. I think we need a real discussion about it on forum. Why? Because simply 1-2 people cannot find the perfect cure for all cancer-types alone. They need to read scientific articles and other studies or what other people has to say.


I have a solution the admins should create a rule where the system stops new account which are less than 7 days old to be able to vote. Another Solution is that election should be tracked if anyone that uses multi and have the same IP address then the system should stop it and deny it. hope this solution helps

- eRevollution is a body, an organism of sorts.
- The Moderators and the Administrators are its immune system.
- Multis are the cancer.
And further, by that logic:
- to ban mutis is the cure from cancer
- damage for voting right is to cut out body parts with cancer, many good cells die

Just by reducing some requirements would be fine.


Agrees, but it does also stop lot of pto’er that the only pro I see for it.

im not multi.. and im not gona gave my telephone numer.

I miss that gap between old strong players and newcomers why I see my friends from June BB having 2.8 k strength while top players almost have 6 k.


@arith the problem with your idea is if someone votes on a public wifi or multiple people play from the same house. What if I m at school and some of my friends play to? What do I do then?

I totally agree with you cause I could not vote in the last elections. I think the new challenge is much better beause now the hits count, not the damage you do.